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1 ØƲêÜ²Î²Ü øüüàôâúàôü 2020 ²Ü ȺðºÜ ºêî 3 ÊÙµÇ Ñ³Ù³ñÁ Üëï³ñ³ÝÇ Ñ³Ù³ñÁ гñ»ÉÇ ¹ÇÙáñ¹ ÊáñÑáõñ¹»Ýù ï³éçë ³é³ç³¹ñ³ÝùÝ»ñÁ ϳï³ñ»É Áëï Ñ»ñóϳÝáõÃÛ³Ý: àõß³¹çñ ϳñ¹³ó» ù Ûáõñ³ù³ÝãÛáõñ ³é³ç³¹ñ³Ýù å³ï³ëë³ýý»ñç ³é³ç³ñÏíáÕ ï³ñµ»ñ³ïý»ñá: ºÃ» Ò»½ ãç ѳçáÕíáõÙ áñ ³é³ç³¹ñ³ÝùÇ ³ÝÙÇç³å»ë å³ï³ëë³ý»é, ųٳݳÏÁ ËݳۻÉáõ Ýå³ï³Ïáí ϳñáÕ»ù ³ÛÝ µ³ó ÃáÕÝ»É ¹ñ³Ý ³Ý¹ñ³¹³éÝ³É ³í»ÉÇ áõß: Ò»ñ ³éç ¹ñí³Í ûëï- ñùáõûïç ç»ñç ¹³ï³ñÏ Ù³ë»ñÁ ³½³ïáñ»Ý ϳñáÕ»ù û ï³ áñí»é ë ³ ñáõãû³ý ѳٳñ: »ëï- ñùáõûïá ãç ëïáõ íáõù: êïáõ íáõù ÙdzÛÝ å³ï³ëë³ýý»ñç Ó ³ÃáõÕÃÁ: ²é³ç³¹ñ³ÝùÝ»ñÁ ϳï³ñ»Éáõó Ñ»ïá ãùáé³ý³ù å³ï³ëë³ýý»ñá áõß³¹çñ ËݳÙùáí Ýᯐ å³ï³ëë³ýý»ñç Ó ³ÃÕÃáõÙ: ä³ï³ëë³ýý»ñç Ó ³ÃÕÃÇ Çßï Éñ³óáõÙÇó ϳËí³Í Ò»ñ ùýý³ï³ý ÙdzíáñÁ: سÕÃáõÙ»Ýù ѳçáÕáõÃÛáõÝ:

2 I. γñ¹³É ï»ùëïá å³ï³ëë³ý»é ѳñó»ñÇÝ` ÁÝïñ»Éáí Çßï ï³ñµ»ñ³ïá: Read the text and answer the questions choosing the right answer. Line number 1. Greek mythology will always be culturally relevant in our world. These stories concern 2. the origin and the nature of the world, the lives and activities of Gods, heroes, and 3. mythological creatures, and the origins and significance of the ancient Greeks' own cult 4. and ritual practices. Modern scholars study the myths in an attempt to shed light on the 5. religious and political institutions of ancient Greece and its civilization, and to gain 6. understanding of the nature of myth-making itself. 7. There is a great deal of Greek mythology symbolism of Greek gods in today s society. 8. Many aspects of our culture involve and began from Greek myths. The solar system is, for 9. the most part, also named after Greek gods, with the exception of Earth, all of the planets in 10. our solar system have names from Greek or Roman mythology. 11. There is also much symbolism of Greek gods and mythology in today s society. Greek 12. mythology is greatly reflected in advertising. Several examples are Nike, the goddess of 13. victory, and the very popular sports company, Nike. Another popular advertisement is for 14. the FTD flower delivery company. Their logo includes Hermes or Mercury, the messenger 15. of the gods with winged feet. 16. Apollo, the god of music, has a famous music hall in New York named after him, the 17. Apollo Theater. There is also a magazine of the arts called Daedalus. Many of the heroes in 18. Greek mythology are on a quest for truth. In today s society, humans are still looking for 19. truthful answers to their many questions. 20. Myths explain things the people are believed to not understand. Creation stories in Greek 21. mythology tell of how everything came to be, in their opinion. Many Creation stories 22. include a flood story, which leads Christians to have greater faith in the fact that it 23. occurred. 24. It is also important to study Greek mythology because it is part of history. There can be a 25. lot learnt about the Greek culture. Greek mythology will always be relevant to the people in 26. this world. Greek mythology has had an extensive influence on the culture, arts, and 27. literature of Western Civilization and remains part of Western heritage and language. Poets 28. and artists from ancient times to the present have derived inspiration from Greek mythology 29. and have discovered contemporary significance and relevance in the themes. 1 The word contemporary in line 29 can best be replaced by a) unimportant b) fashionable c) present-day d) old -fashioned 2 This text is mostly about a) Greek symbolism b) English culture c) Greek mythology d) Modern gods 2

3 3 Scientists study mythology today a) to learn about Greek civilization b) to gain some understanding of symbolism c) to explore the solar system d) to shed light on the Roman civilization 4 It is important to study Greek mythology because it is a) relevant to human behavior b) related to advertising c) not reflected in our present d) part of the world s history 5 The word quest in the text means a) escape b) retreat c) travel d) search 6 When the author mentions there can be a lot learnt he means that people should a) respect the beliefs of the Greek culture b) read and analyze the Greek culture c) imitate and behave like the Greeks d) be aware of the Greek philosophy 7 The text mentions Mercury before mentioning a) Roman b) Nike c) Starchild d) Daedalus 3

4 8 The word faith in the text refers to a) conviction b) suspicion c) disbelief d) rejection 9 The word humans is NOT synonymous to a) individuals b) people c) immortals d) persons 10 Greek mythology served as a source of inspiration for a) poets and artists b) Christians c) Hermes and Apollo d) FDC II. ÀÝïñ»É Çßï ï³ñµ»ñ³ïá: Choose the right option. Stevie Wonder (11) one of the most famous pop musicians in the world today. He was born in 1950 in Saginaw, a small city in North American state of Michigan, but at the age of four, he (12) to Detroit. He has been blind his whole life but (13) singing and playing instruments, especially the piano, at an early age. When he was only 13, he had number one record with the song Fingertips. This (14) by many hit records over the next forty years. 11 a) will be b) is c) was d) have been 12 a) has been moving b) was moving c) moved d) has moved 4

5 13 a) will begin b) began c) has begun d) is beginning 14 a) followed b) are followed c) is being followed d) was followed Noah Webster (15) from 1758 to At the time of the American Revolution, he (16) in New York State. Before the war, Webster used textbooks from England. The war, however, made it impossible for teachers to get British textbooks. To take the place of the British textbooks, Webster wrote his own textbook, The American Speller (1783). This book became enormously popular. By 1883, the Merriam publishing company (17) 70 million copies of this book. Millions of children in the United States learned how to spell and pronounce words with Webster s book. Noah Webster later (18) the first American dictionary. It contained 70,000 entries and it (19) the first dictionary to include American words as well as American spellings and pronunciations. He called it "An American Dictionary of the English Language. Webster in addition to creating a dictionary helped to create an American nation. 15 a) has been living b) has lived c) lived d) had lived 16 a) was teaching b) teaches c) had taught d) has taught 17 a) would sell b) sold c) was selling d) had sold 5

6 18 19 a) writes b) wrote c) will write d) has written a) would be b) is c) was d) has been Turner almost wished that he (20) to the radio. He went to the closet and grabbed his umbrella. He (21) silly carrying it to the bus stop on such a sunny morning when there was still no rain. Though it (22) the day before and the ground still was wet people (23) lightly and the sky was clear. Anyhow, he knew that by the afternoon everybody (24) wet because the rain was unavoidable a) were listened b) didn t listen c) hadn t listened d) listened a) would feel b) felt c) is feeling d) has been felt a) was raining b) had rained c) has been raining d) were raining a) had dressed b) were dressed c) dressed d) were dressing 6

7 24 a) had got b) got c) would get d) will get III. ÀÝïñ»É ݳ˳¹³ëáõÃÛ³Ý µáí³ý¹³ïáõãû³ýá ѳٳå³ï³ë˳ÝáÕ ï³ñµ»ñ³ïá: Choose the appropriate option. 25 Do you want to paint with a long or a short brush? I don t mind, will do. a) either b) neither c) none d) some 26 This house seems to be empty. You are right. There is hardly living in it. a) nobody b) anybody c) somebody d) no one 27 I wonder if they will include our names in the list of participants. They. I don t want to take part in the competition anymore. a) had rather not b) had better not c) would rather no d) would better not 28 I don t play tennis very well!. a) So I don t b) Nor don t I c) So don t I d) Neither do I 7

8 29 Don t press the keys, you ll break the keyboard. Don t worry, this is not the first time I ve worked on a computer. a) such hardly b) such hard c) so hard d) so hardly 30 Do you ever regret John? No, he turned out to be the best husband in the world. a) in marrying b) to marry c) marrying d) being married 31 Does he play any other musical instrument the violin? Oh, yes! He plays the piano and the flute. a) besides b) beside c) except for d) except 32 Do you like living alone? Yes, and now I for myself. a) am used to cook b) used to cook c) used to cooking d) am used to cooking 33 These are lovely flowers! And they smell, too! a) so nicely b) nice c) nicely d) in a nice way 8

9 34 Where is? Most of its territory is in Mongolia. a) the Desert Gobi b) Gobi Desert c) the Gobi Desert d) Desert of Gobi 35 John and Jack both get good grades. Nonetheless, John is of the two. a) most talented b) the more talented c) the most talent d) more talent 36 When was the first issue of the Daily Telegraph published?, a) On 29th in the June b) At June 29 c) Of June 29 d) On June When will the film start? In. a) ten-minute b) ten-minutes c) ten minute d) ten minutes 9

10 IV. ÀÝïñ»É ѳٳï»ùëïÇÝ Ñ³Ù³å³ï³ë˳ÝáÕ ËáëùÇÙ³ë³ÛÇÝ Ó Á: Fill in the blanks with the word form that best fits each space. For hundreds of years, people thought dreams were (38) messages from gods or spirits. Today, too many people can remember a time when they saw a place or person in their dream and then, later, the dream happened in (39) life. Maybe that s not (40) because we dream a lot but we (41) only remember the times when something happens in a dream and then happens for real. Most people have four to six dreams every night after the age of ten. That s as (42) as 2,000 dreams per year. So, an 80-year-old person has probably had 140,000 dreams. Maybe we forget per cent of our dreams, but that s still thousands of dreams that might come true. 38 a) meaning b) meaningless c) meant d) meaningful 39 a) reality b) unreally c) real d) really 40 a) surprises b) surprise c) surprising d) surprised 41 a) probably b) probable c) probability d) improbable 42 a) moreover b) many c) more d) much 10

11 V. ÀÝïñ»É ݳ˳¹³ëáõÃÛ³Ý µáí³ý¹³ïáõãû³ýá ѳٳå³ï³ë˳ÝáÕ ï³ñµ»ñ³ïá: Choose the right option. 43 People often don't tell the truth on market surveys;, the results obtained from them are not always accurate. a) for b) otherwise c) due to d) thus 44 I ll be able to defend you you tell me the whole truth. a) even though b) only if c) in spite d) despite 45 the type of language people use shows a lot about their education and background. a) As it is quite clear that b) Though it is rather not clear if c) It is quite clear whether d) It is quite clear that 46 School was cancelled for a day the biggest snow storm in five years. a) in fact b) because of c) as though d) only if 47 Howard Carter discovered Tutankhamon s tomb, than strange reports appeared in the newspapers. a) Hardly ever had b) Not lately c) Soon after d) No sooner had 11

12 48 Swimming is a beneficial exercise, aerobic activity and uses a number of muscle groups. a) as result of providing b) not only because it provides c) because it both provides d) for provision 49 Scientists are now beginning to conduct experiments on noise pollution can trigger different sorts of health risks. a) how b) since c) still d) unless 50 the work was physically demanding, and at times we felt really exhausted, seeing the end result was very satisfying. a) As though b) Owing to c) Even though d) No matter VI. ÀÝïñ»É Çßï áë³ï»ñåí³í ݳ˳¹³ëáõÃÛáõÝÝ»ñÁ: Choose the correctly transformed sentences Switch off your mobile phones at the lesson, the teacher said to us. The teacher told us to switch off our mobile phones at the lesson. 2. She said she would come with me as soon as she was ready. I ll come with you as soon as I am ready, she says. 3. Greg said, I am sorry to interrupt you, Mary. Greg told her that he was sorry to interrupt Mary. 4. Lily said to her sister: Don t forget to take your umbrella. Lily reminded her sister to take her umbrella. 5. I visited Mary as she was sick, said Sandy. Sandy says that she had visited Mary as she had been sick. 12

13 52 1. Jessie reminded Mary to turn off the TV. Jessie said, Mary, don t forget to turn off the TV. 2. The guide said to us: They destroyed all the masterpieces which reminded of that civilization. The guide told to us that they destroyed all the masterpieces which reminded of that civilization. 3. They are satisfied with my job. Sam said. Sam said that they were satisfied with his job. 4. Could you show me this dress, please? said Ann to the sales assistant. Ann asked the sales assistant to show her that dress. 5. Mr. Ronald asked: Where is the symposium supposed to be held tomorrow? Mr. Ronald wondered where the symposium was supposed to be held the next day Jennifer wanted to know where we were going to play football that day. Jennifer said, Where are you going to play football today? 2. Emily, when are you going to buy a new computer? I asked. I asked when Emily was going to buy a new computer. 3. I have important talks today, says the office manager. The office manager says he has important talks today. 4. Happy birthday, Roy! said Dad. Dad congratulated Roy on his birthday. 5. Samuel said, Joseph has been my best friend since early childhood. Samuel told Joseph that he had been his best friend since early childhood What about going to the cinema tomorrow? she said. She asked if they will go to the cinema the following day. 2. Jane offered to bring me some tea. Jane asked me, Would you bring me some tea? 3. I go to concerts with my friends, he says. He says that he goes to concerts with his friends. 4. Work hard if you want to succeed, the teacher said to us. The teacher warned to work hard if we want to succeed. 5. Who is your favorite singer? Nancy asked Simon. Nancy asked Simon who his favorite singer was. 13

14 55 1. Is an investigation really necessary? he said. He asked that an investigation was really necessary. 2. Don t forget to be on time, said Anthony. Anthony says me to be on time. 3. My sister told me that if I needed a bookshop she could recommend me a good one. My sister said to me, If you need a bookshop I can recommend you a good one. 4. Do you know who invented the mobile phone? Sue says to me. Sue asks me if I know who invented the mobile phone. 5. Will you join me for coffee this afternoon? Phil said to Mary. Phil invited Mary to join him for coffee that afternoon. VII. î»ùëïáõù µ³ó»ý ÃáÕÝí³Í µ³é»ñ: Èñ³óÝ»É ï»ùëïá` ï»õ³¹ñ»éáí ѳٳå³ï³ëË³Ý µ³éá (ïñí³í µ³é»ñçó»ñïáõëý ³í»Éáñ¹»Ý): Fit the missing words into the gaps of the following text (two odd variants are given). 56 We owe many of ideas about fairies to Shakespeare and stories from the 18th and 19th centuries. Although we can see the origins of fairies as far back as the Ancient Greeks, we can see similar in many cultures. Some people think these creatures were the gods of earlier religions that the nature. Later they were replaced by the Christian God and became less figures as they lost importance. 1. powerful 2.worshipped 3.prayed 4.modern 5.creatures 6.originally 7.Christian VIII. ÀÝïñ»É ù»ñ³ï³ýáñ»ý Çßï Ó ³Ï»ñåí³Í ѳñó³Ï³Ý ݳ˳¹³ëáõÃÛáõÝÝ»ñÁ: Choose the correctly formulated questions Can you tell me who has suggested his taking part in the race? 2. Nobody realized what was going on, did they? 3. What are you going to be when do you grow up? 4. Did you repair the roof yourself or it had repaired? 5. Will you be able to visit Granny tomorrow or not? Have you ever thought of starting your own business? 2. He s accepted an offer of 250,000, isn t he? 3. Could Bob have told such a terrible lie? 4. Do you remember were you at home last weekend? 5. Your friend s got a strange hobby, hasn t he? 14

15 59 1. Sam will scarcely want to take up this job, will he? 2. He has to visit his sick friend today, doesn t he? 3. Is there a website that can explain why leaves change color in the fall? 4. Do you know what does the new computer program provide? 5. Does anybody know where was first played the game of golf? The body depends on food as its primary source of energy, isn t it? 2. Do you remember what did the lecturer say about early teachers? 3. Is Cambridge University as old as the University of Oxford? 4. How long had you studied English before you took the TOEFL test? 5. When are you planning to send the memo to the staff? Do they have to announce the verdict today? 2. He had completed the work before I came, hadn t he? 3. Do you know where his brother-in-law works? 4. He d better accept their proposal, wouldn t he? 5. When do you think they will arrive in Holland? IX. Èñ³óÝ»É ï»ùëïá` ï»õ³¹ñ»éáí ѳٳå³ï³ëË³Ý Ý³Ë¹ÇñÝ»ñÁ/ٳϵ³ÛÝ»ñÁ (ïñí³í ï³ñµ»ñ³ïý»ñçó»ñïáõëý ³í»Éáñ¹»Ý): Fill in the gaps with the prepositions/adverbs given below (two of them are odd). 62 Four thousand climbers, aged between 13 and 80, have been the top of Everest. Climbing high mountains requires a lot of preparation and is very dangerous, but some of the world s best climbers are now looking new challenges. Gerlinde Kaltenbrunner from Austria fell love with climbing as a teenager. When she left school, she worked as a nurse and climbed in her free time. Starting Everest, she has been climbing all the world s fourteen peaks over 8,000 metres. To increase the challenge, Gerlinde climbs without using oxygen tanks. Low oxygen levels can make climbers ill, so Gerlinde has to climb slowly. Gerlinde is passionate Nepal and raises money for a charity for poor children and orphans there. 1. with, 2. in, 3. out, 4. to, 5. off, 6. about, 7.for 15

16 X. ÀÝïñ»É ³ÛÝ Ý³Ë³¹³ëáõÃÛáõÝÝ»ñÁ áñáնցում կա ավելորդ բառ: Choose the sentences with an odd word As soon as the doctor arrived, we felt immensely relieved because we knew that we could count on him. 2. I am not got used to wearing a hat and a scarf in winter. 3. The first rugs were made by the hand and the finest ones are still handmade. 4. Radio stations which broadcast only news first appeared in the 1970s. 5. At the beginning of May he was left for the United States They assured us that the work would have been completed by that time. 2. Everybody knows that it is no use of arguing with the Smiths about politics. 3. The political situation in the country seems to be changing day by day. 4. I am sure that Susan will be never return to her native town. 5. Though its mouth is big, but a crocodile can swallow only small animals To communicate well with another person, you not only need to be able to talk clearly, but you also need to listen actively, too. 2. Do you remember beating Boris at chess when we were in Moscow? 3. Everyone, without no exception, finds shopping stressful at times. 4. A sudden thought struck him and he suggested searching all the rooms in the house. 5. He was so tired and depressed that he felt he couldn t move any longer, so he lay on his back in the grass looking up. 1. Helium has the most lowest boiling point of all substances. 2. From year to the year life is becoming easier but more expensive. 3. The students greeted to the lecturers who entered the auditorium. 4. The policeman warned the pedestrians to take the subway. 5. In the 19th century the exploration of the Moon was been carried out by means of powerful telescopes It is common knowledge that technology makes life easier for everyone. 2. Man is a complex being: he makes deserts bloom and lakes to die. 3. His remark was so funny that I couldn t help laughing. 4. The cinema used to be the most popular form of entertainment for most people nowadays. 5. Ann s sister insisted on to staying there till the rain had stopped. 16

17 XI. îñí³í ݳ˳¹³ëáõÃÛáõÝÝ»ñÇó áñá±ýù»ý Ïñ³íáñ³Ï³Ý ë»éáí Çßï Ó ³Ï»ñåí³Í: Choose the correctly formulated Passive constructions Protestant tract writers responded to Gregory s calendar by calling him the Roman Antichrist. 2. The diploma paper was written in good English. 3. A new film about the Armenian genocide is being made at present. 4. The incident would have argued about for a long time. 5. Several houses were washed away by the flood The music to the national anthem of Armenia was written by a Lebanese - Armenian composer Barsegh Kanachyan. 2. Herostratus burnt the Temple of Artemis to make himself famous. 3. These apricot-trees will have blossomed by the end of this month. 4. No better reply could have been given in such a situation. 5. Fresh air and exercise contribute to good health Great Expectations is regarded by some critics as Dickens s most perfectly executed work of art. 2. The button has sewn on your coat by your sister. 3. He has got a complete command of his emotions. 4. How many people have subscribed for the book? 5. The Nobel Peace Prize was given to the 14th Dalai Lama (religious name: Tenzin Gyatso) in Many of Van Gogh s best works were created in 1889, in an asylum. 2. Marie Tussaud created her first wax figure (of Voltaire) in Before him lay a splendid garden, full of blossom and scent. 4. I have been misunderstood no intention to hurt you. 5. Is that big hat made of straw? Being composed in 1792, Marseillaise was officially adopted only in That five-star hotel isn t being built by our company. 3. The delegation was impressed by the places of interest in Paris. 4. The Cullinan was split and cut into 7 major stones and 96 smaller stones. 5. The first colour TV invented Hovhannes Adamyan. 17

18 XII. гٳå³ï³ë˳ݻóÝ»É µ³é»ñá ë³ñù³ýáõùý»ñá: Match the words and their definitions. 73 A) Contribution B) Introduction C) Expansion D) Conclusion 1) the end, finish or last part of something 2) a gift or payment to a common fund or collection 3) the action of becoming larger or more extensive 4) the process of becoming smaller 5) the first part of a book, etc. giving its general idea A) Violent B) Impatient C) Talkative D) Tolerant A) Careless B) Sensitive C) Reserved D) Shameful 1) using physical force to hurt, damage, or kill someone or something 2) easily annoyed because of having to wait for something long 3) fond of or given to talking 4) able to accept what other people say or do even if you don t agree with it 5) filled with great emotion 1) paying close attention to something 2) making one feel ashamed 3) not giving sufficient attention or thought to avoiding harm or errors 4) hiding one s emotions and feelings 5) able to understand other people and their feelings 76 A) Independent B) Calm C) Intelligent D) Brave 1) feeling or showing love 2) able to think, understand and learn things quickly and well 3) not excited, nervous or troubled 4) willing to do things which are difficult or dangerous 5) free from outside control 18

19 XIII. гٳå³ï³ë˳ݻóÝ»É Ý³Ë³¹³ëáõÃ۳ݻñÏáõ Ù³ë»ñÁ: Match the beginning and the end of the sentences. 77 A) Dance is an art form that gives B) Leisure time that gives peace to the stressful mind of a person C) Many people spent their leisure time engaged in several activities D) There are several countries where dancing 1) provide entertainment and knowledge at the same time. 2) that bring pleasure and peace. 3) makes an important part of celebrations and entertainment. 4) are an expression of thoughts and emotions through actions. 5) has become rare in the modern world. 6) enjoyment to the viewer and the performer. 78 A) The children will be B) Presently the detectives will be questioning the man C) They will have rebuilt the theatre building D) Susan dared not utter a word to defend herself 1) lecture at 11:30 on Tuesday. 2) which took place in the town central square on Sunday. 3) in connection with last night's robbery. 4) by the end of the coming year. 5) being well aware that she would lose her job. 6) enjoying their holidays in summer. 79 A) Visitors are advised to spend at least 2 hours at the museum B) The church of Hagia Sophia was C) When waiting to go on a ride to Disneyland you have D) It is definitely worth visiting the dome of the church and the mosaic of 1) to stand in a queue for at least 40 minutes. 2) with all the famous pictures there. 3) built in 537 AD by the Emperor Justinian I. 4) the Virgin Mary, which are both quite spectacular to see. 5) as there is a lot to see. 6) to design the tallest tower in the world. 80 A) When picking out an interesting wallpaper pattern, make sure B) Shaking his new boss s hand, C) After consulting with five contractors, D) By the time I bought the wallpaper Frances had found out 1) she decided to do the work herself. 2) how much the wallpapering job would cost. 3) that it goes well with the furniture. 4) Fred is having a lunch break. 5) Tony knew he would like working with him. 6) we need new dining-room furniture as well. 19

Web: truonghocmo.edu.vn Thầy Tuấn: BÀI TẬP LUYỆN TẬP LƯỢNG TỪ Khóa học Chinh phục kỳ thi THPT QG - Cấu tạo câu Th

Web: truonghocmo.edu.vn Thầy Tuấn:   BÀI TẬP LUYỆN TẬP LƯỢNG TỪ Khóa học Chinh phục kỳ thi THPT QG - Cấu tạo câu Th BÀI TẬP LUYỆN TẬP LƯỢNG TỪ Khóa học Chinh phục kỳ thi THPT QG - Cấu tạo câu Thầy Võ Anh Tuấn 1. I have money, enough to buy a ticket. A. a lot of B. little C. many D. a little 2. She has books, not enough

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Microsoft Word - Persevere-2 Stories.docx

Microsoft Word - Persevere-2 Stories.docx ꤙꤢ ꤏꤛꤥ ꤙꤢ ꤏꤢ ꤜꤢ ꤟꤛꤢ ꤞꤤ ꤞꤢ ꤕꤜꤢ, ꤋꤛꤢꤞꤢ ꤕꤜꤢ ꤓꤢ ꤙꤢ ꤒꤟꤢ ꤕꤝꤟꤥ ꤒꤣ ꤡꤣ Take Courage and Persevere ꤒꤟꤢ ꤟꤢ ꤙꤢ ꤚꤟꤢ ꤘꤣꤑꤢ ꤕꤟꤢ ꤐꤟꤢ ꤢ ꤔꤢ ꤞꤤ ꤊꤟꤢ ꤟꤣ ꤊꤢ ꤛꤢ ꤒꤟꤢ ꤘꤛꤢ ꤛꤢ ꤒꤢ ꤟꤢ ꤗꤢ ꤢ ꤔꤟꤤ ꤔꤛꤢ ꤡꤢ ꤘꤣ ꤞꤤ ꤕꤟꤢ ꤒꤟꤢ ꤘꤛꤢ ꤛꤢ ꤒꤢ ꤟꤢ ꤗꤢ

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Microsoft Word - menh-de-quan-he-trong-tieng-anh.docx

Microsoft Word - menh-de-quan-he-trong-tieng-anh.docx Mệnh đề quan hệ trong tiếng Anh A. Mệnh đề quan hệ trong tiếng Anh Relative Clause là mệnh đề quan hệ. Mệnh đề (Clause) là một phần của câu, nó có thể bao gồm nhiều từ hay có cấu trúc của cả một câu. Chúng

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Microsoft Word - Kindness and Mercy-2 Stories.docx

Microsoft Word - Kindness and Mercy-2 Stories.docx ꤗꤟꤢ ꤗꤟꤥ ꤗꤟꤢ ꤚꤛꤢ ꤔꤟꤤꤘꤛꤢ ꤜꤢ ꤚꤢ ꤞꤢ ꤐꤟꤢ ꤔꤟꤤꤘꤛꤢ ꤜꤢ ꤒꤣ ꤕꤚꤟꤢ ꤔꤢ ꤒꤣ ꤕꤚꤟꤢ Be Kind and Compassionate to One Another ꤒꤟꤢ ꤟꤢ ꤙꤢ ꤚꤟꤢ ꤘꤣꤑꤢ ꤕꤟꤢ ꤐꤟꤢ ꤢ ꤔꤢ ꤞꤤ ꤊꤟꤢ ꤟꤣ ꤊꤢ ꤛꤢ ꤒꤟꤢ ꤘꤛꤢ ꤛꤢ ꤒꤢ ꤟꤢ ꤗꤢ ꤢ ꤔꤟꤤ ꤔꤛꤢ ꤡꤢ ꤘꤣ ꤞꤤ ꤕꤟꤢ ꤒꤟꤢ

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Microsoft Word - bai 16 pdf

Microsoft Word - bai 16 pdf Business English Speakers Can Still Be Divided by a Common I'm Alex Villarreal with the VOA Special English Economics Report. Business is the most popular subject for international students in the United

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Giải bài tập Tiếng Anh lớp 6 mới Review 1 (Unit 1-2-3)

Giải bài tập Tiếng Anh lớp 6 mới Review 1 (Unit 1-2-3) Giải bài tập Tiếng Anh lớp 6 mới Review 1 (Unit 1-2-3) Author : Emily Giải bài tập Tiếng Anh lớp 6 mới Review 1 (Unit 1-2-3) LANGUAGE (phần 1-8 trang 36-37 SGK Tiếng Anh 8 mới - thí điểm) PRONUNCIATION(PHÁT

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Microsoft Word - so-sanh-hon-va-so-sanh-nhat-cua-tinh-tu-trong-tieng-anh.docx

Microsoft Word - so-sanh-hon-va-so-sanh-nhat-cua-tinh-tu-trong-tieng-anh.docx So sánh bằng, So sánh không bằng, So sánh hơn và so sánh nhất của tính từ trong tiếng Anh Tính từ là từ chỉ tính chất, mức độ, phạm vi, của người hoặc sự vật. Tính từ được sử dụng để bổ nghĩa cho Danh

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Microsoft Word - 16_LTXC_LocThanh.doc

Microsoft Word - 16_LTXC_LocThanh.doc Qua bức hình này, Cha sẽ quảng phát nhiều ân sủng cho các linh hồn. Đó sẽ là một vật nhắc nhở về cách yêu sách của Lòng Thương Xót Cha, bởi vì dù ai mạnh mẽ (163) đến mấy, dức tin cũng chẳng ích gì nếu

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TiengAnhB1.Com CẨM NANG LUYỆN THI CHỨNG CHỈ TIẾNG ANH B1 1 P a g e CẨM NANG LUYỆN THI CHỨNG CHỈ TIẾNG ANH B1 1 P a g e TABLE OF CONTENTS Giới thiệu tài liệu...3 Giới thiệu về website...4 Hướng dẫn làm bài thi Đọc...6 Yêu cầu của bài thi Đọc B1...6 Cấu trúc của bài thi

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BIỂU ĐẠT HÌNH THÁI DĨ THÀNH TIẾNG ANH TRONG TIẾNG VIỆT 1. Mục đích và phương pháp 1.1. Mục đích 19 ThS. Trương Thị Anh Đào Dựa trên nền tảng lý thuyết

BIỂU ĐẠT HÌNH THÁI DĨ THÀNH TIẾNG ANH TRONG TIẾNG VIỆT 1. Mục đích và phương pháp 1.1. Mục đích 19 ThS. Trương Thị Anh Đào Dựa trên nền tảng lý thuyết BIỂU ĐẠT HÌNH THÁI DĨ THÀNH TIẾNG ANH TRONG TIẾNG VIỆT 1. Mục đích và phương pháp 1.1. Mục đích 19 ThS. Trương Thị Anh Đào Dựa trên nền tảng lý thuyết về hình thái dĩ thành mà chúng tôi đã có dịp giới

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Tóm tắt ngữ pháp tiếng Anh Tổng hợp và biên soạn: Thầy Tâm - Anh Văn ( TÓM TẮT NGỮ PHÁP TIẾNG ANH Mục lục Tóm tắt

Tóm tắt ngữ pháp tiếng Anh Tổng hợp và biên soạn: Thầy Tâm - Anh Văn (  TÓM TẮT NGỮ PHÁP TIẾNG ANH Mục lục Tóm tắt TÓM TẮT NGỮ PHÁP TIẾNG ANH Mục lục Tóm tắt ngữ pháp tiếng Anh... 7 1. Cấu trúc chung của một câu trong tiếng Anh:... 7 1.1 Subject (chủ ngữ):... 7 1.2 Verb (động từ):... 7 1.3 Complement (bổ ngữ):... 8

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H_中英-01.indd 第㆓㈩㆓課 Lesson 22 ㈤百字說華語 等他回話 Waiting for Him to Call Back 一 課文 TEXT 林先生 : 喂, 我是林大, 請問王先生在嗎? Lín xiān shēng wèi wǒ shì Lín dà zhōng qǐng wèn Wáng xiān shēng zài ma Mr. Lin: Hello, this is Lin Da-zhong. Is

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Lesson 4: Over the phone (continued) Bài 4: Nói chuyện qua điện thoại (tiếp theo) Trần Hạnh và toàn Ban Tiếng Việt, Đài Úc Châu, xin thân chào quí bạn

Lesson 4: Over the phone (continued) Bài 4: Nói chuyện qua điện thoại (tiếp theo) Trần Hạnh và toàn Ban Tiếng Việt, Đài Úc Châu, xin thân chào quí bạn Lesson 4: Over the phone (continued) Bài 4: Nói chuyện qua điện thoại (tiếp theo) Trần Hạnh và toàn Ban Tiếng Việt, Đài Úc Châu, xin thân chào quí bạn. Mời quí bạn theo dõi loạt bài Tiếng Anh Thương mại

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Microsoft Word - Interchange 1 - Unit 7 Review.docx

Microsoft Word - Interchange 1 - Unit 7 Review.docx Interchange 1 UNIT 7 WE HAD A GREAT TIME! 1. SNAPSHOT Leisure activities What leisure activities do you do in your free time? - Khi tôi có thời gian rảnh, tôi thường xem phim hoặc nghe nhạc online. Thỉnh

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Lesson 10: Talking business (continued) Bài 10: Bàn chuyện kinh doanh (tiếp tục) Trần Hạnh và toàn Ban Tiếng Việt Đài Úc Châu xin thân chào bạn. Mời b

Lesson 10: Talking business (continued) Bài 10: Bàn chuyện kinh doanh (tiếp tục) Trần Hạnh và toàn Ban Tiếng Việt Đài Úc Châu xin thân chào bạn. Mời b Lesson 10: Talking business (continued) Bài 10: Bàn chuyện kinh doanh (tiếp tục) Trần Hạnh và toàn Ban Tiếng Việt Đài Úc Châu xin thân chào bạn. Mời bạn theo dõi loạt bài Tiếng Anh Thương mại do Sở Giáo

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MD Paper-Based Test ELA Vietnamese Script for Administrating PARCC TAM

MD Paper-Based Test ELA Vietnamese Script for Administrating PARCC TAM 4.10 Script for Administrating Mathematics and English Language Arts/Literacy (ELA/L) The administration script under Section 4.10.1 will be used for all units of the Mathematics Test. Refer to Section

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Using a Walker - Vietnamese

Using a Walker - Vietnamese Sử Dụng Khung Đi Bộ Using a Walker Walking with a walker 1. Lift the walker and place it at a comfortable distance in front of you with all four of its legs on the floor. This distance is often equal to

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copy Vietnamese by Khoa Dang Nguyen

copy Vietnamese by Khoa Dang Nguyen by Nick Nguyen pg 1 Hello, I m Sir Frettrick! Xin chào, tôi là Sir Frettrick! I m a Lion Bear with very funny hair. Tôi là sư tư lai gấu có mái tóc rất buồn cười. I m just different. I like being a lion.

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Mass Appeal

Mass Appeal Thánh Lễ Mời Gọi Sư quan tro ng cu a tha nh lê Lể thức - Nguyên nhân và Hội nghị Thượng đỉnh Lể thức là hội nghị thượng đỉnh đối với sinh ho at cu a Gia o Hội là chỉ đạo, đồng thời là nguồn mạch mà từ

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H_中英-01.indd 第㈩㆕課 Lesson 14 ㈤百字說華語 隨你的方便 As You Please 一 課文 TEXT : 昨 商量了 課的時間 zuó tiān shāng liáng le shàng kè de shí jiān Yesterday, we talked about when to have class. : 是啊! 還沒商量 課的 方 shì a hái méi shāng liáng shàng

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UW MEDICINE PATIENT EDUCATION Crutch Walking vietnamese Đi Bằng Nạng Hướng dẫn từng bước và những lời khuyên về an toàn Tài liệu này hướng dẫn cách sử

UW MEDICINE PATIENT EDUCATION Crutch Walking vietnamese Đi Bằng Nạng Hướng dẫn từng bước và những lời khuyên về an toàn Tài liệu này hướng dẫn cách sử UW MEDICINE PATIENT EDUCATION Crutch Walking vietnamese Đi Bằng Nạng Hướng dẫn từng bước và những lời khuyên về an toàn Tài liệu này hướng dẫn cách sử dụng nạng an toàn để giúp quý vị phục hồi và lành

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Microsoft Word - EFT_lesson 2.doc

Microsoft Word - EFT_lesson 2.doc 1 Bài 2: Nhận Giữ Phòng Qua Điện Thoại (tiếp theo): nghe và nói số Transcript Quỳnh Liên và toàn Ban Tiếng Việt, Đài Úc Châu xin thân chào quí bạn. Các bạn đang theo dõi Bài Học 2 trong loạt bài Tiếng

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Top 30 Chinese Phrases for Daily Activities 常见的 30 个日常活动短语 Phrases qǐ chuáng 1. 起床 [HSK 2] get up Wǒ měi tiān qī diǎn qǐ chuáng. 我每天七点起床 I get up at 7

Top 30 Chinese Phrases for Daily Activities 常见的 30 个日常活动短语 Phrases qǐ chuáng 1. 起床 [HSK 2] get up Wǒ měi tiān qī diǎn qǐ chuáng. 我每天七点起床 I get up at 7 Top 30 Chinese Phrases for Daily Activities 常见的 30 个日常活动短语 Phrases qǐ chuáng 1. 起床 [HSK 2] get up Wǒ měi tiān qī diǎn qǐ chuáng. 我每天七点起床 I get up at 7 o'clock every day. chī fàn 2. 吃饭 [HSK 1] have a meal

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Screen Test (Placement)

Screen Test (Placement) Summer 2005 Midterm Exam Grade 5 -- Test (Student's Copy) The purpose of this mid-term exam is for the school to understand how well and how much the material is being used by students and teachers. Having

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HỌC VIỆN NGHIÊN CỨU VÀ ĐÀO TẠO ĐÁNH VẦN TIẾNG ANH Page 1 PHƯƠNG PHÁP TĂNG CƯỜNG PHẢN XẠ VÀ TƯ DUY TIẾNG ANH ĐỂ NÓI BẤT KỲ ĐIỀU GÌ BẠN MUỐN Tài liệu nà Page 1 PHƯƠNG PHÁP TĂNG CƯỜNG PHẢN XẠ VÀ TƯ DUY TIẾNG ANH ĐỂ NÓI BẤT KỲ ĐIỀU GÌ BẠN MUỐN Tài liệu này do Học viện nghiên cứu và Đào tạo Đánh vần tiếng Anh biên soạn. Mọi sự trích dẫn, chia sẻ đều phải

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Microsoft Word - Interchange 2 - Unit 1.docx

Microsoft Word - Interchange 2 - Unit 1.docx Interchange 2 UNIT 1 A TIME TO REMEMBER 1. SNAPSHOT Do you think Ted and Ana could be friend? - Có. Bởi vì họ sống trong cùng một thành phố nên họ sẽ có nhiều cơ hội gặp gỡ. Is social networking (mạng

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NMPED 2019 Spring ADMINISTRATOR Manual 4.10 Script for Administrating Grade 3 and English Language Arts (ELA) The administration script under Section 4.10.1 will be used for all units of the Grade 3 Test. Refer to Section 4.10.2 for the administration

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FAQs Những câu hỏi thường gặp 1. What is the Spend Based Rewards program for Visa Vietnam? The Spend Based Rewards program for Visa Vietnam is a servi

FAQs Những câu hỏi thường gặp 1. What is the Spend Based Rewards program for Visa Vietnam? The Spend Based Rewards program for Visa Vietnam is a servi FAQs Những câu hỏi thường gặp 1. What is the Spend Based Rewards program for Visa Vietnam? The Spend Based Rewards program for Visa Vietnam is a service that offers a complimentary airport lounge visit

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Người dẫn chuyện 1: Welcome to 4B s class assembly. Người dẫn chuyện 2: In Term 2, we learned how to write stories which raised dilemmas. The story yo

Người dẫn chuyện 1: Welcome to 4B s class assembly. Người dẫn chuyện 2: In Term 2, we learned how to write stories which raised dilemmas. The story yo Người dẫn chuyện 1: Welcome to 4B s class assembly. Người dẫn chuyện 2: In Term 2, we learned how to write stories which raised dilemmas. The story you are told today in this assembly is based on the story

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! LỊCH HỌC CỦA TRẺ 3-4 TUỔI/ DAILY SCHEDULE FOR PRESCHOOL 1 September Tuần 1 / Week 1 Bài học: Trường em Ngày: 5/9 9/9 Unit: My school Date: Sep 5-9 T

! LỊCH HỌC CỦA TRẺ 3-4 TUỔI/ DAILY SCHEDULE FOR PRESCHOOL 1 September Tuần 1 / Week 1 Bài học: Trường em Ngày: 5/9 9/9 Unit: My school Date: Sep 5-9 T LỊCH HỌC CỦA TRẺ 3-4 TUỔI/ DAILY SCHEDULE FOR PRESCHOOL 1 September Tuần 1 / Week 1 Bài học: Trường em Ngày: 5/9 9/9 Unit: My school Date: Sep 5-9 + Thảo luận các quy định lớp học + Giới thiệu các bé với

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Microsoft Word - FinalExamGrade5Teachers.doc

Microsoft Word - FinalExamGrade5Teachers.doc Final Exam Grade 5 Summer 2005 The purpose of this final exam is for the school to understand how well and how much the material is being used by students and teachers. Having this information will be

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CẢM NGHIỆM SỐNG LỜI CHÚA - THƯ NĂM CN4MC-C - Thứ Năm 4-4-19 CẢM NGHIỆM SỐNG: Tin Mừng theo Thánh Gioan. (5, 31-47) Khi ấy, Chúa Giêsu nói với dân Do-thái rằng: "Nếu chính Ta làm chứng về Mình, thì chứng của Ta sẽ không xác thực. Có một Ðấng khác

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Cậu bé Magozwe

Cậu bé Magozwe Cậu bé Magozwe Magozwe Lesley Koyi Wiehan de Jager Phuong Nguyen Vietnamese / English Level 5 Có một nhóm những bé trai vô gia cư sống trong thành phố Naiobi bận rộn, cách xa sự quan tâm của gia đình.

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Về khả năng của sẽ trong vai trò đánh dấu thời tương lai tiếng Việt Về khả năng của sẽ trong vai trò đánh dấu thời tương lai tiếng Việt Bởi: Trần Kim

Về khả năng của sẽ trong vai trò đánh dấu thời tương lai tiếng Việt Về khả năng của sẽ trong vai trò đánh dấu thời tương lai tiếng Việt Bởi: Trần Kim Về khả năng của sẽ trong vai trò đánh dấu thời tương lai tiếng Việt Bởi: Trần Kim Phượng Bài viết gửi Tạp chí Ngôn ngữ Kim Phượng Đặt vấn đề Để phủ định sự tồn tại của phạm trù thời và khả năng của phó

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Khóa NPNC (Pro S 2017) GV: Nguyễn Quỳnh Trang Facebook: lopcoquynhtrang ERROR IDENTIFICATION EXERCISES (BÀI TẬP: TÌM LỖI SAI) VIDEO và LỜI GIẢI CHI TI


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2018 Vietnamese FL Written examination

2018 Vietnamese FL Written examination Victorian Certificate of Education 2018 SUPERVISOR TO ATTACH PROCESSING LABEL HERE Letter STUDENT NUMBER Vietnamese FIRST LANGUAGE Written examination Tuesday 20 November 2018 Reading time: 11.45 am to

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UBND TỈNH ĐỒNG THÁP SỞ GIÁO DỤC VÀ ĐÀO TẠO Số: 1284/SGDĐT-GDTrH-TX&CN V/v hướng dẫn tổ chức dạy học bộ môn tiếng Anh cấp trung học năm học C

UBND TỈNH ĐỒNG THÁP SỞ GIÁO DỤC VÀ ĐÀO TẠO Số: 1284/SGDĐT-GDTrH-TX&CN V/v hướng dẫn tổ chức dạy học bộ môn tiếng Anh cấp trung học năm học C UBND TỈNH ĐỒNG THÁP SỞ GIÁO DỤC VÀ ĐÀO TẠO Số: 1284/SGDĐT-GDTrH-TX&CN V/v hướng dẫn tổ chức dạy học bộ môn tiếng Anh cấp trung học năm học 2017-2018 CỘNG HÒA XÃ HỘI CHỦ NGHĨA VIỆT NAM Độc lập Tự do Hạnh

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H_中英-01.indd 第㈩㈥課 到那裡去買? Lesson 16 Where Can We Buy Them? 一 課文 TEXT : 我們應該準備㆒些畫具 wǒ men yīng gāi zhǔn bèi yì xiē huà jù We should prepare some painting equipment. : 紙 墨 硯都已經 了 zhǐ mò yàn dōu yǐ jīng yǒu le We have

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Con Nai Hiền The Compassionate Deer Mục Đích của Bài Học Sau khi học bài này, chúng ta sẽ: Lesson Objectives After studying this lesson, one should: H

Con Nai Hiền The Compassionate Deer Mục Đích của Bài Học Sau khi học bài này, chúng ta sẽ: Lesson Objectives After studying this lesson, one should: H Mục Đích của Bài Học Sau khi học bài này, chúng ta sẽ: Lesson Objectives After studying this lesson, one should: Hiểu sự quan trọng của lòng biết ơn. Understand the importance of having gratitude Thực

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Blood pool and Hemangioma - Khoang chứa máu và U máu gan Hoàng Văn Trung Normally when we look at lesions filling with contrast, the density of these

Blood pool and Hemangioma - Khoang chứa máu và U máu gan Hoàng Văn Trung Normally when we look at lesions filling with contrast, the density of these Blood pool and Hemangioma - Khoang chứa máu và U máu gan Hoàng Văn Trung Normally when we look at lesions filling with contrast, the density of these lesions is always compared to the density of the liver

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FourthSpellListT110 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. _ among ÄÖùÉüéûÅóÏ _ being edge against between center beside Weekly Spelling forward backward throughout onto beneath attached located location List

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Microsoft Word - GAMUDA - Unit 11 - Class notes.docx

Microsoft Word - GAMUDA - Unit 11 - Class notes.docx UNIT 11 IT S A VERY EXCITING PLACE WED, Feb 27 th 2019 CONVERSATION 2A (CD3 Track 1) Eric: Vậy bạn đến từ đâu, Carmen? Carmen: Tôi đến từ San Juan, Puerto Rico. Eric: Wow, tôi nghe nói đó là môtj thành

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7 Drinks to Clean Your Kidneys Naturally 7 thức uống làm sạch thận của bạn một cách tự nhiên (II) (continuing) (tiếp theo) 4 Stinging Nettle Cây tầm m

7 Drinks to Clean Your Kidneys Naturally 7 thức uống làm sạch thận của bạn một cách tự nhiên (II) (continuing) (tiếp theo) 4 Stinging Nettle Cây tầm m 7 Drinks to Clean Your Kidneys Naturally 7 thức uống làm sạch thận của bạn một cách tự nhiên (II) (continuing) (tiếp theo) 4 Stinging Nettle Cây tầm ma Stinging nettle is a plant with a long history of

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Gút - Knots I. Mở Ðầu - Introduction Môn gút chiếm một ví trí khá quan trọng trong chương trình hoạt động thanh niên của Gia Ðình Phật Tử. Gút có thể

Gút - Knots I. Mở Ðầu - Introduction Môn gút chiếm một ví trí khá quan trọng trong chương trình hoạt động thanh niên của Gia Ðình Phật Tử. Gút có thể Gút - Knots I. Mở Ðầu - Introduction Môn gút chiếm một ví trí khá quan trọng trong chương trình hoạt động thanh niên của Gia Ðình Phật Tử. Gút có thể cứu hay giết chết người nếu ta xử dụng không đúng chỗ,

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(Microsoft Word \320? TH? MINH TH?O _thu binh__T\320_.doc)

(Microsoft Word \320? TH? MINH TH?O _thu binh__T\320_.doc) Tạp chí Khoa học ĐHQGHN, Khoa học Xã hội và Nhân văn, Tập 30, Số 1 (2014) 43-53 Phương pháp của Các Mác trong việc phát hiện bản chất của cái đẹp Đỗ Thị Minh Thảo* Trường Đại học Khoa học Xã hội và Nhân

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VAOHP Vietnamese American Oral History Project, UC Irvine Narrator: THIEU KHAC LUU Interviewer: An Khanh Luu Date: May 26, 2014 Location: Linda

VAOHP Vietnamese American Oral History Project, UC Irvine Narrator: THIEU KHAC LUU Interviewer: An Khanh Luu Date: May 26, 2014 Location: Linda Vietnamese American Oral History Project, UC Irvine Narrator: THIEU KHAC LUU Interviewer: An Khanh Luu Date: May 26, 2014 Location: Linda Vista, California Sub-collection: Vietnamese American Experience

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Kiểm tra từ vựng thường xuyên để nâng cao hiệu quả học tập môn Tiếng Anh lớp 8 tại trường THCS Bình An, thị xã Dĩ An MỤC LỤC I. TÓM TẮT II. GIỚI THIỆU


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Manicurist SPF-ICOC-VIET

Manicurist SPF-ICOC-VIET THÔNG TIN HOẠT ĐỘNG TRƯỜNG NIÊN KHÓA 2015 & 2016 Kĩ thuật chăm sóc móng- 400 giờ Tỷ lệ thời gian hoàn thành (mức ) (Bao gồm các dữ liệu trong hai năm trước khi báo cáo) đầu vào Học sinh đủ điều kiện Tỷ

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Microsoft Word - Interchange 1 - Unit 10 Review.docx

Microsoft Word - Interchange 1 - Unit 10 Review.docx Interchange 1 UNIT 10 HAVE YOU EVER RIDDEN A CAMEL? 1. SNAPSHOT Leisure activities Which activities have you done? - Tôi chưa từng làm bất cứ hoạt động nào ở trên bởi vì tôi chưa từng đến New Orleans.

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Câu Chuyện Lớn Kinh Thánh I. Đức Chúa Trời tạo nên thế giới tốt đẹp 1. Ban đầu, trước tất cả mọi điều, trước cả thời gian thì có Thượng Đế. 2. Thượng

Câu Chuyện Lớn Kinh Thánh I. Đức Chúa Trời tạo nên thế giới tốt đẹp 1. Ban đầu, trước tất cả mọi điều, trước cả thời gian thì có Thượng Đế. 2. Thượng I. Đức Chúa Trời tạo nên thế giới tốt đẹp 1. Ban đầu, trước tất cả mọi điều, trước cả thời gian thì có Thượng Đế. 2. Thượng Đế là Đức Chúa Trời. 3. Đức Chúa Trời đã tạo nên mọi điều ở trong thế giới này:

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Bí quyết học tiếng Anh để nói tự nhiên nhất

Bí quyết học tiếng Anh để nói tự nhiên nhất Bí quyết học tiếng Anh để nói tự nhiên nhất Bí quyết học tiếng Anh để nói tự nhiên nhất Có một thực tế đáng buồn là rất nhiều bạn sau nhiều năm học tiếng Anh vẫn không đủ tự tin và năng lực để giao tiếp

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TỔNG GIÁO PHẬN SEATTLE GIÁO XỨ CÁC THÁNH TỬ ĐẠO VIỆT NAM Vietnamese Martyrs Parish of The Archdiocese of Seattle 6841 S. 180 th St, Tukwila, WA

TỔNG GIÁO PHẬN SEATTLE GIÁO XỨ CÁC THÁNH TỬ ĐẠO VIỆT NAM Vietnamese Martyrs Parish of The Archdiocese of Seattle 6841 S. 180 th St, Tukwila, WA TỔNG GIÁO PHẬN SEATTLE GIÁO XỨ CÁC THÁNH TỬ ĐẠO VIỆT NAM Vietnamese Martyrs Parish of The Archdiocese of Seattle 6841 S. 180 th St, Tukwila, WA 98188 Website: www.vmpwa.org Chúa Nhật Lễ Chúa Ba Ngôi Năm

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Slide 1

Slide 1 Chúa Nhật Thứ 3 Mùa Chay Chúa nhật 24 tháng 03 năm 2019 Kinh Cầu Bình An Lạy Thiên Chúa ngàn trùng chí thánh, Cha đã ban bình an bởi trời qua Chúa Giêsu. Tại Fatima, Trinh nữ Maria đã hiện ra, kêu gọi

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The Amber Fort and Ranthambore National Park Như Nguyệt Sáng hôm sau, mọi người họp nhau để Chris briefing về nguyên chuyến đi chơi. Cái ông hôm qua b

The Amber Fort and Ranthambore National Park Như Nguyệt Sáng hôm sau, mọi người họp nhau để Chris briefing về nguyên chuyến đi chơi. Cái ông hôm qua b The Amber Fort and Ranthambore National Park Như Nguyệt Sáng hôm sau, mọi người họp nhau để Chris briefing về nguyên chuyến đi chơi. Cái ông hôm qua bắt chuyện với N, hôm nay lại ngồi cạnh N. Ổng touch

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Bringing the key message of Because I Love Danang, Manulife Danang International Marathon 2018 aims to introduce the image of a friendly and active Da

Bringing the key message of Because I Love Danang, Manulife Danang International Marathon 2018 aims to introduce the image of a friendly and active Da Bringing the key message of Because I Love Danang, Manulife Danang International Marathon 2018 aims to introduce the image of a friendly and active Danang to people from all over the world. The Because

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TIÕP CËN HÖ THèNG TRONG Tæ CHøC L•NH THæ Tạp chí Khoa học ĐHQGHN, Luật học 26 (2010) 200-205 Ti nh kha ch quan cu a vai tro chińh phu trong quy triǹh lâ p pha p Trâ n Quô c Biǹh ** Đại học Quốc gia Hà Nội, 144 Xuân Thủy, Cầu Giấy, Hà Nội, Việt

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Microsoft Word - text nw package.doc

Microsoft Word - text nw package.doc Lesson 6 di4 liu4 ke4 1. New Words 2. Text 3. Grammar Notes For accompanying written and listening exercises, visit Chinese 1 class website at The following link: http://south.mpls.k12.mn.us/chinese_1.html

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ØƲêÜ²Î²Ü øüüàôâúàôü 2016 ²Ü ȺðºÜ ºêî 8 ÊÙµÇ Ñ³Ù³ñÁ Üëï³ñ³ÝÇ Ñ³Ù³ñÁ гñ»ÉÇ ¹ÇÙáñ¹ ÊáñÑáõñ¹»Ýù ï³éçë ³é³ç³¹ñ³ÝùÝ»ñÁ ϳï³ñ»É Áëï Ñ»ñóϳÝáõÃÛ³Ý: àõß³¹

ØƲêÜ²Î²Ü øüüàôâúàôü 2016 ²Ü ȺðºÜ ºêî 8 ÊÙµÇ Ñ³Ù³ñÁ Üëï³ñ³ÝÇ Ñ³Ù³ñÁ гñ»ÉÇ ¹ÇÙáñ¹ ÊáñÑáõñ¹»Ýù ï³éçë ³é³ç³¹ñ³ÝùÝ»ñÁ ϳï³ñ»É Áëï Ñ»ñóϳÝáõÃÛ³Ý: àõß³¹ ØƲêÜ²Î²Ü øüüàôâúàôü 2016 ²Ü ȺðºÜ ºêî 8 ÊÙµÇ Ñ³Ù³ñÁ Üëï³ñ³ÝÇ Ñ³Ù³ñÁ гñ»ÉÇ ¹ÇÙáñ¹ ÊáñÑáõñ¹»Ýù ï³éçë ³é³ç³¹ñ³ÝùÝ»ñÁ ϳï³ñ»É Áëï Ñ»ñóϳÝáõÃÛ³Ý: àõß³¹çñ ϳñ¹³ó» ù Ûáõñ³ù³ÝãÛáõñ ³é³ç³¹ñ³ÝùÇ å³ñ³ýçá å³ï³ëë³ýý»ñç

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Photographing, Filming and Recording students at Abbotsford Primary School Annual Consent Form and Collection Notice During the school year there are

Photographing, Filming and Recording students at Abbotsford Primary School Annual Consent Form and Collection Notice During the school year there are Photographing, Filming and Recording students at Abbotsford Primary School Annual Consent Form and Collection Notice During the school year there are many occasions and events where staff may photograph,

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