Company s Profile 2 Vision & Mission 3 Messages 4 Gas Transmission Network 15 Notice of Annual General Meeting 16 Chairman of the Board of Directors 1

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2 Company s Profile 2 Vision & Mission 3 Messages 4 Gas Transmission Network 15 Notice of Annual General Meeting 16 Chairman of the Board of Directors 17 Shareholders 18 Managing Directors 19 Directors' Profile 20 Director's Report 25 Auditors' Report 75 Statement of Financial Position 77 Profit & Loss Statement 78 Statement of Changes in equity, Cash flow 79 statement and Notes to financial statements for the year ended 30 th June 2017 Accounting Ratios 120 Graphical Presentation of Assets,Capital and liabilities, 121 Revenue, sales and profit, deposit to national exchequer and account receivable Auditor, Corresponding Bank & Registered office 123 Publication Committee 124

3 company s profile Registered Name Company s Registration Gas Transmission Company Limited (GTCL) C-25142(976)/93 14 December 1993 Commencement of Business 31 July 1994 Registered Office Supervisory Organization Administrative Ministry Plot No. : F-18/A, Sher-e-Bangla Nagar Administrative Area, Agargaon, Dhaka Bangladesh Oil, Gas & Mineral Corporation (Petrobangla) Energy and Mineral Resources Division Ministry of Power, Energy & Mineral Resources Contact Tel: Web: FB: Company Status Public Limited Company Commencement of First Gas Transmission 01 March 1994 Authorized Capital Paid up Capital Total Number of Shares Total Volume of Gas Transmission Allotment of Shares Revenue paid to the Government Net profit before Tax Net profit after Tax Revenue Earning Sources Present Manpower Tk Crore Tk Crore Tk Lac 21, MMSCM Tk Lac Tk Crore Tk Crore Tk Crore Transmission Charge Total 549 (Officer-411, Staff-138) 2 Annual Report

4 Vision To gradually create the national gas grid for the uninterrupted transportation of natural gas in a safe, reliable and economical way to the demand centers for ultimate distribution of the same by the marketing companies. To continuously study the availability and demand of natural gas for meeting the primary energy need in the country; establish and operate required gas transportation facilities in a sound and efficient manner; build-up human resources; develop planning, design and operational standards consistent with world gas industry practice and manage corporate and financial operations for sustained development of the company. Mission Annual Report


6 W. ZŠwdK-B-Bjvnx PŠayix, exi weµg gvbbxq cöavbgš xi we`ÿ r, R vjvwb I LwbR m ú` welqk Dc `óv evyx M vm UªvÝwgkb Kv úvbx wjwg UW (wrwuwmgj) Gi 24Zg evwl K mvaviy mfv Dcj ÿ A_ eq ii Avq-e q, ev Íevqbvaxb wewfbœ Dbœqb cök íi AwR Z AMÖMwZ I fwel r cwikíbvi Dci wfwë K i evwl K cöwz e`b cökvwkz n Q R b Avwg Avbw `Z evwl K cöwz e` b Kv úvwbi mgvß A_ eq ii hvezxq Kg Kv Ûi cöwzdjb NU e e j Avwg Avkv Kwi evsjv ` ki A_ bwzk mg w I Av_ mvgvwrk Dbœq b cövk wzk M v mi Ae`vb Acwimxg ` ki cövq wmsnfvm evwywr K R vjvwbi Pvwn`v guv bv nq cövk wzk M vm Øviv ` ki we` gvb I fwel r M vm Pvwn`vi m ½ m½wz i L cövk wzk M mi AbymÜvb, Drcv`b, mâvjb I weziy Kvh µg Rvi`viKiY-eZ gvb mikv ii GKwU Ab Zg A½xKvi G A½xKvi ev Íevq b RvZxq M vm wmöw wewbg vymn Gi myôz I mywbqwš Z c wz Z cwipvj bi gva g ` ki R vjvwb wbivcëv wbwðzk í wrwuwmgj wemz 24 eqi hver iæz c~y Ae`vb i L P j Q AZx Zi b vq fwel ZI wrwuwmgj ` ki R vjvwb Lv Z Kvh Ki f wgkv ivl e Ges mikv ii mywpz A_ bwzk Dbœq bi MwZaviv K GwM q wb Z mÿg n e e j Avwg wek vm Kwi wrwuwmgj MwVZ niqvi ci _ K G hvez 20wU M vm mâvjb cvbcjvbb wbg vy cökí ev Íevqb K i Q I ez gv b 10wU Dbœqb cökí Pjgvb i q Q Ges A`yi fwel Z 06 (Qq)wU cökí ev Íevqb Kiv n e `ÿ e e vcbv Ges Kg KZ v I Kg PvixM Yi AvšÍwiK I wbijm cö Póvq wrwuwmgj Zvi AZxZ HwZn K mgybœz i L Pjgvb mkj cökí h_vmg q ev Íevq bi gva g ` ki Av_ -mvgvwrk Dbœq b Abb f wgkv cvjb Ki Z mÿg n e e j Avwg ` pfv e Avkvev`x Avwg wrwuwmgj-gi me v½xy mvdj I fwel r mg w Kvgbv KiwQ Ges GKB mv _ Kv úvwbi 24Zg evwl K mvaviy mfvi mdjzv Kvgbv KiwQ Rqevsjv, Rq e½eüz evsjv `k wpirxex nvk W. ZŠwdK-B-Bjvnx PŠayix, exi weµg Annual Report


8 bmiæj nvwg` Ggwc cöwzgš x we`ÿ r, R vjvwb I LwbR m ú` gš Yvjq MYcÖRvZš x evsjv `k mikvi evyx M vm UªvÝwgkb Kv úvbx wjwg UW (wrwuwmgj)-gi 24Zg evwl K mvaviy mfv AbywôZ n Q R b Avwg Avbw `Z A_ eq ii Kv úvwbi mvwe K Kg Kv Ûi Dci evwl K cöwz e`b cökv ki D ` vm K Avwg ^vmz RvbvB Gi mv _ mswkøó mk ji cöwz ibj Avgvi ï f Qv I Awfb `b R vjvwb mkj Dbœq bi PvwjKvkw³ welqwu we epbvq i LB mikvi M vm AbymÜvb, Drcv`b, mâvjb e e vi Dbœqb I m úªmviy Kvh µg Rvi`vi K i Q cvkvcvwk mikvi `wkq cövk wzk M v mi mieivn ervq i L Ges e vck Pvwn`v gvkv ejvq wekí R vjvwb wn m e we `k _ K GjGbwR Avg`vwbi D ` vm MÖnY K i Q K evrv ii g nklvjx Z GjGbwR wfwëk 2wU fvmgvb GjGbwR Uvwg bvj, g nklvjx-av bvqviv M vm mâvjb cvbcjvbb wbgv Y cök íi KvR B Zvg a m úbœ Kiv n q Q GQvov, g nklvjx Ges cuzqvlvjx Rjvi cvqiv mgỳ ª e ` ii mwbœk U mikvwi, emikvwi I we `kx cöwzôv bi gva g Av iv GKvwaK fvmgvb/ jwfwëk GjGbwR Uvwg bvj wbgv Yi cwikíbv i q Q ez gv b wrwuwmgj Gi AvIZvaxb 1560 wk jvwguvi mâvjb cvbcjvb bi gva g `wbk cövq 21, GgGgGmwmGg M vm wewfbœ weziy Kv úvwb Z mâvjb Kiv n Q Avwg Avkv Kwi, Kv úvwbi mkj Í Í ii Kg KZ v-kg PvixMY wbôvi mv _ `vwqz cvjb K i A_ bwzk Dbœq b iæz c~y Ae`vb ivl e Avwg M vm UªvÝwgkb Kv úvbx wjwg UW (wrwuwmgj)-gi 24Zg evwl K mvaviy mfvi mvdj Kvgbv KiwQ Rq evsjv, Rq e½eüz evsjv `k wpirxex nvk bmiæj nvwg`, Ggwc Annual Report


10 evyx bvwrgdwïb PŠayix mwpe R vjvwb I LwbR m ú` wefvm we`ÿ r, R vjvwb I LwbR m ú` gš Yvjq MYcÖRvZš x evsjv `k mikvi evsjv `k Zj, M vm I LwbR m ú` Ki cv ikb ( c Uªvevsjv)-Gi Ab Zg cöwzôvb ÔM vm UªvÝwgkb Kv úvbx wjwg UW (wrwuwmgj)õ-gi 24Zg evwl K mvaviy mfv Dcj ÿ A_ eq ii evwl K cöwz e`b cökvwkz n Q R b Avwg Avbw `Z Avwg ` pfv e wek vm Kwi G cökvkbvi gva g A_ eq i m úvw`z Kv úvwbi Dbœqbg~jK Kg KvÛ Ges A_ bwzk Kvh vejxi mgwš^z Z_ cöwzfvz n e cövk wzk M vm myôy I wbiew Qbœfv e mâvjb, Pvwn`v I mieiv ni g a fvimvg ervq i L wecyb Kv úvwbmg~ ni wbku cšu Q `qv Ges wbivc` M vm mâvjb e e v M o Zvjvi gva g RvZxq M vm wmöw MVb I bzzb bzzb A j M vm mieiv ni my hvm m wói j ÿ 1993 mv ji 14 ww m ^i wrwuwmgj Gi hvîv ïiæ nq G Kv úvwb B Zvg a B RvZxq M vm wmöw cwipvjb, myôz I DbœZ e e vcbvi gva g wbiew Qbœfv e M vm mieiv ni ÿ Î iæz c~y f~wgkv cvjb Ki Q Kv úvwbi AvIZvq ez gv b 10wU Dbœqb cökí Pjgvb i q Q fwel Z Av iv 06 (Qq) wu cökí ev Íevqb Kiv n e G mkj cök íi mdj ev Íevq bi Dci R vjvwb wbivcëv eûjvs k wbf i Ki Q wrwuwmgj A_ eq i KvwU UvKv Kic~e bxu gybvdv AR b K i Q Ges ivóªxq KvlvMv i KvwU UvKv Rgv cö`vb K i Q Avwg Avkv Kwi Kv úvwbi mkj Í ii Kg KZ v I Kg PvixMY Zv `i Dci Awc Z `vwqz h_vh_fv e cöwzcvj bi gva g ` ki A_ bwzk Dbœq b Abb f~wgkv ivl Z mÿg n e Avwg wrwuwmgj-gi evwl K mvaviy mfvi me v½xb mvdj Kvgbv KiwQ Ges G cökvkbvi mv _ mswkøó mkj K AvšÍwiK ï f Qv Rvbvw Q bvwrgdwïb PŠayix Annual Report


12 evyx Pqvig vb Chairman evsjv `k ˆZj, M vm I LwbR m ú` Ki cv ikb ( c Uªvevsjv) Bangladesh Oil, Gas & Mineral Corporation (Petrobangla) evsjv `k ˆZj, M vm I LwbR m ú` Ki cv ikb ( c Uªvevsjv) Gi Ab Zg Kv úvwb wn m e M vm UªvÝwgkb Kv úvbx wjwg UW (wrwuwmgj) Gi 24Zg evwl K mvaviy mfv Dcj ÿ A_ eq ii wewfbœ Dbœqb, cwipvjb I Avw_ K Kg Kv Ûi Dci evwl K cöwz e`b cökv ki D ` vm K Avwg ^vmz RvbvB Avgvi ` p wek vm G cöwz e` b mwbœ ewkz Z_ I DcvËmg~n Kv úvwbi Kv Ri gvb g~j vq b mnvqk f wgkv ivl e cövk wzk M vm Avgv `i Ag~j m ú` G m ú `i mylg e env ii gva g RvZxq Dbœq b mnvqk f wgkv cvjb, bzyb bzzb M vm cvbcjvbb wbgv Y, Drcvw`Z M vm wbiew Qbœfv e mâvjb I cwien bi j ÿ ` ki M vm Drcv`b I wecyb Kv úvwbmg~ ni Kvh µg n Z mâvjbkvh µg c _K K i M vm wmöw cwipvjbvi D Ï k 1993 mv j wrwuwmgj cöwzôv Kiv nq cöwzôvjmœ _ K Kv úvwbwu Zvi Awfôjÿ AR bi gva g RvZxq M vm wmöw MVb I cwipvjbvq `ÿ e e vcbvi ^vÿi i L Q wrwuwmgj ` ki mkj A j cövk wzk M v mi mylge Ub Ges M vmwfwëk mvi I Ab vb wkíkvilvbv vc bi j ÿ D PPvc wewkó M vm mâvjb cvbcjvbb vcb cwipvjbvi `vwqz cvjb K i hv Q Ges A_ eq i gvu wgwjqb NbwgUvi M vm I wgwjqb wjuvi Kb Wb mu cwienb eve` me gvu KvwU UvKv ivr ^ Avq K i Q wemz Avw_ KeQ i Kv úvwb Acv iwus e q I Avw_ K e q mgš^ qi ci Kic~e KvwU UvKv bxu gybvdv AR b Ges ivóªxq KvlvMv i wwgmgj, wmww f vu, AvqKi, jf vsk I A-e wqz GwWwc dir eve` me gvu KvwU UvKv Rgv cö`vb K i Q Kv úvwbwu cöwzôvi ci n Z eû P v jä AwZµg K i M vm mâvjb cvbcjvbb wm g m úªmvwiz Ki Q Ges wrwuwmgj KZ K ez gv b 1560 wk jvwguvi `xn D PPvc wewkó M vm mâvjb cvbcjvbb I f~-dcwi wewfbœ vcbv cwipvwjz n Q G me cvbcjvb bi gva g RvZxq M vm wmö Wi AvIZvfz³ ` ki mkj M vm www ªweDkb Kv úvwb K wbiew Qbœfv e M vm mâvjb Ae vnz i L wrwuwmgj G m± i M vm mâvj b iæz c~y f wgkv cvjb K i P j Q wrwuwmgj GwcÖj 1994 _ K Ryb 2017 ch ší 20wU Dbœqb cökí ev Íevqb K i Q Ges ez gv b 10wU Dbœqb cökí Pjgvb i q Q D³ cökímg~n ev ÍevwqZ n j cövq wk jvwguvi M vm mâvjb cvbcjbb wrwuwmgj M vm wmö W hy³ n e Kv úvwb KZ K fwel Z AviI 06wU cökí ev Íevq bi D ` vm MÖnY Kiv n q Q, hvi `N cövq 464 wk jvwguvi G mkj M vm mâvjb cvbcjvb bi gva g ` ki wewfbœ A j Aew Z weziy Kv úvwbi Awaf ³ GjvKvq M vm mieivn Kiv m e n e GQvov we `k n Z Avg`vwbZe GjGbwR _ K cövße M vm, ` ki jfv Mi wewfbœ M vm ÿî n Z cövße cövk wzk M vm I Mfxi/AMfxi mgy `ª AvnwiZe M vm mieiv ni j ÿ B Zvg a wbwg Z g nklvjx-av bvqviv M vm mâvjb cvbcjvbb wbgv Y cökí, ev Íevqbvaxb g nklvjx-av bvqviv M vm mâvjb mgvšíivj cvbcjvbb cökí I PÆMÖvg- dbx-evlivev` M vm mâvjb mgvšííivj cvbcjvbb wbg vy cökí wbgv Yi gva g R vjvwb wbivcëv wbwðzki Yi cvkvcvwk ` ki A_ bwzk Dbœq b wrwuwmgj iæz c~y f wgkv ivl e Avwg Kv úvwbi evwl K mvaviy mfv Dcj ÿ cwipvjbv cl ` Ges mkj Í ii Kg KZ v I Kg PvixMY K Rvbvw Q AvšÍwiK Awf `b Avkv Kwi AvMvgx w`b jv ZI G Kv úvwbi Kg KZ v I Kg PvixM Yi mgwš^z cö Póv, `ÿzv I AwÁZv K mgybœz i L Awc Z `vwqz h_vh_fv e cvj b mÿg n e Avwg wrwuwmgjõi DË ivëi DbœwZ I mg w Kvgbv KiwQ Aveyj gbmyi gvt d qrdjøvn, GbwWwm Annual Report


14 M vm UªvÝwgkb Kv úvbx wjwg UW (wrwuwmgj) ( c Uªvevsjvi GKwU Kv úvbx) GAS TRANSMISSION COMPANY LTD. (GTCL) (A Company of Petrobangla) e e vcbv cwipvj Ki e³e RvZxq M vm wmöw GK Kw `ªK cwipvjb I iÿyv eÿy Ges ` ki mkj A j cövk wzk M v mi mylg e envi wbwðzk í mikv ii evwl K Dbœqb cwikíbvi AvIZvq bzzb bzzb cvbcjvbb wbg v Yi gva g RvZxq M vm wmöw m úªmvi Yi D Ï k 1993 mv ji 14 ww m ^i Kv úvwb AvB bi AvIZvq c Uªvevsjvi Aax b M vm UªvÝwgkb Kv úvbx wjwg UW cöwzôv Kiv nq cöwzôvi ci n Z G Kv úvwb AZ ší wbôvi mv _ RvZxq M vm wmöw cwipvjb I iÿyv eÿ Yi cvkvcvwk bzzb bzzb GjvKv K M vm mieivn buiqv K i AvIZvq Avbvi j ÿ D PPvcm úbœ M vm mâvjb cvbcjvbb wbg vy Ges RvZxq M vm wmöw m úªmviy I Dbœq b ewjô f wgkv cvjb Ki Q cöwzôvj Mœ c Uªvevsjvi cökí ev Íevqb BDwbU (wcavbbd) KZ K wbwg Z 24 Bw e v mi 175 wk.wg. `xn DËi-`w Y M vm cvbcjvbb I 6" e v mi 175 wktwgt e v mi Kb Wb mu cvbcjvbb cwipvj bi `vwqz wrwuwmgj-gi Dci b Í Kiv nq D³ cvbcjvbb Ges ciezx Kv j wemz 24 eq i wewfbœ ch v q wrwuwmgj KZ K mdjfv e ev ÍevwqZ 20 (wek)wu cök íi gva g wbwg Z wk.wg. I mikvwi wm vší gvzv ek c Uªvevsjvfy³ Ab vb Kv úvwb n Z wrwuwmgj-gi wbku n ÍvšÍwiZ wk jvwguvi M vm mâvjb cvbcjvbb mn hv M ez gv b Kv úvwbi cwipvjbvaxb RvZxq M vm wmöwfy³ cvbcjvb bi `N `uvwo q Q me gvu 1560 wk jvwguvi ` k ˆ`wbK me gvu M v mi Drcv`b cövq 2700 wgwjqb NbdzU Kv úvwb KZ K 1994 mv ji 1jv gvp _ K cö_g M vm mâvjb ïiæ nq, hvi cwigvy wqj ˆ`wbK M o cövq 42 wgwjqb NbdzU ez gv b wrwuwmgj KZ K cwipvwjz M vm wmö Wi gva g M vm mâvj bi cwigvy `uvwo q Q ˆ`wbK cövq 2142 wgwjqb NbdzU, hv ` ki gvu Drcvw`Z M v mi 79.33% Gi g a wewrgdwmgj, GmwRGdGj, ev c, kfiy I Zv jøv KZ K Drcvw`Z h_vµ g `wbk 361, 125, 84, 1472 I 100 wgwjqb NbdzU M vm wrwuwmgj wm gi gva g mâvwjz n Q wrwuwmgj-gi M vm mâvjb cvbcjvbb wmöw _ K ciezx Z wuwrwuwwwmgj- K 67.5%, KwRwWwmGj- K 11%, wewrwwwmgj- K 11%, RwRwUwWwmGj- K 06%, wcwrwmgj- K 04% Ges GmwRwmGj- K 0.5% M vm mieivn Kiv nq mikv ii wemz I ez gvb mgqkv j cövq 9 erm i ˆ`wbK M vm Drcv` bi cwigvy 992 wgwjqb NbdzU n Z e w c q ez gv b ˆ`wbK 2700 wgwjqb Nbdy U DbœxZ n q Q, hv ww m ^i 2009 Gi `wbk Drcv`b 1744 wgwjqb NbdzU Gi kzkiv wn m e cövq 56.89% ekx ` ki µgea gvb M vm Pvwn`v c~iyk í wrwuwmgj KZ K wemz 9 erm i 10", 12", 20", 24", 30" I 36" e v mi me gvu 879 wktwgt M vm mâvjb cvbcjvbb wbg vy Kiv n q Q G M vm buiqvk m úªmvi Yi d j ivrkvnx wefvmxq kn i B Zvg a M vm mieivn Kiv m e n q Q AwP ib Lyjbv wefvmxq kni I ciezx Z ch vqµ g gv iv, wsbvb`n, Kzwóqv I h kvi Rjv kn i M vm mieivn Kiv m e n e GQvov, M v mi Pvc I cöevn e w i j ÿ AvïM Ä 3wU Ges G j½vq 3wU K úªmi BDwbU vcb K i Kwgkwbs Kiv n q Q d j, ez gv b M v mi Pvc I cöevn e w i gva g ` ki wewfbœ M vm wecyb Kv úvwbi MÖvnK cöv ší wbw` ó Pvc I Pvwn`v gvzv ek M vm mieivn Kiv m e n Q wrwuwmgj cwipvwjz cvbcjvbb I vcbvmg~ ni wba vwiz Wwjfvix c q U Øviv A_ eq i wzzvm, evlivev`, KY dzjx, Rvjvjvev`, cwðgvâj I my `ieb M vm Kv úvwbi Awafy³ GjvKvq me gvu wgwjqb NbwgUvi M vm mieivn Kiv nq Ges DËi-`w Y Kb Wb mu cvbcjvb bi gva g weweqvbv M vm Î n Z wgwjqb wjuvi Kb Wb mu cwienb Kiv nq Kv úvwb KZ K GwcÖj 1994 _ K Ryb, 2017 ch ší 20wU Dbœqb cökí ev Íevqb Kiv n q Q ez gv b 10wU Dbœqb cökí Pjgvb i q Q D³ cökímg~n ev ÍevwqZ n j cövq wk jvwguvi M vm mâvjb cvbcjvbb wrwuwmgj wmö Wi mv _ mshy³ n e fwel Z Kv úvwb KZ K AviI 6wU cökí ev Íevq bi D ` vm MÖnY Kiv n q Q, hvi ˆ`N cövq 464 wk jvwguvi 2021 mvj bvmv` evsjv `k K GKwU ga g Av qi ` k Ges 2041 mvj bvmv` D P Av qi ` k DbœxZKi Yi j ÿ mikvi ÒVision-2021 Annual Report

15 ev Íevqb Ki Q Dbœq bi G AMÖhvÎv mgybœz ivlvi ^v _ Pvwn`v gvzv ek cövk wzk M v mi mieivn wbwðz Kiv Acwinvh `kxq M vm wd ìi Drcv`b µgvš^ q n«vm cviqvi cöÿvc U Pvwn`v I mieiv ni g a NvUwZ µ gb e o hv Q G mgm v gvkvwejvq mikvi B Zvg a B we `k n Z GjGbwR Avg`vwbi D ` vm MÖnY K i Q cöv_wgkfv e K evrv ii g nklvjx Z Gw jv iu GbvwR wjwg UW KZ K wbwg Ze GjGbwR Uvwg bvj n Z cövße 500 wgwjqb NbdzU M vm RvZxq M vm wmö W mâvj bi Rb wrwuwmgj KZ K g nklvjx-av bvqviv M vm mâvjb cvbcjvbb wbg vy cök íi KvR B Zvg a m úbœ Kiv n q Q g nklvjx Z mvwgu K c v ikb wjwg UW KZ K Av iv GKwU fvmgvb GjGbwR Uvwg bvj vc bi Kvh µg Pjgvb i q Q GQvovI g nklvjx I KzZzew`qvq Ges cuzqvlvjx Rjvi cvqiv mgỳ ª e ` ii mwbœk U mikvwi, emikvwi I we `kx cöwzôv bi gva g Av iv GKvwaK fvmgvb/ jwfwëk GjGbwR Uvwg bvj wbg v Yi cwikíbv i q Q G j ÿ wrwuwmgj KZ K g nklvjx-av bvqviv M vm mâvjb mgvšíivj cvbcjvbb Ges PÆMÖvg- dbx-evlivev` M vm mâvjb mgvšíivj cvbcjvbb wbg vy cökí ev Íevqb Kiv n Q Kv úvwb A_ eq i gvu wgwjqb NbwgUvi M vm I wgwjqb wjuvi Kb Wb mu cwienb K i gvu KvwU UvKv ivr ^ Avq K i Q G mg q cwipvjb e q eve` gvu KvwU UvKv e q n q Q Kv úvwbi Ki c~e gybvdvi cwigvy KvwU UvKv G A_ eq i Kv úvwb KZ K me gvu KvwU UvKv mikvix KvlvMv i Rgv cö`vb K i Q A_ eq i Kv úvwbi vqx m ú `i Dci gybvdvi nvi (RoR) n q Q 1.63%, hv A_ eq i 3.13% wqj wbr ^ A_ vq b cökímn ev Íevqbvaxb cökímg~n mgvwßi ci `vzv ms v KZ K wba vwiz nvi 12% ev Z ZvwaK (RoR) AR b Ges Kv úvwb K Avw_ Kfv e jvfrbk ivl Z n j M vm I Kb Wb m Ui UªvÝwgkb PvR hšw³k ch v q e w Kiv Acwinvh Kv úvwbi Aby gvw`z mvsmvwbk KvVv gvi AvIZvq cö qvrbxq Rbej wb qv Mi cvkvcvwk Kv úvwbi gvbem ú` DbœqbK í vbxq I ˆe `wkk cöwk Y cö`vb Kvh µg Rvi`vi Kiv n q Q Z_ cöhyw³, B-dvBwjs Kvh µg, evwl K Kg m úv`b Pzw³i AvIZvq RvZxq ï vpvi KŠkj, D vebx Ges evwl K Kg m úv`b msµvší Kvh µg `ªæZ m úbœ Kiv n Q GQvov, ^v wbivcëv I cwi ek msiÿ Yi Dci we kl iæz v ivc Kiv n q Q Kv úvwb K A`~i fwel Z GKwU AvšÍR vwzk gvbm úbœ cöwzôv b DbœxZKi Yi cö Póv Ae vnz ivlv n q Q Kg KZ v/kg Pvix `i PvKwiMZ wewfbœ Kj vyg~jk Kvh µg ev Íevqbvaxb i q Q wemz A_ eq i K c v iu mvm vj imcbwmwewjwui AvIZvq Kv úvwbi Znwej n Z wewfbœ ms v/cöwzôvb K Abỳ vb cö`vb K i mvgvwrk `vwqz cvj b f~wgkv i L Q Avwg wrwuwmgj cwipvjbv cl `, c Uªvevsjv, R vjvwb I LwbR m ú` wefvm, cwikíbv Kwgkb, A_ bwzk m úk wefvm, A_ gš Yvjq, RvZxq ivr ^ evw I Dbœqb mn hvmx ms vmg~ ni mg qvc hvmx mn hvmxzv, w`k-wb ` kbv I civgk cö`v bi Rb K ZÁZv cökvk KiwQ UªvÝwgkb cvbcjvbb wbg v Y mswkøó Rjv cökvmb I cywjk cökvm bi cÿ n Z mg qvc hvmx mn hvmxzv cö`v bi Rb K ZÁZv cökvk KiwQ GKB mv _ Kv úvwbi mkj Kg KZ v I Kg Pvix hviv wbijm cwikög, gav, KZ e civqbzv I `ÿzvi mv _ Awc Z `vwqz myôzfv e m úv`b K i Kv úvwbi AMÖhvÎvq Abb Ae`vb i L Qb Zv `i mkj K Rvbvw Q AvšÍwiK Awfb `b Ges Avkv Kwi AvMvgx w`b jv ZI Zv `i G mw wjz cöqvm Ae vnz i L RvZxq A_ bwzk Dbœq b GK D¾ j ` óvší vcb Ki e cwi k l Avwg Kv úvwbi DË ivëi DbœwZ I mg w i Rb cig KiæYvgq Avjøvn&Zvqvjvi wbku mvnvh Kvgbv KiwQ cö KŠ. gv. AvwZKz¾vgvb 14 Annual Report

16 Annual Report

17 m~î bs M vm UªvÝwgkb Kv úvbx wjwg UW (wrwuwmgj) ( c Uªvevsjvi GKwU Kv úvbx) GAS TRANSMISSION COMPANY LTD. (GTCL) (A Company of Petrobangla) 24Zg evwl K mvaviy mfvi weáwß ZvwiL t 23 AMÖnvqY, 1424 e½vã 07 ww m ^i, 2017 wlª vã GZØviv weáwß cö`vb Kiv hv Q h, M vm UªvÝwgkb Kv úvbx wjwg UW (wrwuwmgj)-gi 24Zg evwl K mvaviy mfv AvMvgx 27 ww m ^i, 2017 (13 cšl, 1424 e½vã) ivr eyaevi mü v 6:00 NwUKvq wrwuwmgj cöavb Kvh vjq evw iæ g (cøu bst Gd-18/G, j fj-5, ki-b-evsjv bmi cökvmwbk GjvKv, AvMviMuvI, XvKv-1207) G AbywôZ n e evwl K mvaviy mfvi Av jvp m~wp wbgœiƒct 1 Kv úvwbi 23Zg evwl K mvaviy mfvq M nxz wm všímg~ ni ev Íevqb cöwz e`b ch v jvpbv; A_ eq ii cwipvjkgûjxi cöwz e`b we epbv I Aby gv`b; A_ eq ii Kv úvwbi wbixw Z w wzcî, Avq weeiyx I wbix Ki cöwz e`b MÖnY, we epbv I Aby gv`b; A_ eq ii jf vsk NvlYv; A_ eq ii Rb Kv úvwbi wbix K wb qvm I cvwikªwgk wba viy; 6 Kv úvwbi cwipvjk wb qvm; Ges 7 Pqvig vb g nv` qi AbygwZµ g mvaviy mfvq AvBbMZfv e Av jvpbv hvm Ab vb welqvw` (hw` _v K) m vwbz kqvi nvìvi Ges cwipvjke ` K D³ mfvq Dcw Z _vkvi Rb webxz Aby iva Kiv hv Q m vwbz Kvb kqvi nvìvi e w³mzfv e evwl K mvaviy mfvq Dcw Z n Z AcviM n j cöw dg c~iyc~e K Rgv`v bi gva g Zuvi c mfvq Dcw wzi Rb cöw wb qvm Ki Z cvi eb cöw dg GZ`&m ½ mshy³ Kiv n jv cwipvjkgûjxi Av `kµ g (wewrz Kzgvi mikvi) gnve e vck/ Kv úvwb mwpe weziyt kqvi nvìvie ` t 1 Rbve Aveyj gbmyi gvt d qrdjøvn, GbwWwm, Pqvig vb, c Uªvevsjv 2 Rbve gvt gv Ídv Kvgvj, cwipvjk (cökvmb), c Uªvevsjv 3 Rbve gvt ZŠwn` nvmvbvz Lvb, cwipvjk (A_ ), c Uªvevsjv 4 Rbve Rvwgj Avn g` Avwjg, cwipvjk (Acv ikb GÛ gvbý), c Uªvevsjv 5 Rbve gvt AvBqye Lvb PŠayix, cwipvjk (cwikíbv), c Uªvevsjv 6 Rbve gvt gvneye Q ivqvi, cwipvjk (wcgmwm), c Uªvevsjv 7 Rbve mq` AvkdvKz¾vgvb, mwpe, c Uªvevsjv 8 c Uªvevsjv t cöwzwbwaz Kvix- Pqvig vb, c Uªvevsjv cwipvjke ` t 1 Rbve bvwrgdwïb PŠayix, mwpe, R vjvwb I LwbR m ú` wefvm, wer vlm gš Yvjq - Pqvig vb 2 Rbve Aveyj gbmyi gvt d qrdjøvn, GbwWwm, Pqvig vb, c Uªvevsjv - cwipvjk 3 W. gvmjye Avj b~i, Aa vck, evsjv `k cö KŠkj wek we` vjq - cwipvjk 4 emg cvifxb AvKZvi, AwZwi³ mwpe, R vjvwb I LwbR m ú` wefvm, wer vlm gš Yvjq - cwipvjk 5 Rbve gvt nviæb-ai-iwk` Lvb, gnvcwipvjk, nvb WªvKve b BDwbU - cwipvjk 6 Rbve Rvwgj Avn g` Avwjg, cwipvjk (Acv ikb GÛ gvbý), c Uªvevsjv - cwipvjk 7 Rbve gvt AvBqye Lvb PŠayix, cwipvjk (cwikíbv), c Uªvevsjv - cwipvjk 8 cö KŠ. gv. AvwZKz¾vgvb, e e vcbv cwipvjk, wrwuwmgj - cwipvjk 9 Rbve gvnv ` Kvgiæ¾vgvb, Dc-mwPe (cökvmb-3 AwakvLv), R vjvwb I LwbR m ú` wefvm, wer vlm gš Yvjq - cwipvjk Abywjwct 1 mwpe, R vjvwb I LwbR m ú` wefvm, wer vlm gš Yvjq I Pqvig vb, wrwuwmgj cwipvjbv cl ` 2 mwpe, c Uªvevsjv, c Uªv m Uvi, 3, KvIivb evrvi ev/g, XvKv 3 Pqvig vb, evsjv `k wmwkdwiwur GÛ G PÄ Kwgkb, wmwkdwiwur Kwgkb feb, B-6/wm, AvMviMuvI, ki-b-evsjv bmi cökvmwbk GjvKv, XvKv e e vcbv cwipvjk, wrwuwmgj 5 GKbvexb GÛ Kv úvbx, wewwwegj feb ( j fj 13 I 14), 12, KvIivb evrvi ev/g, XvKv Awdm Kwc 16 Annual Report

18 cwipvjkgûjxi Pqvig vb Rbve wm, K, gv, Ave`yjøvn& n Z W. gywreyi ingvb Lvb n Z Rbve gvt gvkviid nv mb n Z Aa vck W. gvt nv mb gbmyi n Z Rbve mq` mv R`yj Kwig n Z Rbve gynv ` AvwRRyj Bmjvg n Z Rbve Gm, Avi, Imgvbx n Z Rbve gvnv ` gvkviivd nvmvbb f~btv n Z W. kl Avãyi ikx` n Z Rbve Rvjvj Avn g` n Z gri gvt gv³v`xi Avjx (Aet) n Z Aa vck W. gvt nv mb gbmyi n Z Rbve gvt AveyeKi wmwïk n Z Rbve bvwrgdwïb PŠayix n Z Annual Report

19 kqvi nvìvi Rbve Aveyj gbmyi gvt d qrdjøvn, GbwWwm Rbve gvt gv Ídv Kvgvj Rbve gvt ZŠwn` nvmvbvz Lvb Rbve Rvwgj Avn g` Avwjg Rbve gvt AvBqye Lvb PŠayix Rbve gvt gvneye Q ivqvi Rbve mq` AvkdvKz¾vgvb Pqvig vb, c Uªvevsjv cwipvjk (cökvmb), c Uªvevsjv cwipvjk (A_ ), c Uªvevsjv cwipvjk (Acv ikb GÛ gvbý), c Uªvevsjv cwipvjk (cwikíbv), c Uªvevsjv cwipvjk (wcgmwm), c Uªvevsjv mwpe, c Uªvevsjv c Uªvevsjv t cöwzwbwaz Kvix- Pqvig vb, c Uªvevsjv 18 Annual Report

20 e e vcbv cwipvjk Rbve ˆmq` Av bvqviæj nk n Z Rbve gvt Bg`v`yj nk n Z Rbve gycbyj Avnmvb n Z Rbve Lv `Kvi gvwgbyj nk n Z Rbve gycbyj Avnmvb n Z Rbve Gg, G, ibm wmwïk n Z Rbve gb&ryi gvi k` ZvjyK`vi n Z Rbve gvt gvneyeyi ingvb n Z Rbve gvt Avwgbyi ingvb n Z Rbve Rvwgj G Avwjg n Z Rbve wbrvg kwidzj Bmjvg n Z Rbve gvt gvneye Q ivqvi n Z Rbve gv. AvwZKz¾vgvb n Z Annual Report

21 Directors Profile Mr. Nazimuddin Chowdhury is the Secretary of the Energy and Mineral Resources Division and the Chairman of Gas Transmission Company Limited (GTCL) Board since 15 December He did his Graduation and Post Graduation degree in History from the University of Dhaka and also completed Master of Arts in Financial Management from the University of ULster, Mr. Nazimuddin Chowdhury UK. After completing his graduation, Mr. Chowdhury joined in the Chairman Chittagong University as a Lecturer. In 1986, he joined in Bangladesh Civil Service (BCS) as an Officer (Audit & Accounts) of 1984 Batch. Mr. Chowdhury is a man of soothing personality and possesses a glorious diversified career. In the Bangladesh Civil Service, he started his career as Assistant Accounts General in the Ministry of Agriculture and also served in different ministries in different capacities. In the year 2006 he was given option to switch his cadre and was promoted as Deputy Secretary to the Government. Till then he served in the Economic Relations Division, Ministry of Women and Children Affairs, Ministry of Home Affairs and Energy and Mineral Resources Division as Deputy Secretary, Joint Secretary and Additional Secretary respectively. Finally he was posted as Secretary on 14 June 2016 in the Energy and Mineral Resources Division. During his long and versatile career he was served the country by applying his wisdom, progressive leadership quality, enlightened thinking, outstanding talent and impressive potentials being motivated by full of patriotism, commitment, dedication and integrity. After joining in Bangladesh Civil Service, Mr. Chowdhury took part in different training programs in home and abroad. He has successfully completed 'Departmental Training' in the Audit and Accounts Training Academy, 'Foundation Training' & 'Management at the Top-2' Courses in the Bangladesh Public Administration Training Center and 'Management, Accounting, Auditing and Budgeting' Course in the Financial Management academy. He also participated in the 'Audit and transport Services' Course and 'Business Communication' Course in India and UK respectively. As part of his job, he attended in different meetings, summits, seminars, workshops, study tours held in home and abroad. Presently, he is also serving as Chairman of six different Governments owned companies. Mr. Chowdhury is well known as a sports organizer. Since 1989 he is involve with Bangladesh Shooting Sport Federation and was elected Treasurer and General Secretary for two times. Currently he is the President of Bangladesh Shooting Sport Federation. Moreover, he is an 'A' class jury in the arena of International Shooting Sport Federation and stand for judging 12 international shooting competitions. 20 Annual Report

22 Mr. Abul Mansur Md. Faizullah, ndc Director Mr. Abul Mansur Md. Faizullah,ndc, an Additional Secretary to the Government of the People s Republic of Bangaladesh, holds the post of Chairman of Bangladesh Oil, Gas & Mineral Corporation (Petrobangla) which is the flagship organization in the energy sector of Bangladesh dealing with whole value chain of natural gas from exploration to the distribution as well as mining of coal and granite along with import and marketing of LNG. He also holds the positions of chairman of boards of directors of four companies namely, Sylhet Gas Fields Ltd. (SGFL), Barapukuria Coal Mining Company Ltd. (BCMCL), Maddhapara Granite Mining Company Ltd. (MGMCL), Rupantarita Prakrtik Gas Company Ltd. (RPGCL) and position of member board of directors of four companies namely, Bangladesh Gas Fields Company Ltd. (BGFCL), Titas Gas Transmission and Distribution Company Ltd (TGTDCL), Bangladesh Petroleum Exploration and Production Company Ltd. (BAPEX) and Gas Transmission Company Ltd. (GTCL) since January He achieved B.Sc. (Hons) and M.Sc.degrees in Soil Scicnce from University of Dhaka (DU). Mr. Faizullah attended in the National Defense Course in Bangladesh Natonal Defense College and obtained Masters on Security Studies from Bangladesh University of Professionals. He also enrolled in higer studies courses in Japan and the Netherlands. He joined in Administrative Cadre of Bangladesh Civil Service in During His long career in Civil Service, he served in the field of asministration, diplomatic mission and different Ministries/Divisions. He also served as the Commercial Counselor in Bangladesh Embassy in Japan. Besides, he worked as Alternatve Director on behalf of Bangladesh Govt. in the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank. Mr. Faizullah has served Economic Relations Division before taking over as the Chairman, Petrobangla. He attended many training courses, workshops and presented papers as Key note speaker at home and abroad during his long career. Professor Dr. Maglub Al Nur completed his B.Sc. in Mechanical Engineering in 1980 from Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET), Dhaka, Master of Engineering in Industrial Engineering and Management in 1982 from Asian Institute of Technology (AIT), Bangkok and Ph.D. from University of Cambridge, UK in He joined as a Lecturer in the Department of Mechanical Engineering, BUET in He became a Professor of Mechanical Engineering, BUET in He did his post-doctoral fellowship during 2000 to 2002 in University of Cambridge as a Commonwealth Fellow as well as a Visiting Fellow at Clare Hall College, University of Cambridge, UK. Professor Dr. Maglub Al Nur During his long tenure at BUET, he served in a number of administrative posts at Director BUET. Professor Al Nur was an Assistant Provost in two residential halls for the students, and as the Deputy Director of Students Welfare. He served as the Director of Advisory Extension and Research Services (DAERS), BUET in He was appointed as the Head of Mechanical Engineering Department, BUET in 2004 for two years and for about four years as the Director of Students Welfare, BUET. He became the Dean, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering in 2014 for two years. Professor Dr. Maglub Al Nur of BUET is consecutively playing the role as a Director of GTCL Board from till date. He published a significant number of academic publications in well reputed national and international journals and conference proceedings. He is a Life Fellow of Clare Hall College, Cambridge, UK. His field of specialization is energy systems modeling and automobile engineering. He attended several training courses and workshops at home and abroad during his long service career. Annual Report

23 Parveen Akhter, Additional Secretary, Energy and Mineral Resources Division. Ms. Parveen Akhter joined the Bangladesh Civil Service (Administration-1986 Batch) Cadre in December, 1989 and started her career as Magistrate and Assistant Commissioner at Rajshahi Commissioner Office and Rajshahi Collectorate. In her long career life, she Parveen Akhter Director served as Magistrate in Dhaka Collectorate; Research Officer in the BCS Administration Academy, Deputy Secretary in the Ministry of Cultural Affairs and in Cabinet Division, Director in NNP, Ministry of Health and then in CPTU, IMED, Ministry of Planning and she gradually promoted to Joint Secretary here in She completed her Honors and Master degree in Economics from the University of Dhaka. She also attained another Master degree in Development Administration from ANU, Australia. At present she is working as the Additional Secretary (Planning) in the Energy and Mineral Resources Division and consecutively playing the role as Director of GTCL Board from till present. She attended several training courses and workshops at home and abroad during her long service career. Her special interest is in the field of Reading, Research work, Travelling and Music. In her personal life she has got one daughter and her husband Dr. Kamal Uddin Ahmed is serving as the Secretary, Ministry of Home Affairs. MD. HARUN-OR-RASHID KHAN is a Joint Secretary of Bangladesh Government and also a Director of the Board of Directors of GTCL since He passed B.Sc. (Engineering) in EEE from Chittagong Engineering College under University of Chittagong and achieved MBA degree from South East University, Dhaka. He joined as Assistant Divisional Engineer in T&T Board under BCS Telecommunication Cadre services. He worked as Sub-divisional engineer, Divisional Engineer in Carrier & Wireless Division, Barisal. He also worked as Director of Upazila Telecommunications Region, Bangladesh. He joined as Deputy Secretary in MD. HARUN-OR-RASHID KHAN 2009 and started working as Deputy Director (admin & research) in Department Director of Disaster Management. In 2015 he has been promoted to Joint Secretary and started working as the Director General of Hydrocarbon Unit under EMRD. He has received several trainings and attended several workshops and seminars both at home and abroad during his tenure from 1988 till now. 22 Annual Report

24 Engr. Jameel A Aleem, Director (Operation & Mines) Petrobangla joined NWPGCL as a Director on He is Member of the Legal Affairs Committee of the Company. Engr. Jameel did his Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering from BUET in He started his bright career as an Assistant Engineer of Bakhrabad Gas System Limited (BGSL) in Then, in long track of life, he held Engr. Jameel A Aleem different prestigious positions in different gas companies. He caught the helm of Director Managing Director of Gas Transmission Company limited (GTCL), Maddhapara Granite Mining Company Ltd and Karnaphuli Gas Distribution Co. Ltd. He joined as Director (Operation and Mines) of Petrobangla on 24 December, He has over 35 years rich and vast experience in energy management. He has visited a good number of countries like Netherlands, Australia, Singapore, Sri-Lanka, USA, Russia, Germany, Turkmenistan, China and Myanmar for training and professional purposes. Mr. Md. Ayub Khan Chowdhury is a Master of Social Science in Public Administration on 1984 and Director of GTCL Board Since Mr. Md. Ayub Khan Chowdhury did his Bachelor of Social Science in Public Admin. from Chittagong University in He started his bright career as an Administrative Officer of Bangladesh Oil Gas & Mineral Corporation (Petrobangla) in He caught the helm of Managing Director of Karnaphuli Gas Distribution Co. Ltd (KGDCL) on He joined as Director & Director (Planning) of Petrobangla on & Mr. Md. Ayub Khan Chowdhury respectively. He has over 24 years rich and vast experience in Administration & Director energy management. He has visited a good number of countries like Malaysia, UAE, UK, USA, Australia, France, South Korea, Port of Spain, Brazil and Thailand for training and professional purposes. Annual Annual Report Report

25 Mr. Md. Atiquzzaman is the Managing Director of Gas Transmission Company Limited (GTCL), since He has graduated in Mechanical Engineering from Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET), Dhaka in 1983 and completed his MBA in Finance from Dhaka University. Mr. Md. Atiquzzaman started his career in Titas Gas T&D Company Limited (TGTDCL), a pioneer and largest Natural Gas Transmission and Distribution Company of Bangladesh in Before joining at GTCL he works as Managing Director of Bangladesh Petroleum Exploration and Production Mr. Md. Atiquzzaman Company Limited (BAPEX). Having more than 32 years of corporate experience in Energy Director Infrastructure Sector and Financial Sector, he has obtained considerable experience in the fields of Pipeline and Facilities Design, Procurement, Construction, Operation and Maintenance, Flow Control and Measurement. He has successful track record of implementing various Donor-funded and GOB-funded Infrastructure Projects as "Project Director", where he has gained expertise in Project Planning and Implementation, Project Monitoring and Evaluation, Financial Management, Contract Negotiation and Administration. He was involved in preparation of "Gas Sector Master Plan", as a member of the Steering Committee formed by the Government of the people s Republic of Bangladesh. He was also a member of the study team responsible for conducting "Tech-economic Feasibility Study for supply of Natural Gas to the western region of Bangladesh". Mr. Md. Atiquzzaman has joined Bangladesh Infrastructure Finance Fund Limited (BIFFL), a Company formed under the Ministry of Finance, Government of the People s Republic of Bangladesh, for financing Infrastructure Projects, as it s first Executive Director and CEO on 1 February 2012 and served till 31 January Mr. Md. Atiquzzaman was actively involved in different socio-economic and sports activities. He represented BUET in the inter-university and National Basketball Tournaments and played in Dhaka Metropolitan Basketball League for several years for different renowned teams. During the tenor of his career, he attended a number of professional Trainings/Workshops/Seminars at home and abroad. He is a life fellow of the Institution of Engineers, Bangladesh (IEB), Life Member of the BUET Alumni Association and Executive Member of the Dhaka University MBA Association. Mr. Mohammed Kamruzzaman, Deputy Secretary, Energy & Mineral Resources Division, Ministry of Power, Energy and Mineral Resources, Bangladesh is born in Matlab Upazilla under Chandpur District on 27th February He enjoyed his childhood & boyhood in the village and thereafter he completed his higher secondary education from Notre Dame College, Dhaka. He did his Bachelor of Commerce (Hon s) and Master of Commerce degree in management from the University of Dhaka. After the education, he joined the Bangladesh Civil Service (Administration) on 28 May 2001 and realized another Master Degree in International Human Resource Management from the United Kingdom. At his diverse administrative service career, Mr. Kamruzzaman served in both field and central administration. He started his career in the civil service as an Assistant Commissioner and Magistrate in Sylhet. Then he served in Rajshahi, Pabna and Narshindi. He has also experiences in regarding land management as Assistant Commissioner (Land) in Kapasia, Mr. Mohammed Kamruzzaman Gazipur; Munshigonj Sadar, Munshigonj and Revenue Deputy Collector in several districts. Director After his service in field administration, he discharged his responsibility as a Senior Assistant Secretary in Implementation Monitoring & Evaluation Division under Ministry of Planning. He also served in the Ministry of Home Affairs, Ministry of Public Administration, Ministry of Finance and Ministry of Shipping in different capacities. After joining the civil service, he attended various short term & long term training courses both home and abroad. Training on Public Procurement, Performance Evaluation & Management, Change Management, Talent Management, Young Leadership program and Civil Service Reforms Management are important among others. For development and negotiation he visited Canada, UK, Japan, Singapore, India, UAE, Qatar, Malaysia, Thailand, Vietnam etc. Mr. Kamruzzaman at his 17 years service career has developed a unique blend of characteristics with honesty, morality, punctuality and creativity. Moreover, he is known to his colleagues as a generous, polite, adroit and committed civil servant. Mr. Kamruzzaman is married and blessed with a daughter. His wife is also a civil service officer and works in the Ministry of Expatriates Welfare & Foreign Employment as a Deputy Secretary. 24 Annual Report

26 Kv úvwbi A_ eq ii mvgwmök Kg Kv Ûi Dci M vm UªvÝwgkb Kv úvbx wjwg UW (wrwuwmgj)-gi 24Zg evwl K mvaviy mfvi cwipvjkgûjxi cöwz e`b wemwgjøvwni ivn&gvwbi ivnxg m vwbz kqvi nvìvie `, Avm&mvjvgy AvjvBKyg M vm UªvÝwgkb Kv úvbx wjwg UW (wrwuwmgj)-gi 24Zg evwl K mvaviy mfvq Kv úvwbi cwipvjk cl ` Ges Avgvi wb Ri c n Z Avcbv `i mevb K ^vmz Rvbvw Q RvZxq M vm mâvjb e e v GK Kw `ªKfv e wewbg vy Ges myôz cwipvjb I i Yv e Yi gva g ` ki mkj A j cövk wzk M v mi mylg mieivn I e envi wbwðzk í cö qvrb Abyhvqx RvZxq M vm wmöw m úömvi Yi D Ï k mikvi KZ K 14 ww m ^i 1993 Zvwi L wrwuwmgj cöwzwôz nq cöwzôvi ci n Z R vjvwb wbivcëv e e v M o Zvjvi j RvZxq M vm wmö Wi gva g wewfbœ M vm Î _ K M vm wecyb Kv úvwbmg~ ni Off-transmission point-g M vm mâvj bi `vwqz G Kv úvwb AZ ší myôz, wbiew Qbœ I mywbqwš Zfv e cwipvjbv K i RvZxq A_ bwzk AMÖMwZ Z iæz c~y f~wgkv cvjb K i Avm Q AvR G ïf gyû Z Avwg A_ eq ii Kv úvwbi cwipvjb Kg Kv Ûi weeiy, cökí ev Íevqb AMÖMwZ, wbixw Z wnmve, w wzcî, jvf-ÿwzi wnmve, wbix Ki cöwz e`b, cökvmwbk wewfbœ Kvh µg Ges fwel Z Dbœqb cwikíbvi GKwU avivevwnk wpî Avcbv `i m`q AeMwZ I we epbvi Rb Dc vcb KiwQ t 1.0 cwipvjb Kvh µg 1.1 wrwuwmgj-gi 20", 24", 30" Ges 36" e v mi wcgmavbwr Pvc wewkó gvu wktwgt ` N i D PPvc wewkó M vm mâvjb cvbcjvb bi gva g wba vwiz Wwjfvix c q U Øviv A_ eq i wzzvm, evlivev`, KY dzjx, Rvjvjvev`, cwðgvâj I my `ieb M vm Kv úvwbi cövwakvif ³ GjvKvq h_vµ g , , , , I wgwjqb NbwgUvimn me gvu 21, wgwjqb NbwgUvi M vm mieivn Kiv nq, hv c~e ezx eqi n Z 0.44% ekx Aciw` K, D jøwlz mg q 6" e v mi 175 wkt wgt `xn DËi-`w Y Kb Wb mu cvbcjvb bi gva g Rvjvjvev` I weweqvbv M vm Î n Z wgwjqb wjuvi Kb Wb mu cwienb Kiv nq, hv c~e ezx eqi n Z 54.12% ekx Kv úvwbi Aax b wzbwu cökí ev Íevq bi j ÿ Pzw³ m úv`b 1.2 K úªmi msµvší Kvh µg cvbcjvb bi jvbb c vk e e vcbv wbwðz Kiv Ges RvZxq M vm wmö Wi wbgœ Pvc RwbZ mgm v wbim bi j ÿ AvïMÄ I G j½vq h_vµ g 1500 GgGgGmwmGdwW I 500 GgGgGmwmGdwW gzv m úbœ `yõwu M vm K úömi kb vcb Kiv n q Q AvïMÄ I G j½vq vwcz K úªmi kb `yõwu RvZxq M vm wmö Wi AwZ iæz c~y A½ wn m e M v mi Pvc I cöevn e w i gva g ` ki wewfbœ Ad-UªvÝwgkb c q U wbw` ó Pvc I Pvwn`v gvzv ek M vm mieiv ni Kv R e eüz n Q Annual Report

27 AvïMÄ K úªmi k b 750 GgGgGmwmGdwW gzv m cbœ 3wU K úªmi vcb Kiv n q Q, hvi g a 2wU Acv iwus gvw-g P j, G `i gvu ÿgzv 1500 (750X2) GgGgGmwmGdwW, Aci K úªmiwu vû-evb wn m e i q Q AvïMÄ K úªmi k bi cöwzwu K úªm ii wwrvbb mvkkvb cömvi 680 wcgmavbwr Ges wwrvbb wwmpvr cömvi 1000 wcgmavbwr Aciw` K, G j½v K úªmi k b 250 GgGgGmwmGdwW gzv m úbœ 3wU K úªmi vcb Kiv n q Q Z a 2wU Acv iwus gvw-g P j, hvi gvu gzv 500 (250X2) GgGgGmwmGdwW, Aci K úªmiwu vû-evb wn m e i q Q G j½v K úªmi k bi cöwzwu K úªm ii wwrvbb mvkkvb cömvi 650 wcgmavbwr Ges wwrvbb wwmpvr cömvi 1000 wcgmavbwr AvïMÄ K úªmi kb Pvjy niqvi d j cöwzwu K úªm ii gva g `wbk GgGgGmwmGdwW ch ší AwZwi³ M v mi cöevn e w I mviv ` k M v mi wbgœ Pvc RwbZ mgm v we kl K i evsjv ` ki evwbwr K ivravbx PÆMÖv g M v mi wb œ Pvc RwbZ mgm vi mgvavb n q Q 1.3 GjGbwR msµvší Kvh µg we`ÿ r Drcv`b Ges wkíkvilvbvq mvimn wewfbœ cy Drcv` b cövk wzk M v mi Pvwn`v µgkt e w cv Q A_P ` k cövk wzk M v mi gry `i cwigvy µgkb n«vm cv Q µgea gvb M vm Pvwn`vi cwi cöwÿ Z mikvi ZijxK Z cövk wzk M vm (GjGbwR) Avg`vwbi w` K AMÖmi n Q K evrv ii g nklvjx Z GjGbwR wfwëk 1wU fvmgvb GjGbwR Uvwg bvj wbg v Yi Rb gvwk b Kv úvwb Gw jv iu GbvwR -Gi m ½ B Zvg a mikv ii Pzw³ ^vÿwiz n q Q K evrv ii g nklvjx Z wbwg Ze GjGbwR Uvwg bvj n Z cövße 500 wgwjqb NbdzU M vm RvZxq M vm wmö W mâvj bi j ÿ wrwuwmgj KZ K g nklvjx-av bvqviv cök íi g~j cvbcjvbb wbg vy KvR B Zvg a m úbœ Kiv n q Q Ges Ab vb Avbylw½K KvR Pjgvb i q Q we `k n Z GjGbwR Avg`vwb mv c ÿ gvp, 2018 _ K G cvbcjvb bi gva g 500 wgwjqb NbdzU M vm mâvjb Kiv m e n e GQvov, emikvwi cöwzôv bi gva g g nklvjx Z Av iv 1wU GjGbwR Uvwg bvj vc bi Pzw³ m úvw`z n q Q Aciw` K, g nklvjx Ges cuzqvlvjx Rjvi cvqiv mgỳ ª e ` ii mwbœk U mikvwi, emikvwi I ˆe `wkk cöwzôv bi gva g Av iv GKvwaK fvmgvb/f~wgwfwëk GjGbwR Uvwg bvj wbg v Yi cwikíbv i q Q G cwi cöwÿ Z wrwuwmgj KZ K g nklvjx-av bvqviv mgvšíivj M vm mâvjb cvbcjvbb wbg vy cökímn ` ki `wÿyvâ j cvbcjvbb buiqvk vc bi cö wzg~jk Kvh µg B Zvg a ïiæ Kiv n q Q 1.4 vwv msµvší Kvh µg wrwuwmgj KZ K vwv wm gi AvIZvq Wgiv I AvïMÄ SCADA K Uªvj m Uv ii gva g ` ki me Î M v mi jvw e vjvwýs Kv R mvwe K mn hvwmzv cö`vb Kiv n Q GQvov G j½v Western Zone SCADA K Uªvj m Uvi n Z vwv wm gi AvIZvq cöwzwbqz ` ki `wÿy-cwðgvâ ji M vm wguvwis k bi gva g mieivnk Z M v mi Z_ I DcvË wbiew Qbœfv e ch eÿy I msmön Kiv n Q vwv GÛ UwjKg wwcvu g U KZ K wbqwgz givgz I iÿyv eÿy Kvh µ gi gva g Western Zone SCADA System mpj ivlv n q Q wek e vs Ki A_ vq b evlivev`-wmw imä cök íi AvIZvq ERP/EAM System ev Íevq bi j ÿ Pzw³ m úv`b 26 Annual Report

28 2.0 evwl K Kg m úv`b Pzw³ (Annual Performance Agreement) 2.1 evwl K Kg m úv`b msµvší Kvh µg mikvwi Kg m úv`b e e vcbv c wz (Government Performance Management System) Gi AvIZvq MZ Zvwi L c Uªvevsjvi mv _ wrwuwmgj-gi A_ eq ii evwl K Kg m úv`b Pzw³ (Annual Performance Agreement) ^v wiz nq A_ eq ii ewy Z ^v wiz Pzw³ Z KŠkjMZ D Ïk mg~ ni wecix Z wrwuwmgj-gi D jøl hvm Kvh µ gi j gvîv Ges AR b wb gœ cö`ë n jvt Kvh µg A_ eq ii evwl K Kg m úv`b Pzw³i jÿ gvîvmg~n A_ eq ii evwl K Kg m úv`b Pzw³i AR bmg~n weziy Kv úvwbmg~ ni wbku M vm mâvjb 800 wewmgd 775 wewmgd On stream cleaning pigging KvR m cv`b 246 wktwgt 246 wktwgt K v_wwk cö UKkb wm g vcb 91 wktwgt 91 wktwgt 91 wktwgt jvfrbk cwipvjbvi j ÿ ivr ^ msmön 371 KvwU UvKv 314 KvwU UvKv wrwuwmgj G vwv wm g ev Íevq b Rbej wb qvm 40% 32% wrwuwmgj G BAviwc wm g ev Íevqb 40% 40% M vm mâvjb cvbcjvbb m úªmviy 21 wktwgt 21 wktwgt K úªmi/m vm kb vwcz 3wU 3wU GBPwWwW c wz Z b`x µwms 5wU 5wU cöavb Kvh vjq feb wbg vy 100% 100% Rbej cöwkÿy 360 Rb 428 Rb Rbej wb qvm 111 Rb 70 Rb ^vaxbzv I RvZxq w`em Dcj ÿ ewy j wrwuwmgj cöavb Kvh vjq feb Annual Report

29 GQvov ^vÿwiz Pzw³ Z Avewk K KŠkjMZ D Ïk mg~ ni AvIZvq iæz c~y Kvh vewj h_v: A_ eq ii evwl K Kg m úv`b Pzw³ ev Íevqb cwiex Y, A_ eq ii evwl K Kg m úv`b Pzw³i Aa evwl K g~j vqb cöwz e`b `vwlj, mikvwi Kg m úv`b e e vcbv msµvší cöwk Ymn wewfbœ wel q Kg KZ v/kg Pvix `i Rb cöwk Y Av qvrb, RvZxq ï vpvi KŠkj ev Íevqb, Z_ evzvqb nvjbvmv`kiy, mev cöwµqvq D veb Kvh µg ev Íevqb, Awf hvm cöwzkvi e e v ev Íevqb, AwWU AvcwË wb úwë Kvh µ gi Dbœqb BZ vw` Kvh µg Pzw³f ³ jÿ gvîv gvzv ek AwR Z n q Q c Uªvevsjvi mv _ wrwuwmgj-gi A_ eq ii evwl K Kg m úv`b Pzw³ (Annual Performance Agreement) Gi KŠkjMZ D Ïk Ges Avewk K KŠkjMZ D Ïk mg~ ni AvIZvf ³ hvezxq Kvh vewj m úv`bc~e K evwl K g~j vq b me gvu vi AR b Kiv m e n q Q 2.2 RvZxq ï vpvi KŠkj mykvmb cöwzôvq mvgwmök D ` v Mi mnvqk KŠkj wn m e Ô mvbvi evsjv Movi cöz qõ wb q RvZxq ï vpvi KŠkj cöyqb Kiv n q Q cökvmwbk gš bvjq I c Uªvevsjvi wb ` kbv Abyhvqx Kv úvwb Z RvZxq ï vpvi KŠkj cöyqb I ev Íevq bi j MwVZ bwzkzv KwgwUi gva g G wel q Kvh m úv`b Kiv nq KwgwU A_ eq ii Rb Kv úvwb Z RvZxq ï vpvi KŠkj ev Íevq bi j RvZxq ï vpvi KŠkj Kg -cwikíbv I AMªMwZ cwiex Y KvVv gvõõ mgqve Kg cwikíbv cöyqb K i c Uªvevsjvi wb ` kbvbyhvqx KwgwU gvwmk mfvi Kvh weeiyx I ÎgvwmK AMÖMwZ cªwz e`b c Uªvevsjvq cöiy K i D³ A_ eq ii Kg cwikíbv ev Íevqb nvi m šívlrbk 2.3 D vebx Rb cökvm b Kv Ri MwZkxjZv I D vebx ` Zv e w Ges bvmwik mev cö`vb cöwµqv mnwrkiy cš v D veb I PP vi j wrwuwmgj KZ K B bv fkb wug MwVZ nq B bv fkb wug MV bi ci cöwz eqi wewfbœ mg q B bv fkb wu gi gvwmk I evwl K mfv AbywôZ n q Q B bv fkb wel q Kg KZ v `i vbxq I e `wkk cöwk Yi e e v Kiv n q Q cöavb Kvh vjq fe bi D y³ v b AvBwWqv e vcb Kiv n q Q cövß B bv fwuf AvBwWqvmg~n cixÿv-wbixÿvc~e K Kv úvwbi iæz c~y Kg Kv Û cö qvm Kiv n Q 3.0 Z_ cöhyw³ 3.1 Kv úvwbi A_ eq ii wnmve cöyq b Kv úvwb AvB bi weavb, International Accounting Standards (IAS), Bangladesh Accounting Standards (BAS), International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) Ges c Uªvevsjv KZ K cöyxz Corporate Accounting Manual I Chart of Accounts AbymiY Kiv n q Q ZvQvov m Uªvj mvf vi I Local Area Network (LAN) e e vcbvi AvIZvq GKvDw Us md&uiqvi (Financial Management Software Solution- Dheeraj TM ) Gi gva g WvUv Gw Uª, WvUv e vkavc, wi cvu cöyqbmn hvezxq wnmve msi Y Kvh vewj `ÿzvi mv _ m úv`b Kiv n Q 3.2 wwwruvj evsjv `k wewbg v bi j gwš cwil` wefv Mi ZË veavb Ges cöavbgš xi Kvh vj qi GK mm Uy Bbdi gkb (GUyAvB) cövmöv gi mn hvwmzvq M vm UªvÝwgkb Kv úvbx wjwg UW (wrwuwmgj) Zvwi L B-dvBj e e vcbv Kvh µ g mshy³ n q Q wrwuwmgj-gi `vßwik Kv R MwZkxjZv e w Ges ^ QZv Avbq bi j B Zvg a WvK e e vcbv (wpwv), bw_ e e vcbv, nvwriv cöwz e`b, cöwk Y g bvbqb, cöwk Y cöwz e`b Rgv`vb Ges mfvi bvwuk B-dvB ji gva g wwwfkb/wwcvu g U/KwgwUmg~n KZ K m úv`b Kiv n Q 3.3 wrwuwmgj-gi cöavb Kvh vj q wbiew Qbœ B Uvi bu mev cö`v bi j B Uvi bu Gi MwZ 35 GgwewcGm n Z 115 GgwewcGm G DbœxZ Kiv n q Q wrwuwmgj Gi Kg KZ v `i g a AvšÍt hvmv hvm e w i j jvbbwewkó wwwruvj wcgweg wu c~ e i cªavb Kvh vjq n Z ez gvb AvMviMuvI wbr ^ cöavb Kvh vjq fe b vbvšíi Kiv n q Q 3.4 M vm UªvÝwgkb cvbcjvb bi Pvc I cwienb gzv mwvk I `ªæZ Dcv q wbiƒc Yi j Energy Solutions International KZ K D vwez Pipeline Studio Software-Gi gva g Kv úvwbi we` gvb cvbcjvbbmg~n K Steady State Ae vq Network Analysis Kiv n Q D³ Analysis Gi gva g we` gvb cvbcjvb bi mâvjb gzv, bzzb cvbcjvbb wbg v Yi cö qvrbxqzvi wel q mwvk Z_ wbwðz Kiv mnrzi n q Q 3.5 Kv úvwb Z Rbej wb qv Mi j ÿ wrwuwmgj cwipvjkgûjxi mfvi wm vší gvzv ek UwjUK evsjv `k wjwg U Wi WEB & SMS BASED RECRUITMENT PROGRAM Gi AvIZvq cixÿvi wd-mn PvKwii Av e`bcî AbjvB bi (Online) gva g wewfbœ c ` 27,708wU Av e`bcî MÖnY Kiv nq G cwi cöwÿ Z, c Uªvevsjv I Gi Aaxb Kv úvwbmg~ ni g a wrwuwmgj me cö_g Online-G PvKwii Av e`bcî MÖn Yi gva g wb qvm wewa Abyhvqx cöwµqvc~e K ^ízg (cövq 7 gvm) mg q 70 Rb Kg KZ v-kg Pvix wb qvm Kvh µg m úbœ K i 28 Annual Report

30 3.6 Kv úvwbi mkj UÛvi weáwß Ges iæz c~y Z_ vw` Kv úvwbi wbr ^ I qemvb Ui gva g wbqwgz cökvk Kiv n Q mikvwi µq cªwµqvq `i`vzvm Yi Aeva AskMªnY I mg my hvm m wó Ges µq cªwµqvq ` Zv, ^ QZv I Revew`wnZv wbwðzki Yi j ÿ cwikíbv gš bvj qi Central Procurement Technical Unit (CPTU) KZ K RvZxq B-Mfb g U cöwkdi g U (B-wRwc) cvu v j Kv úvwb AšÍf y³ nq gwš cwil` wefvm Ges we`ÿ r, R vjvwb I LwbR m ú` gš Yvj qi wm vší gvzv ek Kv úvwbi mkj µq KvR B-wRwc-Gi gva g m úv` bi j ÿ Kv úvwbi wwrvbb GÛ W fjc g U wwwfk bi AšÍM Z wmwfj BwÄwbqvwis wwcvu g U n Z Zvwi L me cö_g B wrwcõi gva g `icî AvnŸvb Kiv nq Ges RvZxq ï vpvi Kg cwikíbvi Ask wn m e ez gv b Ab vb wwwfkb/wwcvu g Umg~n n ZI B-wRwc-Gi gva g µq KvR m úv`b Kiv n Q A_ eq i mgvß cökímg~ ni weeiy 4.1 nvwukzgiæj- fovgviv M vm mâvjb cvbcjvbb wbg vy cökí ev ÍevqbKvj t RyjvB 2006 n Z ww m ^i 2016 A _ i Drm t wriwe, Gkxq Dbœqb e vsk Ges wrwuwmgj cökí e q t (wriwe: ; GwWwe: ; wrwuwmgj: ) jÿ UvKv cökí ev Íevq bi AMÖMwZ t wriwe, Gkxq Dbœqb e vsk Ges wrwuwmgj-gi hš_ A_ vq b cövk wzk M vm mieiv ni gva g ` ki mvgwmök A_ bwzk Dbœq bi j ÿ ` ki DËi-cwðg I `wÿy-cwðgvâ j M vm mâvjb AeKvVv gv m úªmvi Yi D Ï k Gkxq Dbœqb e vs Ki m ½ evsjv `k mikv ii ^vÿwiz FY-Pz³ bs-2188 e vbgmgd Gi AvIZvq wrwuwmgj KZ K 30" e v mi 87 wkt wgt nvwukzgiæj- fovgviv M vm mâvjb cvbcjvbb wbg vy cökí ev Íevqb Kiv nq Av jvp cök í me v cÿv iæz c~y Ask wqj cùv b`x µwms ` k G hvez Kv ji g a me P q eo cövq 2.1 wktwgt `xn b`x µwms KvRwU HDD c wz Z mvdj RbKfv e m úbœ n q Q MZ Zvwi L cvbcjvbbwu Kwgkwbs Kiv nq hvi djköæwz Z Lyjbv Aewa wbwg Z mâvjb cvbcjvb b M vm Øviv Kwgkwbs Kiv m e n q Q D jøl h, cökíwu wba vwiz mgq I Aby gvw`z e qi g a m úbœ n q Q 4.2 wzzvm M vm wd ìi K c bs 23, 24 (mivbj) n Z LuvwUnvZv Ges K c bs 25, 26 (gvwjnvzv) n Z LuvwUnvZv ch ší D PPvc M vm mâvjb cvbcjvbb wbg vy cökí ev ÍevqbKvj t Rvbyqvwi 2016 n Z ww m ^i 2017 A _ i Drm t wrwuwmgj-gi wbr ^ Znwej cökí e q t jÿ UvKv Kv úvwbi 23Zg evwl K mvaviy mfv Annual Report

31 cökí ev Íevq bi AMÖMwZ t wzzvm M vm ÿ Îi K~c bs 25, 26 (gvwjnvzv) n Z LuvwUnvZv As ki 20 Bw e v mi 1.70 wk jvwguvi cvbcjvbb wbg vy, vcb, Uw s I Kwgkwbs KvR MZ Zvwi L m úbœ n q Q wbwg Z cvbcjvb bi gva g gvwjnvzv M vm ÿî n Z Drcvw`Z AvbygvwbK 40 GgGgGmwmGdwW M vm cöwzw`b RvZxq M vm wmö W mieivn Kiv n Q Aciw` K, mivbj n Z LuvwUnvZv As ki 20 Bw e v mi 1.60 wk jvwguvi M vm cvbcjvbb wbg vy, vcb, Uw s I bvb Uªv Rb PvwR s MZ Zvwi L m úbœ nq Ges ciezx Z mivbj M vm ÿ Îi Drcv`b Abyhvqx Zvwi L mivbj-luvwunvzv cvbcjvbb cövk wzk M vm Øviv Kwgkwbs Kiv nq G me wbwg Z cvbcjvb bi gva g AvbygvwbK 26 GgGgGmwmGdwW M vm cöwzw`b RvZxq M vm wmö W mieivn Kiv n Q G cwi cöwÿ Z Av jvp cökí myôzfv e ev ÍevwqZ niqvq cöwzw`b RvZxq wmö W cövq 66 GgGgGmwmGdwW M vm mieivn Kiv m e n q Q cök íi mgỳ q KvR GwcÖj 2017 Gi g a m úbœ n q Q cök íi cök Z e q jÿ UvKv, hv Aby gvw`z e qi g a mxgve i q Q 4.3 cöavb Kvh vjq feb wbg vy cªkí ev ÍevqbKvj t RyjvB 2012 n Z Ryb 2017 A _ i Drm t wrwuwmgj-gi wbr ^ Znwej cökí e q t jÿ UvKv cökí ev Íevq bi AMÖMwZ t cök íi AvIZvq m úvw`z Kv Ri weeiy wbgœiæc t c~z wbg vy t 2wU em g U (99wU Mvox ivlvi ms vb), gvu 13wU d vi, 1wU gvwëcvicvm nj (250 Avmb wewkó), Bgvi RwÝ qvi, cöwzeüx `i Rb i v ú, W- Kqvi m Uvi, cyiæl I gwnjv `i Rb c _K bvgvh Ni, evw iæg, KwgwU iæg, UÛvi iæg, wgwus iæg, wewfbœ d v i mymw¾z Awdm Kÿ I Kg KZ v/kg Pvix `i Rb I cb ú m jv-nvbu cvwu kb Øviv ew Z `ßi, dqvi dm IqvK, jyfvi mieivn I vcb, qvi ibwjs mieivn I vcb, Af šíixy m vwbuvix I cvwb mieivn, mvegviwmej wwc wudei qj, Af šíixy mok, evdûvix Iqvj DB_ gbb MU, K úvdû Wªb, AviewiKvjPvi BZ vw` e`ÿ wzk KvR t 1600 KwfG e`ÿ wzk mve- kb, 400 KwfG ó vû evb Rbv iui, gvwëcvicvm n ji mvdû GÛ jvbwus, úkvj wdwusm GÛ wd vi, dvqvi cöv UKkb GÛ ww UKkb wm g, Kw úduvi buiqvwk s, Af šíixy B jkwuªwd Kkb KvR, wcg GÛ Kbdv iý wm g, mvdû GÛ ór jvbwus, wcgweg wm g, gvwëwgwwqv cö R±i, wmwkdwiwu GÛ K úvdû jvbwus wm g, Avw_ s GÛ jvb Uwbs G i i, 6wU wjd&u (1wU ew), 31 wk jviqvu ÿgzv m úbœ mvjvi c v bj wm óg, ebm g U dvm W fw U jkb, wfavigd m úbœ GqviKzjvi wm g, vwv- UwjKg I AvBwU wm óg, wmwmwuwfmn DbœZ wmwkdwiwu wm óg, mkj d v i eªwe vû B Uvi bu I IqvBdvB ms hvm BZ vw` Av jvp cök íi cök Z e q jÿ UvKv D jøl h, cökíwu wba vwiz mgq I Aby gvw`z e qi g a m úbœ n q Q cök íi Pzw³ m úv`b mswkøó Kg KZ ve ` 30 Annual Report

32 5.0 Kv úvwbi ev Íevqbvaxb cökímg~ ni AMªMwZ 5.1 K úömi kb vcb cökí cök íi D Ïk t K úömi kb vc bi gva g AvïMÄ cvbcjvbbmn AvïMÄ I G j½v M vm g vwb dvì k bi ciezx cvbcjvbb mg~ ni M vm mâvjb ÿgzv e w Kiv Ges RvZxq M vm wmö W AwZwi³ M vm mieivn Kiv ev ÍevqbKvj t Rvbyqvwi 2006 n Z m Þ ^i 2017 wba vwiz mgqmxgvi g a cök íi AvIZvq mgỳ q KvR m úbœ bv niqvq cök íi cö ÍvweZ 2q AviwWwcwc Abyhvqx cök íi gqv` Ryb 2018 ch ší ewa Z Kivi D ` vm bqv n q Q A _ i Drm t wriwe, wrwuwmgj-gi wbr ^ Znwej Ges Gkxq Dbœqb e vsk cökí e q t ˆe `wkk gỳ ªv eve` gvwk b Wjvi wgwjqb I vbxq gỳ ªv eve` $ 57, jÿ UvKv (wriwe: $ 54, jÿ UvKv I wrwuwmgj: $ 3, jÿ UvKv) cökí ev Íevq bi AMÖMwZ t Natural Gas Access Improvement Project (NGAIP)-Gi AvIZvq ` ki wewfbœ M vm wecyb Kv úvwbi MÖvnK cöv ší M v mi Pvc I cöevn e w i j ÿ cökíwu ev ÍevwqZ n Q AvïMÄ I G j½vq vwcz K úªmi kb RvZxq M vm wmö Wi AwZ iæz c~y A½ wn m e M v mi Pvc I cöevn e w i gva g ` ki wewfbœ Ad-UªvÝwgkb c q U wbw` ó Pvc I Pvwn`v gvzv ek M vm mieiv n e eüz n Q wvkv`vi Hyundai Engineering Company Limited, Korea KZ K AvïMÄ I G j½vq gvu 6wU K úªmi BDwb Ui Kwgkwbs KvR m úbœ n q Q AvïM Ä vwcz 3wUi g a 2wU K úªmi BDwbU Acv ik bi gva g Avcw ª g cövc Zv mv c ÿ Station Full Capacity Øviv ˆ`wbK 1500 wgwjqb NbdzU M vm mieivn Kivi mÿgzv i q Q Aci 1wU BDwbU memgq vû evb gv W _v K ez gv b AvïMÄ K úªmi k b GKmv _ 2wU K úªmi Acv ik bi gva g WvDbw ª g mâvjb cvbcjvb b Pvc e w mn AwZwi³ M vm wmö Wi gva g mâvjb Kiv m e n Q we` gvb wmö Wi G j½v cöv ší M v mi Pvc Kg QvovI WvDbw ª g ch vß M vm Pvwn`v bv _vkvq mlvbkvi K úªmi kb Pvjv bv m e n Q bv fwel Z RvZxq wmö Wi G j½v cöv ší M v mi mieivn/pvc e w c j WvDbw ª g M vm Pvwn`v Abyhvqx G j½v K úªmi kb Acv ik bi D ` vm bqv hv e wrwuwmgj-gi Kg KZ vmy K K úªmi mswkøó Acv ikbvj Kvh µg cwipvjbvi Kv R cvi`wk Zv AR bi j ÿ GwWweÕi F Yi AvIZvq 5wU MÖæ c gvu 25 Rb Kg KZ v ESD Simulation Training Institute, Scotland, UK n Z ˆe `wkk cöwkÿy MÖnY K i Q wvkv`v ii mv _ m úvw`z Pzw³ Abyhvqx 30 m Þ ^i 2017 Zvwi L Pzw³i gqv` DËxY n ji Amicable Settlement Gi AvIZvq 1 A ±vei 2017 n Z 30 Ryb 2018 ch ší wvkv`vi KZ K wbr ^ e q K úªmi kbmg~ ni (Materials Cost e wzz) Acv ikb I iÿyv eÿy cwipvjbv Ae vnz i q Q 5.2 evlivev`-wmw imä M vm mâvjb cvbcjvbb wbg vy cökí cök íi D Ïk t evsjv `k mikvi I wek e vs Ki A_ vq b ev Íevqbvaxb wmw imä wcwks cviqvi cök íi AvIZvq wmw im Ä vwcze 2x150 gmviqvu wmw imä wcwks cviqvi cøv U M vm mieiv ni j ÿ D³ cök íi Ask wn m e evlivev` M vm wdì n Z wmw imä we`ÿ r K `ª ch ší 30 Bw e v mi cövq 60 wk jvwguvi `xn M vm mâvjb cvbcjvbb I mswkøó myweavw` wbgv Y Kiv GQvov cvbcjvb bi gva g wzzvm Awaf~³ gnbvnvu, nwicyi I wmw imä-g vwcz I vwcze we`ÿ r K `ªmg~n Ges Av`gwR Bwc RW GjvKvmn bvivqymä GjvKvi wkí KviLvbv, evwbwr K Ges Ab vb MÖvnK `i Pvwn`v gvzv ek cö qvrbxq M v mi mieivn myweav m wó Kiv ev ÍevqbKvj t RyjvB 2007 n Z ww m ^i 2018 A _ i Drm t wriwe, wrwuwmgj-gi wbr ^ Znwej I wek e vsk cökí e q t 84, (wriwe: 24,710.00; wcg: 57,432.00; wrwuwmgj: 2,828.00) jÿ UvKv cökí ev Íevq bi AMÖMwZ t e `wkk wvkv`vi FERNAS Construction Company Inc., Turkey KZ K cök íi AvIZvaxb m ú~y 60 wk.wg. cvbcjvbb, 6wU fvj kb, GBPwWwW c wz Z 6wU b`x µwms, 3wU wguvwis kb (evlivev`, nwicyi Ges wmw imä) BZ vw` KvR m úbœkizt b f ^i 26, 2014 Zvwi L cvbcjvb b M vm mieiv ni gva g Kwgkwbs Kiv n q Q B Zvg a cök íi AvIZvaxb vwv wm g vcb KvR m úbœ Kiv n q Q wvkv`vi KZ K Ryb 2017 ch ší me gvu 97% AMÖMwZ ev ÍevwqZ n q Q wek e vs Ki GKB FYPzw³i AvIZvq wrwuwmgj-g Enterprise Resource Planning(ERP)/Enterprise Asset Management (EAM) System-I ev Íevqb Kiv n Q ERP/EAM System ev Íevq bi Rb Uvb wk mvcøvbqvi FPT Information System Corporation, Vietnam-Gi mv _ MZ Zvwi L Pzw³ ^vÿwiz nq Z`byhvqx G Kv Ri ev Íevqb gqv`kvj 15 g 2016 n Z b f ^i 2017 ch ší ERP/ EAM System ev Íevqb Kg KvÛ Z`viwKi Annual Report

33 evlivev`-wmw imä cök íi AvIZvq ERP/EAM System ev Íevq bi j ÿ cöwkÿy Kvh µg Rb 3 Rb vbxq Ges 1 Rb ˆe `wkk Individual Consultant wb qvwrz i q Qb Ryb 2017 ch ší ERP ev Íevq b AMÖMwZ 48% wrwuwmgj-gi Business Plan mn 10 eq ii Avw_ K cö ÿcb cöyq bi Rb Zvwi L 1 Rb Individual Financial Consultant wb qvm Kiv n q Q cök íi cvbcjvbb wbg vy KvR m úbœ niqvq gnbvnvu I nwicyi we`ÿ r K `ªmg~ n Ges bvivqymä GjvKvq M vm mieivn Ae vnz i q Q GQvov wzzvm M vm wugûww Kvt wjt Awaf~³ gnbvnvu, nwicyi I wmw imä GjvKvq we` gvb I vwcze we`ÿ r K `ªmg~n Ges XvKv msjmœ wkívâjmg~ n ewa Z M vm mieiv ni my hvm m wó n q Q cùv mzy wbg vy KvR m úbœ& n j ewy Z cvbcjvb bi gva g ` ki `wÿyvâ ji M vm mâvjb Kiv m e n e 5.3 vwv wi nwewj Ukb cökí cök íi D Ïk t wrwuwmgj-gi M vm mieivn e e v K `ªxqfv e gwbuwis I myôzfv e cwipvjbvi Rb SCADA system vcb ev ÍevqbKvj t RyjvB 2012 n Z ww m ^i 2018 A _ i Drm t wriwe I RvBKv cökí e q t vbxq gỳ ªv jÿ UvKv Ges ˆe `wkk gỳ ªv jÿ UvKvmn me gvu jÿ UvKv cökí ev Íevq bi AMÖMwZ t ` ki M vm Drcv`b, weziy, Ges mâvjb cvbcjvbbmg~n K K `ªxqfv e gwbuwis I myôzfv e cwipvj bi wbwg Ë wrwuwmj-gi we` gvb vwv wm g-gi Rehabilitation and Expansion Ki Yi j ÿ vwv wi nwewj Ukb cökíwu ev ÍevwqZ n Q vwv wm g vc bi Rb Bwcwm wvkv`vi Yokogawa India Ltd Gi mv _ MZ Zvwi L Pzw³ ^vÿwiz n q Q cök íi mvwe K ZË veavq b wvkv`vi KZ K wwrvbb KvR m úbœ n q Q c~z wbg vy Kv Ri g a AviwUD iæg wbg vy, iwwi iæg, Wgiv K Uªvj m Uvi Ges AvïMÄ Aw jvwi K Uªvj m Uvi Gi ms vi KvR Pjgvb i q Q wvkv`vi B Zvg a wrwuwmgj nw Awdm K Uªvj m Uv ii W Kv ikb KvR m úbœ K i Q GQvov wvkv`vi BÝUªy g U, AviwUD, d v Kw úduvi, e vuvix, AviwUD PvR vi, BDwcGm mvjvi c v bj, buiqvk g v br g U wm g, wfiavbwc dvb, wfwwi Kbdv iý BDwbU, mvf vi, IqvK kb Ges cö qvrbxq md&uiqvi Avg`vwb K i wba vwiz v i msiÿy K i Q AviwUD iæ g AviwUD vcb I mvbumg~ n BÝUªy g Ukb KvR AwZ kxnªb ïiæ n e cökíwu m úv`b k l M vm wdì n Z Drcvw`Z 32 Annual Report

34 M vm, RvZxq M vm wmö W mâvwjz M vm Ges evé Kv gvi KZ K M nxz M v mi cöevn I Pvc GK br i ch eÿy Kiv m e n e 5.4 abyqv-g j½v Ges e½eüz mzzi cwðg cvo-bjkv M vm mâvjb cvbcjvbb wbg vy cökí cök íi D Ïk t abyqv _ K G j½v ch ší 52 wktwgt Ges e½eüz mzzi cwðg cvo _ K bjkv ch ší 15 wktwgt ch ší 30" e v mi gvu 67 wktwgt `xn D PPvc wewkó M vm mâvjb cvbcjvbb wbgv Y K i RvZxq M vm MÖx Wi mvwe K mÿgzv e w Kiv wzzvm M vm Awaf~³ GjvKv (MvRxcyi, gqgbwmsn I Uv½vBj Rjv), cwðgvâj Awaf~³ GjvKv (e nëi ivrkvnx wefvm) Ges wbgv Yvaxb my `ieb M vm Awaf~³ (e nëi Lyjbv wefvm) GjvKvq ewa Z nv i M v mi mieivn Ae vnz ivlv GQvov wmivrm Ä cö ÍvweZ 450 gtit we`ÿ r K `ªmn Ab vb we`ÿ r K `ª Ges fovgvivq wbgv Yvaxb 450 gtit we`ÿ r K `ª M vm mieivn Kiv ev ÍevqbKvj t RyjvB 2014 n Z Ryb 2019 A _ i Drm t wriwe, wrwuwmgj-gi wbr ^ Znwej I RvBKv cökí e q t 97, (wriwe: 46,471.93, wrwuwmgj: Ges RvBKv: 50,701.88) jÿ UvKv cökí ev Íevq bi AMÖMwZ t cök íi AvIZvq 3.4 wgwjqb gvwk b Wjvi P w³g~ j Penspen Ltd., UK K cök íi civgk K RvBKvi A_ vq b ev Íevqbvaxb abyqv-g j½v cök íi AvIZvq cvbcjvbb wbg vy Kvh µg wn m e wb qvm cö`vb Kiv n q Q civgk K cöwzôvb KZ K cök íi wewfbœ cöwkdi g U c v K Ri Bidding Document, b v, cöv jb BZ vw` cöyqb KvR Pjgvb i q Q cök íi cvbcjvbb gvjvgvj I hš cvwz µq (c v KR-1) h_v t jvbbcvbc, BÛvKkb eû, ej fvj, cøvm fvj, wdwusm, wmwc gvjvgvj, vwv gvjvgvj BZ vw` µ qi Rb MAN Industries (India) Ltd., India Gi mv _ gvwk b Wjvi 16,625, gvî g~ j Pzw³ ^vÿwiz nq B Zvg a 67 wktwgt jvbb cvbc Avg`vbx Kiv n q Q Ges KwZcq gvjvgvj Avg`vbxi Kvh µg Pjgvb i q Q cök íi AvIZvq GBPwWwW c wz Z 6wU b`x µwms Kv Ri (c v KR-2) Rb Punj LLyod-Pipeliners JV Gi mv _ Pzw³ ^vÿwiz n q Q c v KR-3 AvIZvq 3wU wmwrgm vc bi j ÿ `icî g~j vqb KvR Pjgvb i q Q Ges c v KR-4 Annual Report

35 AvIZvq 67 wktwgt cvbcjvbb wbgv Yi j ÿ wvkv`vi Dipon Gas-Pipeliners-Technic JV Gi mv _ Pzw³ m úv`b n q Q Ges gvv ch v q cvbcjvbb wbg vy KvR Pjgvb i q Q cök íi AvIZvq cökí ev ÍevqbKv j wzmö e w³ `i wzc~iy I c~be vmb Ges f~wg AwaMÖnY I ûkzg `L j mnvqzv msµvší Kvh vw` m úv` bi j ÿ B Zvg a UDOY (An Organization of Socio-Economic Development) bv g GKwU GbwRI cöwzôvb K wb qvm `qv n q Q D³ GbwRI Gi gva g wmivrmä Rjvi ÿwzmö Í e w³e M i ÿwzc~iy cö`vb Ges RAP-Gi AvIZvq ÿwzmö Í e w³em K wekí RxweKv msµvší cöwkÿy Kg KvÛ Pjgvb i q Q 5.5 M vm UªvÝwgkb K vcvwmwu G cvbkb AvïMÄ Uz evlivev` cökí cök íi D Ïk t AvïMÄ n Z evlivev` ch ší 30" Bw e vm wewkó 61 wk jvwguvi M vm mâvjb cvbcjvbb vc bi gva g ˆ`wbK AviI wgwjqb NbdzU M vm XvKv I PÆMÖvg GjvKvq A_ vr wzzvm cövwakvif~³ GjvKv Ges evlivev` cövwakvif~³ GjvKvi g a mâvjb Ges wzzvm M vm UªvÝwgkb GÛ www ªweDkb Kv úvbxi AvIZvaxb g bvni`x I `IqvbevM Ges evlivev` M vm wm gm wjt-gi AvIZvaxb KzUz ^cyi, dbx I evoekyû GjvKvq mxwgz AvKv i cöavb cöavb v b Transmission-Distribution interface metering myweavw` vcb Kiv ev ÍevqbKvj t Rvbyqvwi 2010 n Z ww m ^i 2017 A _ i Drm t wriwe I wrwuwmgj-gi wbr ^ Znwej cökí e q t (wriwe Ges wrwuwmgj ) jÿ UvKv cökí ev Íevq bi AMÖMwZ t AvïMÄ cöv ší cövß e nëi wm ju A j Drcvw`Z AwZwi³ M vm XvKv I PÆMÖvg GjvKvq mieivn Kivi j ÿ we` gvb G-we jvb bi mgvšíiv j AviI GKwU 30 Bw e v mi 61 wktwgt `xn cvbcjvbb wbg vy cökí Òwe`ÿ r I R vjvwbi `ªæZ mieivn e w (we kl weavb) AvBb, 2010Ó Gi AvIZvq ev Íevqbvaxb i q Q cök íi AvIZvq 61 wktwgt cvbcjvbb wbg vy I 3wU b`x (wzzvm, eywo I MvgZx) GBPwWwW c wz Z µwms Kvh µg m úbœ KiZt cvbcjvbbwu MZ Zvwi L Kwgkwbs Kiv n q Q D³ cvbcjvb bi gva g ez gv b GgGgGmwmGdwW M vm AvïMÄ n Z evlivev` Z_v e nëi XvKv I PÆMÖvg GjvKvq mieivn Kiv n Q cök íi AvIZvq 3wU B Uvi dr wguvwis kb (KzUz ^cyi, dbx I evoekzû) wbg vy Kv Ri Rb wvkv`v ii mv _ MZ Zvwi L Pzw³ ^vÿwiz nq D³ 3wU B Uvi dr wguvwis k bi wbg vy KvR cövq 90% mgvß n q Q Avkv Kiv hvq h, ww m ^i 2017 Gi g a wguvwis k bi gva g M vm mieivn Kiv m e n e 5.6 g nklvjx-av bvqviv M vm mâvjb cvbcjvbb wbg vy cökí cök íi D Ïk t ` ki M vm NvUwZ wbimbk í g nklvjxi A`~ i Mfxi mg~ `ª Avg`vbxZe Zij cövk wzk M vm (GjGbwR) Floating Storage & Re-gasification Unit (FSRU) Gi gva g M v m iæcvšíic~e K K evrvi Rjvi g nklvjx Øxc _ K PUªMÖvg Rjvi Av bvqviv Dc Rjv ch ší 30" e v mi 91 wkt wgt `xn wbwg Z cvbcjvb bi gva g KwRwWwmGj, PÆMÖvg Gi we` gvb Ring Main Pipeline-G M vm mâvjb Ges DØ Ë M vm Avc ªxg D PPvc wewkó mâvjb cvbcjvb b mâvjb Kiv ev ÍevqbKvj t RyjvB 2014 n Z Ryb 2017 A _ i Drm t wriwe I wrwuwmgj-gi wbr ^ Znwej cökí e q t (wriwe Ges wrwuwmgj ) jÿ UvKv cökí ev Íevq bi AMÖMwZ t mikvi KZ K cwikwíz Zij cövk wzk M vm (GjGbwR) Avg`vbxi gva g ˆ`wbK cövq 500 wgwjqb NbdzU M vm RvZxq M vm wmö W wezi Yi j ÿ PÆMÖvgmn mviv ` k M v mi NvUwZ n«vm, M v mi cöevn e w Ges wewfbœ we`ÿ r K `ª, mvi KviLvbv I wewfbœ wkí KviLvbvq M vm mieivn wbwðzki Yi j ÿ we`ÿ r I R vjvwbi `ªæZ mieivn e w (we kl weavb) AvBb, 2010 Gi AvIZvq g nklvjx n Z Av bvqviv ch ší 30 e v mi 91 wktwgt mâvjb cvbcjvbb wbg vy cökíwu wrwuwmgj KZ K ev ÍevwqZ n Q cök íi AvIZvq fvj ókb, wcm jvâvi I wcm wiwmfvi ókbmn 5wU ju/ mkk b wef³ K i wktwgt `xn cvbcjvbb wbg vy KvR mgvß n q Q Bwcwm/UvY -wk wfwë Z GBPwWwW c wz Z wktwgt `xn 4wU b`x ( Kv njx, DRvbwUqv, gvzvgyûix I mv½y) µwms KvR mdjfv e m úbœ n q Q Aciw` K Bwcwm/UvY -wk wfwë Z K evrv ii g nklvjx Z 600 MMSCFD ÿgzv m úbœ 1wU Custody Transfer Metering Station (CTMS) I PÆMÖv gi Av bvqviv Z 1wU City Gate Station (CGS) wbg vy KvR Pjgvb i q Q 34 Annual Report

36 5.7 Av bvqviv- dšr`vinvu M vm mâvjb cvbcjvbb wbg vy cökí cök íi D Ïk t ` ki we` gvb M vm msku wbim bi j KwRwWwmGj weziy GjvKvi Pvwn`v c~i Yi ci Av bvqviv c q U cövße AwZwi³ wi-m vwmdvbw ZijxK Z cövk wzk M vm (AviGjGbwR) mieiv ni wbwgë PÆMÖvg Rjvi Av bvqviv n Z dšr`vinvu ch ší 42 e v mi wk.wg. `xn M vm mâvjb cvbcjvbb wbg vy Kiv ev ÍevqbKvj t GwcÖj 2016 n Z ww m ^i 2017 A _ i Drm t wrwuwmgj Ges c Uªvevsjvi Aaxb 3wU Kv úvwb (wuwrwuwwwmgj, KwRwWwmGj I wewrwwwmgj) cökí e q t 77, jÿ UvKv cökí ev Íevq bi AMÖMwZ t cökíwui iæz we epbvq mikvi AÎ cökíwu K Òwe` yr I R vjvwbi `ªæZ mieivn e w (we kl weavb) AvBb, 2010 (ms kvwaz AvBb-2015)Ó Gi AvIZvq Ges Fast Track f ³ cökí wn m e ev Íevq bi wm vší MÖnY K i Q cök íi wwwcwc MZ Zvwi L RvZxq A_ bwzk cwil `i wbe vnx KwgwU (GK bk) KZ K Aby gvw`z nq cök íi iæu mv f, BAvBG Ges m qj GÛ mvem qj Bb fw Mkb KvR B Zvg a m úbœ n q Q Av bvqviv- dšr`vinvu cvbcjvbb wbg vy cök íi mvbu cwi`k b cök íi gvjvgv ji Rb 3wU c v K R h_v: c v KR-1 (ju- G : Line Pipe, ju- we : Coating & Wrapping Materials); c v KR-2 ( ju- G : Induction Bends, ju- we : Fittings, Pig Traps, CP Materials and TEG) Ges c v KR-3 : Ball Valves, Gate Valves and Plug Valves Gi gva g gvjvgvj Avg`vwbi j ÿ B Zvg a mieivnkvixi mv _ Pzw³ ^vÿi Ges Gjwm Lvjv n q Q GBPwWwW c wz Z KY dzwj b`x µwmskv Ri Rb wvkv`vi Gypsum-Gasmin JV Gi mv _ Pzw³ ^vÿwiz n q Q Aciw` K PviwU ju/ mkk b wef³ cvbjvbb wbg vy Kv Ri Rb wvkv`vimy K B Zvg a NoA Bmÿ Kiv n q Q GQvov AÎ cök íi AvIZvaxb f~wg AwaMÖnY I ûkzg `L ji Kvh µg Pjgvb i q Q 5.8 PÆMÖvg- dbx-evlivev` M vm mâvjb mgvšíivj cvbcjvbb wbg vy cökí cök íi D Ïk t mikvi KZ K Avg`vbxZe Zij cövk wzk M vm n Z cövße M vm (R-LNG) Øviv PÆMÖvg A ji R vjvwb Pvwn`v c~iy ciez x AwZwi³ R-LNG RvZxq M vm wmö W mâvj bi wbwgë we` gvb 24" we Kwe-PÆMÖvg cvbcjvb bi mgvšíiv j PÆMÖv gi dšr`vinvu n Z Kzwgjøvi evlivev` ch ší 36" e vm m úbœ 181 wkt wgt mgvšíivj M vm mâvjb cvbcjvbb wbg vy Annual Report

37 ev ÍevqbKvj t RyjvB 2016 n Z Ryb 2019 A _ i Drm t wriwe, GwWwe I GAvBAvBwe cökí e q t ( vbxq gỳ ªv Ges cökí mnvqzv ) jÿ UvKv cökí ev Íevq bi AMÖMwZ t GKi f~wg AwaMÖnY Ges 2wU UvDb ew vi kb (wuwegm) I 1wU wguvwis kb vcb, GBPwWwW c wz Z 4wU b`x µwms mn 36" e vm wewkó 181 wkt wgt `xn cvbcjvbb wbg vy c v KR-1 Gi AvIZvq cök íi Line Pipes, Casing Pipe, Station Pipe msmön/µ qi j ÿ B Zvg a mieivnkvix cöwzôv bi mv _ Pzw³ ^vÿwiz n q Q c v KR-2 Gi AvIZvq 4wU j Ui gva g Pig Traps & Fittings, Valves, CP & Coating Materials, Pipeline Induction Bends cöf wz gvjvgvj µ qi Rb GwcÖj 2017-G Pzw³ m úvw`z n q Q cvbcjvbb wbg vy Kv Ri Rb 8wU ju/ mkk b wef³ K i vbxq D y³ `icî Avnevb Kiv n q Q GQvov GBPwWwW c wz Z 4wU b`x µwms Kv Ri Rb AvšÍR vwzk `icî Avnevb Kiv n q Q f~wg AwaMÖnY I ûkzg `L ji j ÿ Kzwgjøv Rjvq B Zvg a hš_ fwiwd Kkb KvR m úbœ k l 3 aviv bvwuk cö`vb Kiv n q Q Ges dbx Rjvq hš_ fwiwd Kkb KvR Pjgvb i q Q Aciw` K, PÆMÖvg Rjvq wwgjgwm mfv m úbœ k l 4 aviv bvwuk cö`v bi Kvh µg Pjgvb i q Q GbwRI wb qv Mi j ÿ Lmov Pzw³ ^vÿwiz n q Q 5.9 g nklvjx-av bvqviv mgvšíivj cvbcjvbb wbg vy cökí cök íi D Ïk t ` ki M vm Pvwn`v wbimbk í K evrvi Rjvi g nklvjx n Z PUªMÖvg Rjvi Av bvqviv ch ší 42" e v mi 79 wktwgt `xn mgvšíivj cvbcjvbb wbgv Y K i RvZxq M vm wmö Wi gva g Avg`vbxZe wi-m vwmdvbw ZijxK Z cövk wzk M vm (AviGjGbwR) evlivev` I wzzvm Awaf~³ GjvKvmn KY dzjx Awaf~³ GjvKvq mâvj bi j ÿ g nklvjx I KzZzew`qv Øxc n Z cövße AviGjGbwR mieivn ev ÍevqbKvj t RyjvB 2016 n Z ww m ^i 2018 A _ i Drm t wrwuwmgj I c Uªvevsjvi Aaxb mn hvmx 4wU cöwzôvb ( KwRwWwmGj, wuwrwuwwwmgj, wewrwwwmgj Ges GmwRGdGj) hš_ A_ vqb cökí e q t jÿ UvKv cökí ev Íevq bi AMÖMwZ t cökíwu we`ÿ r I R vjvwbi `ªæZ mieivn e w (we kl weavb) AvBb, 2010 Gi AvIZvq ev ÍevwqZ n Q cök íi iæu mv f, BAvBG I m qj Bb fw Mkb KvR m úvw`z n q Q cök íi AvIZvq PÆMÖvg I K evrvi-g f wg AwaMÖnY I ûkzg`l ji KvR Pjgvb Av Q cök íi jvbb cvbc I Ab vb mvgmöx µ qi j ÿ `i`vzv `i mv _ Pzw³ ^vÿwiz n q Q cök íi AvIZvq GBPwWwW wfwë Z 3wU b`x I 4wU Lvj µwms Kv Ri Rb wvkv`vi K NoA cö`vb Kiv n q Q PÆMÖv gi Av bvqviv Z 1200 GgGgGmwmGdwW ÿgzvm úbœ GKwU wmwugggm wbgv Y Kv Ri Rb `icî g~j vqb KvR Pjgvb i q Q Aciw` K, cvbcjvbb wbg vy Kv Ri Rb 5wU ju/ mkk b wef³ K i vbxq `icî Avnevb Kiv n q Q 5.10 cùv mzz Z M vm mâvjb cvbcjvbb wbg vy cùv eûgylx mzz cök í mzzi Awe Q` Ask wn m e wriweõi A_ vq b jÿ UvKv e q 30" x 6.15 wktwgt M vm mâvjb cvbcjvbb vc bi ms vb cùv mzz cök íi wwwcwc Z i q Q cùv eûgylx mzz KZ cÿ ÒGas Pipeline Design Drawing (Version-C) & Structural Design Drawing (Version-2)Ó Gi Wªvd&U Kwc wrwuwmgj K cöiy K i wrwuwmgj KZ K Design/Drawing mg~n cixÿv-wbixÿv c~e K cùv eûgylx mzz cökí KZ cÿ eivei MZ Zvwi L cöiy Kiv n q Q mzz KZ cÿ KZ K D³ Design/Drawing mg~n P ovšíkiyc~e K Zv `i wb qvwrz wvkv`v ii gva g G cvbcjvbb wbg vy KvR m úv`b Ki e 6.0 Kv úvwbi fwel Z Dbœqbg~jK cwikíbv ` ki cöv_wgk R vjvwbi wbivcëv wbwðzki Y MÖvnK ch v q wbivc`, wbf i hvm I mvkªqx Dcv q M vm mieiv ni j ÿ wrwuwmgj KZ K myôz cwikíbvi gva g RvZxq M vm wmö Wi m úªmviy Kiv nq M v mi Drm/cÖvwß I Pvwn`v we epbvq 36 Annual Report

38 M vm cvbcjvbb wbg v Yi cwikíbv MÖnY, cök íi A_ vqb, cök íi f wg AwaMÖnY I AwahvP bi Rb iæu Rwic I cwi ek mgxÿv Kvh vw` m úv`bkiz: wwwcwc cöyqb n Z cökí Aby gv`b ch ší hvezxq Kvh vw` cwikíbv wefvm KZ K m úbœ Kiv nq Kv úvwbi fwel Z Dbœqb cwikíbv wb gœ ewy Z n jv t µwgk bs cök íi bvg 6.1 g nklvjx wr iv c q Ug nklvjx wmwugggm ch ší 42 e vm x 7 wktwgt M vm mâvjb cvbcjvbb wbg vy cökí 6.2 KzUz ^cyi - gnbvnvu 30" e vm x 45 wktwgt M vm mâvjb cvbcjvbb wbg vy cökí 6.3 e ov-iscyi-bxjdvgvix 24 e vm x 165 wktwgt M vm mâvjb cvbcjvbb wbg vy cökí A_ vqb wrwuwmgj/ c Uªvevsjv I Aaxb Kv úvwb mg~ ni Znwej/ R vjvwb wbivcëv Znwej c Uªvevsjv, wuwrwuwwwmgj, wewrwwwmgj I wrwuwmgj Drm wba vib nqwb cöv wjz e q (jÿ UvKv) gqv`kvj RyjvB Ryb RyjvB Ryb RyjvB ww m ^i 2019 cök íi D Ïk ` ki we` gvb M vm NvUwZ guv bvi j ÿ g nklvjx wr iv c q U n Z g nklvjx wmwugggm ch ší wi-m vwmdvbw GjGbwR (AviGjGbwR) mieiv ni wbwgë mâvjb AeKvVv gv wbg vy Kiv gnbvnvu Power Hub GjvKvq we` gvb I cwikíbvaxb we`ÿ r K `ªmg~ n M vm mieiv ni j ÿ 30" e v mi 42 wktwgt `xn KzUz ^cyi n Z gnbvnvu ch ší M vm mâvjb cvbcjvbb wbg v Yi D ` vm MÖnY Kiv n q Q cwðgvâj M vm weziy Kv úvbxi AvIZvaxb ` ki DËi I DËi-cwðg A j wbiew Qbœfv e M vm mieivn wbwðz Kiv 6.4 jv½je `-gviqv I RuvwRiv - MvcvjMÄ - Lyjbv M vm mâvjb 30 e vm x 175 wktwgt M vm cvbcjvbb wbg vy cökí Drm wba vib nqwb Rvbyqvwi ww m ^i 2021 cö ÍvweZ cvbcjvbbwu ev Íevq bi gva g e nëi dwi`cyi, ewikvj I Lyjbv A j M vm miev ni Rb Drm m wói gva g M vm mâvjb buiqv K i cömviy 6.5 2q e½eüz ( iji q) weªr mkkb 36" e vm x 12 wktwgt M vm mâvjb cvbcjvbb wbg vy cökí Drm wba vib nqwb RyjvB Ryb 2022 cwðgvâj M vm weziy Kv úvbx I my `ieb M vm weziy Kv úvbxi AvIZvaxb ` ki DËi, DËi-cwðg I `w Y-cwðg A j wbiew Qbœfv e M vm mieivn wbwðz Kiv 6.6 fvgiv, mvzwÿiv - evqvwjqv, Lyjbv 30 e vm x 60 wktwgt M vm mâvjb cvbcjvbb wbg vy cökí Drm wba vib nqwb RyjvB Ryb 2020 cö ÍvweZ cvbcjvb bi gva g fviz n Z Avg`vbxZe M vm Lyjbv A ji we`ÿ r K `ª mieivn wbwðz Kiv 7.0 Kv úvwb KZ K G hvez ev ÍevwqZ cökímg~ ni weeiy mikvwi wm vší Abyhvqx ˆe `wkk A_ vq b h_vt GwWwe I wek e vsk, wriwe A_ vqb Ges wrwuwmgj-gi wbr ^ A_ vqbmn c Uªvevsjvi Aaxb Ab vb Kv úvwbmg~ ni A_ vq b wrwuwmgj KZ K B Zvg a wb gœv³ 20wU cökí ev ÍevwqZ n q Q t Annual Report

39 µwgk bs cök íi bvg AvïMÄ-evLivev` 30" e vm x wk.wg. M vm mâvjb cvbcjvbb (cö_g ch vq ) cökí wwwcwc/aviwwwcwc Abyhvqx Aby gvw`z cökí e q ( KvwU UvKv) gqv`kvj GwcÖj ww m ^i 1997 vwv- UwjKwgDwb Kkb wm g RyjvB b f ^i 2003 wrwuwmgj-uzbwbs cökí 8.65 Ryb g 1999 cwðgvâj M vm mâvjb cvbcjvbb cökí K) e½eüz (we-we) mzz Ask 30" e vm x 9.00 wk.wg. cvbcjvbb L) G j½v-bjkv 24" e vm x wk.wg. cvbcjvbb weqvbxevrvi- KjvkwUjv 20" e vm x 18 wktwgt M vm mâvjb cvbcjvbb cökí iwk`cyi-avïmä M vm mâvjb cvbcjvbb cökí (cö_g ch vq) t iwk`cyi-nwemä 30" e vm x wk.wg. cvbcjvbb iwk`cyi-avïmä M vm mâvjb cvbcjvbb cökí (wøzxq ch vq)t nwemä-avïmä 30" e vm x wk.wg. cvbcjvbb bjkv-e ov M vm mâvjb cvbcjvbb cökít K) bjkv-nvwukzgiæj 30" e vm x 6.00 wk.wg. cvbcjvbb L) nvwukzgiæj-e ov 30" e vm x wk.wg. cvbcjvbb AvïMÄ-g bvni`x 30" e vm x wk.wg. cvbcjvbb M vm mâvjb jyc jvbb cökí XvKv K xb dz qj 20" e vm x 60 wktwgt cökí (wrwuwmgj Ask) g bvni`x-abyqv I G j½v-e½eüz mzzi c~e cövší ch ší 30" e vm x wk.wg. M vm mâvjb cvbcjvbb cökí wzzvm M vm ÿî ( jv Kkb-wR) n Z Gwe cvbcjvbb ch ší 24" e vm x 8 wktwgt M vm mâvjb cvbcjvbb cökí RyjvB Ryb 2000 Ryb m Þ ^i 2001 RyjvB g 2002 RyjvB g 2005 RyjvB Ryb 2006 RyjvB Ryb 2007 RyjvB Ryb 2008 RyjvB Ryb 2014 Rvbyqvix ww m ^i 2012 A_ vqb wriwe Ges AvBwWG wriwe Ges wwgdavbww MÖv U AvBwWG I wbr ^ Znwej wriwe Ges AvBwWG nvb WªvKve b W fjc g U dvû Ges Kv úvwbi wbr ^ Znwej wriwe wriwe wriwe wriwe wriwe Ges GwWwe wriwe, GwWwe I wbr ^ Znwej wbr ^ Znwej 38 Annual Report

40 µwgk bs cök íi bvg wwwcwc/aviwwwcwc Abyhvqx Aby gvw`z cökí e q ( KvwU UvKv) gqv`kvj A_ vqb 13 köxkvbj M vm ÿî ( jv Kkb-2) _ K Gwe cvbcjvbb ch ší 20" e vm x 1.50 wktwgt M vm mâvjb cvbcjvbb cökí A ±vei gvp 2013 wbr ^ Znwej 14 ebcvov-ivrkvnx 12" e vm x wktwgt M vm mâvjb cvbcjvbb cökí RyjvB ww m ^i, 2014 wriwe, GwWwe I wbr ^ Znwej 15 weweqvbv-abyqv 36" e vm x wktwgt M vm mâvjb cvbcjvbb cökí GwcÖj Ryb 2015 c Uªvevsjv I Gi Aaxb Kv úvbx n Z cövß FYmn wrwuwmgj Gi wbr ^ Znwej 16 wzzvm M vm wdìm ( jv Kkb wm-we-g) Uz wzzvm-gwe AvšÍtms hvm 10" e vm x 7.7 wktwgt M vm mâvjb cvbcjvbb cökí RyjvB Ryb 2015 wbr ^ Znwej 17 fovgviv-lyjbv 20" e vm x 165 wktwgt M vm mâvjb cvbcjvbb cökí RyjvB ww m ^i 2015 wriwe, GwWwe I wbr ^ Znwej 18 nvwukzgiæj- fovgviv 30" e vm x 84 wktwgt M vm mâvjb cvbcjvbb cökí RyjvB ww m ^i 2016 wriwe, GwWwe I wbr ^ Znwej 19 k ievsjv bmi cökvmwbk GjvKv, AvMviMuvI, XvKvq `ybwu ebr g Umn Zi Zjv wewkó M vm UªvÝwgkb Kv úvbx wjwg UW (wrwuwmgj) Gi cöavb Kvh vjq wbg vy cökí RyjvB Ryb 2017 wbr ^ Znwej 20 wzzvm M vm wd ìi K c bs 23, 24 (mivbj) n Z LuvwUnvZv Ges K c bs 25, 26 (gvwjnvzv) n Z LuvwUnvZv ch ší M vm mâvjb cvbcjvbb wbg vy cökí RyjvB Ryb 2017 wbr ^ Znwej 8.0 ^v, wbivcëv Ges gvb wbqš Y Kvh µg A_ eq i Kv úvwbi AvIZvq ev ÍevwqZ wewfbœ cök íi cvbcjvbb I Z`&mswkøó kbmg~n wbg v Yi Î Welding Procedure, NDT Procedure, Safety Procedure cö ZKiY, Welding, Tie-in, NDT, Joint Coating, Holiday Inspection, Hydrostatic Test, Nitrogen Charging BZ vw` Kv Ri bmz gvb Z`viwK Ges wbqš Y Kiv n q Q 8.2 Kv úvwbi Kg Rxex gwnjv `i bervzk wkï `i Lv` I ^v wbivcëv wbwðzki Yi j ÿ cöavb Kvh vjq fe b W- Kqvi m Uvi PvjyKi Yi cöv_wgk c` ÿc wn m e cö Z K gwnjv Kg KZ v I Kg Pvix `i wbku n Z 6 eqi eqmx mšívb `i ZvwjKv msmön Kiv n q Q AvïMÄ wmwrgm, g bvni`x GgGgGm. abyqv wmwrgm, AvwgbevRvi wmwrgm, Avïwjqv wmwrgm cöf wz vcbvi mbdwu AwWU Kvh µg m úv`b Kiv n q Q Kv úvwbi Rb KwgwU KZ K nj_ GÛ mbdwu cwjwm cö Z Kiv n q Q, hv ez gv b Aby gv` bi Rb cöwµqvaxb Av Q Kv úvwbi Awab vcbvmg~ ni GbfvqiY g U GÛ mbdwu cöwz e`b cöwzgv m c Uªvevsjvq cöiy Kiv nq cöavb Kvh vjq fe b National Fire Protection Association (NFPA)-10 Abyhvqx Fire Extinguisher mg~n vcb Kiv n q Q 8.3 mikvi KZ K RvwiK Z ÒBb ªvKkb di wmwkdwiwu Ae wk c q Um Ae Aj K vuvmwiró Gi wb ` kbv Abyhvqx wbivcëv e e v cwipvwjz n Q Kv úvwbi iæz c~y vcbvmg~ n guvj ww U±i vcb Kiv n q Q ch vqµ g Kv úvwbi Ab vb vcbvmg~ ni guvj ww U±i vcb Kiv n e cöwz wzb gvm AšÍi AšÍi vcbvmg~ ni dvqvi md&wu, dv GBW e, cv m v bj cö UKwUf BKz Bc g U cöf wz gwbuwis Kiv n Q B Zvg a Kv úvwbi AvïMÄ M vm gwb dvì kb, PÆMÖvg wmwrgm Ges evnvevox wmwrgm-g wmwmwuwf vcb Kiv n q Q Kv úvwbi Ab vb KwcAvB/ vcbvmg~ n wmwmwuwf vc bi welqwu cöwµqvaxb i q Q Annual Report

41 8.4 mikvwi bxwzgvjvi AvIZvq cövk wzk fvimvg i v I cwi ek `~ly ivak í Ab vb eq ii b vq A_ eq ii Kv úvwbi cöavb Kvh vjqmn wewfbœ vcbvq wewfbœ cörvwzi djr, ebr I Jlwa Mv Qi Pviv ivcb Kiv n q Q Ges Kv úvwbi mkj hvbevn b wmgbwr e envi Kiv n Q 9.0 cwi ek welqk Kvh µg wrwuwmgj KZ K M vm mâvjb cvbcjvbb wbg vy cökímg~n ev Íevq bi c~ e mswkøó cök íi Rb iæu Rwic Kvh vw` I cwi ekmz mgxÿv m úv`b K i cwi ek Awa`ßi n Z cwi ekmz QvocÎ MÖnYc~e K wbg vy Kvh µg m úv`b Kiv nq A_ eq i gvu 03wU cökí h_v: (K) Av bvqviv- dšr`vinvu M vm mâvjb cvbcjvbb wbg vy cökí (L) wzzvm M vm ÿ Îi K~c bs-23, 24 (mivbj) n Z LvuwUnvZv I wzzvm M vm ÿ Îi K~c bs-25, 26 (gvwjnvzv) n Z LuvwUnvZv cvbcjvbb wbg vy cökí (M) g nklvjx-av bvqviv M vm mâvjb mgvšíivj cvbcjvbb wbg vy cökímg~ ni cwi ek mgxÿv Kvh vw` m úbœ Kiv nq AwaKš Av jvp mg q Kv úvwbi Rb GKwU cwi ek bxwzgvjv cöyqb Kiv n q Q, hv ez gv b Aby gv` bi Rb cöwµqvaxb i q Q evwl K µxov cöwz hvwmzv wrwuwmgj Gi wbqš Yvaxb wewfbœ cvbcjvbb I f~-dcwi vcbvi iÿyv eÿy KvR 10.1 Kv úvwbi cwipvjbvaxb wewfbœ mâvjb cvbcjvbb I wewfbœ wmwrgm, wuwegmmn cøv Ui µwuhy³ fvj, wguvwis e e vw`i wewfbœ K úv b U iÿyv eÿy, gwwwd Kkb, AviGgGm I evb-cvm jvbb wbgv Y Ges M vm mâvjb cvbcjvbb mswkøó wmwrgm, wuwegm, AviGgGm, fvj ókb, wcm jvâvi-wiwmfvi ókbmg~ ni mkj As ki iskiy KvR wbqwgzfv e m úv`b Kiv nq 10.2 wrwuwmgj-gi AvIZvaxb wewfbœ cvbcjvbb I kbmg~n Kwgkwbs k l cvbcjvbb I kbmg~ ni ÿq cöwz iv ai Rb wmwc wm g vcb Kiv nq ciezx Z vwcz wmwc wm g-gi gwbuwis I iÿyv eÿy KvR wbqwgzfv e m úv`b Kiv n q _v K GQvov, c Uªvevsjvi wm vší Ges Kv úvwb ev W i Aby gv`b gvzv ek 30" e v mi 61 wk jvwguvi AvïMÄ-evLivev` (G-we 2) I 30" e v mi 60 wk jvwguvi evlivev`-wmw imä (we-gm) M vm mâvjb cvbcjvbbø qi On stream cleaning pigging Kvh µg n Z Zvwi L mdjfv e m úv`b Kiv n q Q abyqv n Z Avwgb evrvi ch ší 60 wk jvwguvi `xn 20" e vm wewkó abyqv-mvfvi D PPvc M vm mâvjb cvbcjvb b On stream cleaning pigging Kvh µg m úv` bi j ÿ Zvwi L `icî weáwß Avnevb Kiv n q Q D³ cvbcjvb bi On stream cleaning pigging Kvh µg B Zvg a m úbœ n q Q 11.0 K c v iu U v 11.1 AvqKi Aa v `k 1984 Gi 75 aviv Abyhvqx Kiel ch ší wrwuwmgj Gi Ki gvgjv jv wb úwë n q Q wkš AvqKi KZ cÿ Kiel _ K AvqKi Aa v `k 1984 Gi 82wm avivq Ki wba viyx (Tax Assessment) 40 Annual Report

42 Kvh µg ïiæ K i Ges Kiel n Z ch ší wb úwë niqv Ki gvgjv jv cybtd b vwpz K i Ki wba viyx Av ` ki wecix Z Avcxj Kiv n j Gi ivqi wrwuwmgj Gi wec P j hvq welqwu wrwuwmgj cwipvjkgûjxi Zvwi L AbywôZ 272Zg mfvq Dc vcb Kiv n j cwipvjkgûjx D³ gvgjv jvi Rb nvb Kv U idv iý gvgjv (ixu) Kivi wm vší cö`vb K i D³ wm vší gvzv ek Kv úvwbi n Z Kiel ch ší gvu 11wU Kie l i Ki D P Av`vj Z idv Ý gvgjv wn m e cwipvjbvaxb i q Q 11.2 A_ AvBb, 2014 hv 1 RyjvB 2014 ZvwiL n Z Kvh Kic~e K 82wm aviv ms kvab K i ejv n q Q, Ò h mkj Kv úvwb M vm UªvÝwgkb Gi mv _ RwoZ Zv `i ÿ Î 82wm aviv Kvh Ki n e bv Ó djköæwz Z 2014 Gi A_ AvBb gvzv ek Kiel n Z wrwuwmgj Gi AvqKi wba vi Yi ÿ Î 82wm avivi cwie Z 82we aviv cö hvr n q Q 12.0 Kv úvwbi Avw_ K Ae v 12.1 wewb qvm A_ eq ii Ryb 2017 ch ší Kv úvwbi wewb qvmk Z A _ i cwigvy KvwU UvKv D³ wewb qvmk Z A _ i g a KvwU UvKv FY Ges g~jab, kqv ii wecix Z RvgvbZ I mwâwzmn me gvu KvwU UvKv msiwÿz i q Q Acic gvu wewb qvmk Z A _ i g a vqx m úwë I wewb qvmk Z A_ KvwU UvKv Ges bxu PjwZ m úwë Z KvwU UvKv AšÍfy ³ 12.2 ivr ^ Avq Kv úvwb A_ eq i gvu 21, wgwjqb NbwgUvi M vm I wgwjqb wjuvi Kb Wb mu cwienb K i gvu KvwU UvKv ivr ^ Avq K i Q Kv úvwb A_ eq i 21, wgwjqb NbwgUvi M vm I wgwjqb wjuvi Kb Wb mu cwienb K i KvwU UvKv Avq K i A_ eqi A c v Av jvp A_ eq i M vm cwien bi cwigvy 0.44% e w c q Q Ges Kb Wb mu cwien bi cwigvy 54.12% e w c q Q Av jvp A_ eq i UªvÝwgkb PvR Lv Z ivr ^ Avq eve` KvwU UvKv hv MZ A_ eq ii Zzjbvq 8.43% ekx 12.3 cwipvjb e q A_ eq i Kg KZ v I Kg Pvix `i ezb-fvzvw` eve` KvwU UvKv, givgz I i Yv e Y eve` KvwU UvKv, Ab vb cöz LiP KvwU UvKv, AePq LiP KvwU UvKv Ges c Uªvevsjv mvwf m PvR eve` 8.82 KvwU UvKvmn cwipvjb e q eve` me gvu KvwU UvKv LiP n q Q, hv MZ A_ eq ii Zzjbvq KvwU UvKv ekx D jøl h, D³ LvZmg~ n A_ eq i Li Pi cwigvy wqj KvwU UvKv 12.4 Avw_ K e q ˆe `wkk I vbxq gỳ ªvq F Yi wecix Z A_ eq i mỳ eve` e q n q Q KvwU UvKv, hv A_ eq i wqj KvwU UvKv A_ vr wemz eq ii Zzjbvq PjwZ eq i KvwU UvKv ekx cömsmz D jøl h, cökí mgvwß Z g~jabxkiy Kivq mỳ e q w`b w`b e w cv Q 12.5 jvf- wz A_ eq i Ki c~e gybvdvi cwigvy KvwU UvKv A_ eq i Gi cwigvy wqj KvwU UvKv c~e ezx A_ eqi A c v Av jvp A_ eq i Ki c~e gybvdv KvwU UvKv n«vm c q Q A_ eq i M vm I Kb Wb mu cwien bi cwigvy e w cviqv m Z I webaviwm Gi wm v šíi Kvi Y ûbwjs PvR cöwz NbwgUvi 0.32 UvKv n Z n«vm c q UvKvq wba vwiz niqvq Ges gvp 2017 gvm n Z cybivq UvKv wba viy Kivq G Lv Z gvu Avq e w c q Q 8.43% 12.6 Kv úvbxi Business Plan wek^e vs Ki A_ vq b civgk K wb qv Mi gva g Kv úvwbi Rb GKwU 10 eqi gqv`x Business Plan cö Z Kiv n q Q hlv b Kv úvwbi Challenge jv K Overcome Kivi Rb wb gœ ewy Z mycvwik Kiv n q Q t (K) mkj nvb cömvi UªvÝwgkb cvbcjvbb wrwuwmgj Gi wbku n ÍvšÍi Kiv; (L) wrwuwmgj Gi Loan K Equity Z iƒcvšíimn cöwz eqi BERC Z UªvÝwgkb PvR e w i cö Íve ck Kiv; (M) wrwuwmgj KZ K wbr ^ A_ vq b cökí ev Íevqb bv Kiv; (N) Accounting Principle Abyhvqx wrwuwmgj KZ K Depreciation Fund msiÿy Kiv; G welq wji Dci Kv úvwb K h_vh_ c` ÿc MÖnY Kiv AZ vek K Ab _vq Kv úvwb Zvi Avw_ K mÿgzv a i ivl Z cvi e bv Annual Report

43 12.7 mikvwi KvlvMv i A_ Rgv A_ eq i wrwuwmgj KZ K me gvu KvwU UvKv mikvwi KvlvMv i Rgv `qv nq, hv A_ eq i wqj KvwU UvKv Av jvp A_ eq i mikvwi KvlvMv i RgvK Z A _ i cwigvy wbgœiƒct ( KvwU UvKv) weeiy F Yi Avmj F Yi mỳ jf vsk wmww f vu I AveMvix ïé Kv úvwb AvqKi (Dr m KZ bk Z Ki) gvut Abv`vqx A_ M vm I Kb Wb mu cwien bi wecix Z UªvÝwgkb PvR Lv Z c Uªvevsjv I Kv úvwbmg~ ni wbku wrwuwmgj-gi e Kqv cvibvi cwigvy Av jvp A_ eq i KvwU UvKv, hv 4.76 gv mi Mo we ji mgcwigvy Ges A_ eq i e Kqv cvibvi cwigvy wqj KvwU UvKv, hv 2.90 gv mi Mo we ji mgcwigvy ms v I Kv úvwb wfwëk I A_ eq i e Kqv cvibvi Zzjbvg~jK weeiy wbgœiƒc t ( KvwU UvKv) Kv úvwbi bvg 30 Ryb 2017 Zvwi L cvibvi cwigvy mgz~j gvm 30 Ryb 2016 Zvwi L cvibvi cwigvy mgz~j gvm M vm t wzzvm M vm wu GÛ ww Kv úvbx wjwg UW evlivev` M vm www ªweDkb Kv úvbx wjwg UW Rvjvjvev` M vm wu GÛ ww wm gm wjwg UW cwðgvâj M vm Kv úvbx wjwg UW KY dzjx M vm www ªweDkb Kvt wjt my `i eb M vm Kv úvbx wjwg UW Kb Wb mu t c Uªvevsjv wm ju M vm wdìm wjwg UW gvu D jøl h, RwRwUwWGmGj-Gi wbku KjvkwUjvi ga gpvc jvb b 30 Ryb 2017 ch ší M vm mâvjb eve` AgxgvswmZ (Dispute) e Kqvi cwigvy KvwU UvKv D³ AgxgvswmZ A_ ev` w` j A_ eq i e Kqv cvibvi cwigvy `uvovq KvwU UvKv, hv 4.60 gv mi Mo we ji mgcwigvy cöm½z D jøl h, weziy Kv úvwb I wrwuwmgj-gi g a Kvb Gas Sales Agreement bb 12.9 FY-BKz BwUi AbycvZ A_ eq i FY-BKÿ BwUi AbycvZ 53 t 47, hv A_ eq i wqj 51 t 49 AvBwWG, GwWwe Ges RvBKv-Gi m ½ m úvw`z FY Pzw³i Aax b ev Íevqbvaxb cökímg~n mgvwßi ci Kv úvwb Z g~jabxkiy Kiv n j Kv úvwbi F Yi cwigvb e w i mv _ mv _ BKz BwUi cwigvy AviI n«vm cv e 42 Annual Report

44 12.10 WU-mvwf m Kfv ir AbycvZ Kv úvwbi A_ eq i WU-mvwf m Kfv ir AbycvZ 0.81, hv c~e ezx eq i wqj 3.30 Kv úvwbi c Amortization Schedule Abymv i wwgmgj cwi kv ai Rb h b~ bzg Profit/Surplus A_ cö qvrb Zv ez gv b we` gvb UªvÝwgkb Pv R i gva g AR b Kiv m e n ji PjwZ cökímg~n mgvwßi ci fwel Z AR b Kiv m e n e bv ev Íevqbvaxb cökímg~n mgvwßi ci Amortization Schedule Abymv i h_vmg q FY cwi kv ai Rb ch vß bm` DØ Ë (Cash Surplus) _vkv Avek K Z e evsjv `k GbvwR i juix Kwgkb KZ K 1jv gvp 2017 _ K wba vwiz M vm UªvÝwgkb PvR cöwz NbwgUvi UvKv n Z e w K i cöwz NbwgUvi UvKv Kvh Ki Kivq UªvÝwgkb PvR eve` h A_ AwR Z n e Zv Øviv AvMvgx Z F Yi A_ cwi kva Kiv m e n e bv vqx m ú `i Dci gybvdvi nvi (Rate of Return) A_ eq i Kv úvwbi vqx m ú `i Dci gybvdvi nvi (RoR) n q Q 1.63%, hv A_ eq i 3.13% wqj M vm UªvÝwgkb PvR cöwz NbwgUvi 0.32 UvKv n Z n«vm K i cöwz NbwgUvi UvKv Kvh Ki Kivq Kv úvwbi ev Íevqbvaxb cökímg~n mgvwßi ci wewb qv Mi cwigvy eûjvs k e w i d j Kv úvwbi vqx m ú `i Dci gybvdvi nvi (RoR) AwaK nv i n«vm cv Q wbr ^ A_ vq b cökímn ev Íevqbvaxb cökímg~n mgvwßi ci `vzv ms v KZ K gybvdvi nvi wba vwiz 12% ev Z ZvwaK RoR AR b Ges Kv úvwb K Avw_ Kfv e jvfrbk ivl Z n j M vm I Kb Wb m Ui UªvÝwgkb PvR hšw³k ch v q e w Kiv AZ vek K wrwuwmgj Gi wbr ^ Znwej n Z wewfbœ cök í wewb qvmk Z A _ i weeiy A_ eq i wrwuwmgj Gi wbr ^ Znwej n Z ev ÍevwqZ/Pjgvb cökímg~ n gvu wewb qvmk Z A _ i cwigvy KvwU UvKv D jøl h, 30 Ryb 2017 ch ší µgcywäz wewb qv Mi cwigvy `vuovq KvwU UvKv, hvi we ÍvwiZ weeiy wb gœ `qv n jv t (jÿ UvKv) cök íi bvg 30 Ryb 2016 ch ší µgcywäz wewb qvm A_ eq i wewb qvm 30 Ryb 2017 ch ší µgcywäz wewb qvm g bvni`x-hgybv cökí ebcvov-ivrkvnx cökí evlivev`-wmw imä cökí 2, , AvïMÄ-evLivev` cökí 22, , , K úªmi kb cökí 3, , nvwukzgiæj- fovgviv cökí 1, , , fovgviv-lyjbv cökí weweqvbv-abyqv cökí 30, , köxkvbj-gwe cökí , wzzvm-gwe cökí 7, , wzzvm-wmweg cökí 4, , cöavb Kvh vjq feb wbgv Y cökí 7, , , g nklvjx-av bvqviv cökí 22, , , Av bvqviv- dšr`vinvu cökí evlivev`- dbx-pæmövg cökí - gvu 101, , , Kv úvwbi mvgwmök Avw_ K Dbœqb msµvší cö Ívevw` A_ eq i Kic~e gybvdvi cwigvy KvwU UvKv Ges G gybvdvi wfwë Z Kv úvwbi bxu Mo vqx m ú `i Dci gybvdvi nvi (RoR) 1.63% `vuwo q Q ez gv b Kv úvwbi ev Íevqbvaxb 9wU cök íi g a 8wU cök í Annual Report

45 wrwuwmgj-gi wbr ^ Znwej n Z m ú~y /AvswkK A _ i hvmvb `qv n Q webaviwm KZ K 1jv gvp 2017 _ K M vm UªvÝwgkb PvR cöwz NbwgUvi UvKv n Z e w K i cöwz NbwgUvi UvKv Kvh Ki Kiv n q Q G cöwÿ Z ev Íevqbvaxb cökímg~n we epbvq i L 2019 mvj ch ší Kv úvwbi GKwU Avw_ K Awf cy (Financial Projection) cö Z Kiv n q Q Z`byhvqx Kv úvwbi cökímg~n ev ÍevwqZ n j 2019 mvj ch ší Kv úvwbi Rate of Return (RoR) I Debt Service Coverage Ratio `vuov e wbgœiƒct A_ eqi RoR (%) Debt Service Coverage Ratio ewy Z Avw_ K Awf ÿc Abyhvqx `Lv hvq h, Av jvp A_ eq i Kv úvwbi RoR 1.63% Ges Debt Service Coverage Ratio 0.81 n ji cwikíbv gvwdk cökímg~n 2019 mvj ch ší ev ÍevwqZ niqvi ci RoR Ges Debt Service Coverage Ratio AwaK nv i n«vm cv e myzivs ev Íevqbvaxb cökímg~n we epbvq i L 2019 mvj ch ší Kv úvwbi RoR 12% Ges 15% AR b Ki Z n j h cwigvy UªvÝwgkb PvR wba vwiz niqv cö qvrb, Zvi GKwU eqiwfwëk wnmve wb gœ cö`vb Kiv n jv t Rate of Return (RoR) cöwz NbwgUvi UªvÝwgkb PvR (UvKv) % % Kv úvwbi gybvdv AR bi aviv Ae vnz ivlvmn Avw_ K wfwë mỳ p Kiv Ges Kv úvwb KZ K RvZxq Dbœq b iæz c~y Ae`vb ivlvi Rb wbgœewy Z welq jvi Dci Kvh Ki c` c MÖnY Kiv cö qvrb t K) 12% RoR AR b Ki Z n j UªvÝwgkb PvR A_ eqi ch ší µgvš^ q e w K i cöwz NbwgUvi UvKv Ges 15% RoR AR b Ki Z n j GKB A_ eqi ch ší µgvš^ q e w K i cöwz NbwgUvi UvKvq wba viy Kiv; L) webaviwm KZ K 1 jv gvp 2017 _ K M vm UªvÝwgkb PvR cöwz NbwgUvi UvKv n Z e w K i cöwz NbwgUvi UvKv Kvh Ki Kiv n q Q wkš ewa Z UªvÝwgkb PvR eve` A_ weziy Kv úvwbmg~n KZ K wrwuwmgj K c~ e i b vq mivmwi cwi kva bv K i c Uªvevsjvi Òmv cvu di ku dj dv ÛÓ Rgv cö`vb Kiv Ges c Uªvevsjv KZ K G dvû n Z Kvb A_ cwi kva bv Kivq Kv úvwbi Avw_ K wfwë µgvš^ q `ye j n q co Q G cöÿvc U ewa Z UªvÝwgkb Pv R i A_ weziy Kv úvwbmg~n KZ K wrwuwmgj K mivmwi cwi kva Kiv AZ vek K M) RyjvB 2003 mv j Kb Wb mu cwien bi UªvÝwgkb PvR cöwz wjuvi 1.00 UvKv wba viy Kiv nq 2016 mv j cwipvjkgûjxi wm vší gvzv ek Kb Wb mu UªvÝwgkb PvR 1.00 UvKvi j 1.50 UvKv wba viy Kiv n ji A` vewa Zv Kvh Ki nqwb D jøl h, Kb Wb m Ui evrvig~j 200% Gi AwaK e w c ji Kb Wb mu UªvÝwgkb PvR e w Kiv nqwb G cöÿvc U Kb Wb mu cvbcjvb bi wbivcëv e qmn cwipvjb I i Yv e Y e q µgvš^ q e w cviqvq cöwz wjuvi Kb Wb m Ui UªvÝwgkb PvR 1.00 UvKv n Z 2.00 UvKvq e w Kiv Avek K N) Aby gvw`z UªvÝwgkb ªv UwR Abymv i D PPvc gzvm úbœ wb œv³ cvbcjvbbmg~n Kv úvwbi wbku n ÍvšÍ ii e e v MÖnY Kiv t 12" e vm wktwgt nwemä-avïmä M vm mâvjb cvbcjvbb; 16" e vm wktwgt wzzvm-biwms`x M vm mâvjb cvbcjvbb; 14" e vm wktwgt wzzvm-biwms`x M vm mâvjb cvbcjvbb O) RwRwUwWGmGj-Gi wbku KjvkwUjvi ga g Pv ci jvb b wrwuwmgj KZ K 30 Ryb 2017 ch ší M vm mâvjb eve` AgxgvswmZ (Dispute) e Kqvi cwigvy 3, jÿ UvKv ( m Þ ^i Ryb 2017 ch ší), hv DË ivëi e w cv Q Kv úvwbi ^v_ mgybœz ivlvi Rb welqwu Riæix wfwë Z wb úwë Kiv cö qvrb 44 Annual Report

46 13.0 wbix v Kvh µg 13.1 Af šíixy wbix v A_ eq i Kv úvwbi cwi kvwaz wejmg~n h_vwbq g wbix vkv j Kvb Kvb Î mvgvb µzwu-wepz wz ms kvabµ g AwWU wk qv iý `qv n q Q Z e RvwjqvwZ ev cözviyvi Kvb wkqy cviqv hvqwb Aciw` K, cv AwWU Kvh µgi cwipvjbv Kiv n q Q GQvov Kv úvwbi PvKwi cwimgvwß Z Kg KZ v I Kg Pvix `i Avby ZvwlK, wmwcgd msµvší `bv cvibvi Dci wbix v Kvh µg cwipvjbv ší AwWU wk qv iý cö`vb Kiv nq Kv úvwbi `kxq/ˆe `wkk FY I Gi mỳ, wewbgq nv ii Aeg~j vqbrwbz wz cöf wzi Dci wbix v Kvh µg cwipvjbv Kiv n q Q vbxq FY Aegyw³i mikvwi Av `k, ˆe `wkk FYPzw³, cybtfy Pzw³cÎ cöf wz we epbvq Avbv n q Q GQvov AwWU wwcvu g Ui ZË veav b MwVZ wdwrk vj Bb f Uwi KwgwUi gva g Kv úvwb I Gi Aaxb cök íi Zvwi Li m ú`/cwim ú` I gryz gvjvgv ji m irwg b ev Íe MYbv Kiv n q Q KwgwUi mycvwik Abyhvqx cö qvrbxq Kvh e e v cöwµqvaxb Av Q 13.2 AwWU AvcwË wb úwë wemz A_ eq i gvu 16wU AwWU AvcwË wb úwë n q Q hlv b mswkøó A _ i cwigvy j UvKv Gi g a 1wU AwWU AvcwË eªwkxu Rev ei gva g wb úwë n q Q Ges Aewkó 15wU AwWU AvcwË 1wU wø-c xq mfv Ges 1wU wî-c xq mfvi mycvwikµ g wb úwë Kiv n q Q 14.0 exgv Kvh µg 14.1 cvbcjvbb I vcbv, cøv U/ gwkbvwi Ri mvaviy exgv A_ eqi ch ší Kv úvwb Z gvu 27wU exgv cwjwm we` gvb i q Q D³ exgv cwjwmmg~ ni g a e½eüy mzzi 9 wkt wgt cvbcjvb bi Rb 1wU Comprehensive/All Risk exgv cwjwm, wewfbœ vcbv I cøv U Ges gwkbvix Ri Rb 10wU Fire, Earthquake & Cyclone exgv cwjwm Ges wewfbœ cvbcjvb bi Rb 16wU Public Liability (Z Zxq cÿxq) exgv cwjwm i q Q nvwukzgiæj- fovgviv Ges fovgviv-lyjbv M vm mâvjb cvbcjvbb B Zvg a g~jabxkiy Kiv n q Q, hv h_vixwz exgv cwjwmi AvIZvq Avbv n e 14.2 gvuihvb exgv A_ eq i Kv úvwbi gvwjkvbvaxb mkj cökvi hvbevnb/ gvuihv bi exgv cwjwm mvaviy exgv K cv ikb n Z mikvwi wewa Abyhvqx bevqb Kiv n q Q 14.3 Mvôx exgv A_ eq i Kv úvwbi wbqwgz Kg KZ v/kg Pvix `i Mvôx exgv cwjwm bevqb Kiv n q Q 15.0 Kv úvwb KZ K cwipvjbvaxb gvgjv (K) Kv úvwbi c Ges wec wbgœ Av`vj Z ez gv b gvu 9wU gvgjv wepvivaxb Av Q DwjøwLZ gvgjvmg~n `ªæZ wb úwëi j AvBbRxex KZ K h_vh_ e e v MÖnY Pjgvb i q Q (L) Kv úvwbi c Ges wec D P Av`vj Z ez gv b me gvu 17wU ixu gvgjv i q Q DwjøwLZ gvgjvmg~n `ªæZ wb úwëi j AvBbRxex KZ K h_vh_ e e v MÖnY Pjgvb i q Q (M) Kv úvwbi wewfbœ M vm mâvjb cvbcjvbb wbg vy cök íi wecix Z mswkøó wvkv`vi KZ K AwZwi³ Avw_ K `vwe msµvší 4wU Arbitral Tribunal MwVZ n q Q, hvi Kvh µg Pjgvb i q Q 16.0 cökvmwbk Kvh µg 16.1 mvsmvwbk KvVv gv I Kg iz Rbej (K) wrwuwmgj cwipvjkgûjx KZ K Aby gvw`z 5g mvsmvwbk KvVv gv Z wbqwgz 643 Rb Kg KZ v I Pzw³wfwËK 7 Rb Kg KZ v, wbqwgz 252 Rb Kg Pvix I 5 Rb Pzw³wfwËK Kg Pvix Ges 23 Rb wi UBbvi wpwkrmkmn gvu 930 Rb Rbe ji ms vb i q Q D³ ms v bi wecix Z ez gv b 398 Rb wbqwgz Kg KZ v, 2 Rb Pzw³wfwËK Kg KZ v, 9 Rb wcavigjfz³ Kg KZ v I 2 Rb wi UBbvi wpwkrmkmn gvu 411 Rb Kg KZ v Ges 128 Rb wbqwgz Kg Pvix, 6 Rb Pzw³wfwËK Kg Pvix I 4 Rb wcavigjfz³ Kg Pvixmn gvu 138 Rb Kg Pvix Kg iz i q Q Annual Report

47 L) wrwuwmgj cwipvjkgûjx KZ K Aby gvw`z 5g mvsmvwbk KvVv gv Z wbivcëv cönix, c v Uªvjg vb, K vk MvW, MvW KgvÛvi, WªvBfvi, Awdm mnvqk, gvjx I cwi QbœZv Kgx c`mg~ n fvovwfwëk 1371 Rb Rbe ji ms vb i q Q Ges D³ ms v bi wecix Z 1027 Rb Rbej Kg iz i q Q (M) (N) ki-b-evsjv bm ii AvMviMvuI wrwuwmgj cöavb Kvh vj qi wbivcëvi `vwq Z 3 Rb MvW KgvÛvi, 32 Rb wbivcëv cönix I 1 Rb K vk MvW mn gvu 36 Rb wbivcëv Kg x Ges 1 Rb wcwm, 1 Rb Gwcwm I 12 Rb Avbmvimn gvu 14 Rb mk Avbmvi m`m wb qvwrz Av Q GQvov, Kv úvwbi wewfbœ vcbvq ez gv b 222 Rb Avbmvi I 4 Rb KwgDwbwU cywjk wb qvwrz i q Q Kv úvwbi iæz c~y vcbvi wbivcëv wbwðz Kivi Rb vbxq cökvm bi mv _ mve ÿwyk hvmv hvm Ae vnz i q Q cöavb Kvh vjq fe bi wewfbœ iæz c~y c q U 48wU wmwm K v giv vcb Kiv n q Q D³ K v givq aviyk Z WvUv cö`k b I msiÿ Yi Rb cöavb Kvh vj qi wbp Zjvq K Uªvj iæ g 3wU gwbui I 1wU nvw ww WªvBf vwcz i q Q, hv Øviv wmwm K v givi AvIZvfy³ vcbvmg~ ni wbivcëv e e v mve ÿwykfv e ch eÿy Kiv n Q 16.2 wb qvm Kvh µg Kv úvwbi Aby gvw`z mvsmvwbk KvVv gvi ms v bi wecix Z A_ eq i 40 Rb mnkvix cö KŠkjx, 4 Rb mnkvix e e vck (mvaviy), 3 Rb mnkvix e e vck (A_ I wnmve), 6 Rb Dc mnkvix cö KŠkjx, 9 Rb mnkvix Kg KZ v (mvaviy), 5 Rb mnkvix Kg KZ v (A_ I wnmve) I 3 Rb wnmve mnkvixmn gvu 70 Rb Rbej wb qvm cö`vb Kiv n q Q 16.3 gvbe m ú` Dbœqb A_ eq i Kv úvwbi cöwk Y Lv Zi ivr ^ I Dbœqb ev RU eiv Ïi g a mxgve _ K Kv úvwbi Kg KZ v/kg PvixMY K wb gœv³ vbxq I ˆe `wkk cöwk Y/ mwgbvi/iqvk k c AskMÖn Yi e e v Kiv nq t vbxq cöwk Y/IqvK kc/ mwgbvi µwgk bs A_ vqb cöwk Y/ mwgbvi/iqvk kc/ wgwus/ cö R Ukb Gi aiy cöwk Y/ mwgbvi/iqvk kc/ wgwus/ cö R Ukb Gi msl v 1 wrwuwmgj cöwk Y/ mwgbvi/iqvk kc/ wgwus/ cö R Ukb 2 Acivci cöwk Y/ mwgbvi/iqvk kc/ cöwk Y/ mwgbvi/iqvk kc/ wgwus G AskMÖnYKvixi msl v cöwzôvb wgwus/ cö R Ukb me gvu e `wkk cöwk Y µwgk bs A_ vqb cöwk Y/ mwgbvi/iqvk kc/ wgwus Gi aiy cöwk Y/ mwgbvi/iqvk kc/ wgwus Gi msl v 1 wrwuwmgj cöwk Y/ mwgbvi/iqvk kc/ wgwus 2 Acivci cöwk Y/ mwgbvi/iqvk kc/ cöwk Y/ mwgbvi/iqvk kc/ wgwus G AskMÖnYKvixi msl v cöwzôvb wgwus me gvu Annual Report

48 17.0 e e vcbv-kg Pvix m úk A_ eq i Kv úvwb Z kªwgk-e e vcbv m úk AZx Zi b vq m šívlrbk wqj Kv úvwbi Aax b ev ÍevwqZ Ges ev Íevqbvaxb cökímg~ n Kv úvwbi Kg KZ v/kg PvixMY AMÖYx f~wgkv cvjb Ki Qb Kv úvwb e e vcbv KZ c I Kg KZ v/kg Pvix `i g a mšnv` c~y m úk we` gvb i q Q Kvb Kvb Î mgm vi D e n ji cvi úwik mn hvwmzv ev wø-cvw K Av jvpbvi gva g Zv wb úwë Kiv n Q 18.0 Kv úvwbi µq Kvh µg 18.1 ˆe `wkk µq Kv úvwbi UªvÝwgkb wwwfkb-b Gi AvIZvaxb AviwUwW-PUªMÖvg, AviwUwW-AvïMÄ Ges BwÄwbqvwis mvwf mm wwwfk bi Pvwn`v Abyhvqx Db y³ AvšÍR vwzk `ic Îi gva g 2wU Control Valve with Controller Ges 228wU Fiber Glass Filter Cartridge for Duel Stage Filter Separator BZ vw` ˆe `wkk gỳ ªvq µq Kiv n q Q GQvov ewy Z A_ eq i ev Íevqbvaxb wewfbœ cök íi Avg`vbxK Z gvjvgv ji wcö wkc g U BÝ ckkb eve` Kv úvwb KZ K wb qvwrz wcgmavb G R U-Gi `vwljk Z wej cwi kva Kiv n q Q 18.2 vbxq µq Db y³ `ic Îi gva g wewfbœ wwwfkb/wwcvu g U/cÖK íi Pvwn`vi Av jv K 10wU Wvej Kweb wck Avc, `vßwik Kv Ri kbvix I nvw Iq vi mvgmöx µq Kiv n q Q mivmwi µq c wz Z cömwz BÛvwóªR wjwg UW n Z 2wU wgzmywewk cv R iv úvu Rxc Ges Mvoxi Uvqvi/e vuvix, Kw úduvi wcö Uvi/d UvKwc gwkbmg~ ni Rb Uvbvi/KvwU R, Rbv iu ii LyPiv hš vsk I jyweª K U BZ vw` µq Kiv n q Q 18.3 wkwcs GÛ n vûwjs Kvh vewj g nklvjx-av bvqviv I abyqv bjkv cök íi jvbbcvbcmn Ab vb Avg`vwbK Z gvjvgvj PÆMÖvg e `i/a vqx BqvW n Z wewfbœ cökí BqvW /fvûv i cwienb eve` cwienb wvkv`vi Ges g nklvjx-av bvqviv cök íi BqvW fvov I wmgûgd G R Ui gva g PÆMÖvg e `i n Z g nklvjx-av bvqviv cökí I cöavb Kvh vj qi Avg`vbxK Z gvjvgvj Lvjv mi wej cwi kva Kiv n q Q 19.0 gyw³hy wz msi Y welqk Kvh µg Kv úvwbi MÖš vmv i vwcz gyw³hy KY v i gyw³hy welqk D jøl hvm msl K MÖš vejx µqc~e K gyw³hy KY viwu mg Kiv n q Q Kv úvwbi Kg KZ v/kg PvixMY gyw³hy i BwZnvm mg MÖš vejx cvv K i gyw³hy i BwZnvm m ú K mwvk aviyv jvf Ki Qb GQvov, Kg KZ v/kg PvixMY gyw³hy i exi kªô `i i Y wewfbœ RvZxq w`emmg~ n AskMÖnYc~e K Zuv `i cöwz Mfxi kª v I m vb cö`k b K ib gnvb werq w`em-2017 Annual Report

49 20.0 mvgvwrk `vqe Zv ÒK c v iu mvm vj imcbwmwewjwuó Lv Z A_ eq i Kv úvwbi ivr ^ ev RU n Z ga cvov MÖvbvBU gvbwbs Kv úvwb wjwg UW KZ K cwipvwjz zj Znwe j $ 5.00 (UvKv cuvp jÿ gvî) jÿ Ges MYcÖRvZš x evsjv `k mikv ii hye I µxov gš Yvj qi Aaxb e½eüz µxov mex Kj vy dvd Ûk bi AbyK~ j $ 5.00 (UvKv cuvp jÿ gvî) jÿ Abỳ vb cö`vb Kiv n q Q DwjøwLZ mvgvwrk `vwqz cvj bi cvkvcvwk ` k wewfbœ mvgvwrk, mvs wzk, ckvrxex I µxov msmv bi µvocî I cökvkbvq Kv úvwb KZ K mšrb weávcb cö`v bi gva g Avvw_ K mnvqzv cö`v bi aviv Ae vnz i q Q 21.0 Kj vyg~jk Kvh µg gvbwek g~j ev ai D¾xeb, AvšÍte w³ m úk Dbœqb Ges cvi úwik mg SvZv, wek vm, Av v I AvbyMZ e w i j Kv úvwb wewfbœ cö Yv`bvg~jK Kvh µg cwipvjbv K i _v K A_ eq i Kv úvwb wb gœv³ wk v, mvgvwrk, mvs wzk, ag xq I we bv`bg~jk Kvh µg cwipvjbv K i Q t evsjv beel wk v mnvqzv Kvh µg Kv úvwb Z Kg iz Kg KZv I Kg Pvix `i mšívb `i g a hviv mvœz KvËi, mœvzk/ œvzk (m vb), BwÄwbqvwis, gwwk vj, D P gva wgk (mggvb), gva wgk (mggvb), RGmwm (mggvb) Ges wcgmwm (mggvb) chv q K wz Z i mv _ DËxY nq Zv `i cöwz eqi Kv úvwbi Aby gvw`z wk v e wë bxwzgvjvi AvIZvq wk v e wë cö`vb Kiv n q _v K wemz A_ eq i jlvcovq K wzz c~y mvd j i ^xk wz I Drmvn cö`v bi Rb DwjøwLZ wewfbœ chv q 97 Rb Kg KZ v/kg Pvixi 100 Rb mšívb K gvu j UvKv wk v e wë wn m e cö`vb Kiv n q Q 21.2 FY cö`vb Kg m~px Kv úvwbi ev R U Avw_ K ms v bi gva g Kg iz Kg KZv I Kg Pvix `i Kj v Yi j A_ eq i Rwg µq/m n wbgv Y/d vu µq Lv Z FY eve` 22 Rb Kg KZ v I Kg Pvix K gvu jÿ UvKv, Kw úduvi µ q FY eve` 1 Rb Kg KZv K gvu 0.60 j UvKv Ges gvui mvb Kj µ q FY eve` 69 Rb Kg KZ v/kg Pvix K gvu j UvKvmn me gvu jÿ UvKv FY cö`vb Kiv n q Q 21.3 µxov, we bv`b, evwl K wgjv` Ges wewfbœ RvZxq w`em cvjb Kv úvwbi Kg KZv I Kg Pvix `i g a mšnv` I m úöxwz ervq ivlvi j A_ eq i Kv úvwbi e e vcbvq evwl K wgjv`, eb fvrb I µxov cöwz hvwmzvi Av qvrb Kiv n q Q GQvov, Kv úvwbi Awdmvm I qj dqvi G mvwm qkb Ges Kg Pvix BDwbqb KZ K cweî gv n igrvb gv m BdZvi I `vqv gvnwd ji Av qvrb Kiv n q Q 48 Annual Report

50 AwaKš, Kv úvwb KZ K RvZxq w`emmg~n h_v-gnvb ^vaxbzv w`em, werq w`em, RvZxq kvk w`em, knx` w`em I AvšÍR vwzk gvz fvlv w`em h_v hvm gh v`v, fvemv xh I Drmvn DÏxcbvi m ½ cvjb Kiv n q Q m vwbz kqvi nvìvie `, M vm UªvÝwgkb Kv úvwb wjwg UW-Gi Dbœqb I mg w i j ÿ wbijmfv e `vwqz cvj bi Rb cwipvjkgûjxi c n Z Kv úvwbi mkj Í ii Kg KZ v I Kg PvixMY K AvšÍwiK ab ev` Rvbvw Q GKB mv _ Kv úvwbi AMÖhvÎvq MYcÖRvZš x evsjv `k mikv ii mwµq mvnvh -mn hvwmzv, civgk Ges w`k-wb ` kbv cö`v bi Rb c Uªvevsjv I Gi Aaxb Kv úvwbmg~n, R vjvwb I LwbR m ú` wefvm, A_ wefvm, A_ bwzk m úk wefvm, cwikíbv Kwgkb, AvBGgBwW, RvZxq ivr ^ evw, cwi ek Awa`ßi, we ùvik Awa`ßimn mswkøó mkj mikvix `ßi Ges wewfbœ Rjv cökvmb I cywjk cökvmb- K AvšÍwiK ab ev` Rvbvw Q Abyiƒcfv e Dbœqb mn hvmx ms v h_vt GwWwe, wek e vsk, RvBKv h mvnvh I mn hvwmzv cö`vb K i Q Zvi Rb I cwipvjkgûjxi c _ K AvšÍwiK ab ev` Rvbvw Q fwel ZI mk ji AvšÍwiK mn hvwmzvi gva g Kv úvwb DË ivëi DbœwZmvab I ` ki Kvw LZ AMÖhvÎvq AMÖYx f~wgkv cvjb Ki Z m g n e e j Avkv Kwi m vwbz kqvi nvìvie `, AvR Ki G evwl K mvaviy mfvq Dcw Z _ K AZ ší ah mnkv i G cöwz e`b kvbvi Rb mevb K AvšÍwiK ab ev` I K ZÁZv Ávcb KiwQ Kv úvwbi Kvh µg cwipvjbvq Avcbv `i mwµq mg_ b I mn hvwmzv c~ e i b vq fwel ZI Ae vnz _vk e e j Avkv Kwi Kv úvwbi A_ eq ii wbixw Z wnmve, w wzcî, wbix Ki cöwz e`b Ges cwipvjkgûjxi cöwz e`b m vwbz kqvi nvìvim Yi m`q we epbv I Aby gv` bi Rb Dc vcb KiwQ gnvb Avjøvn&Zvqvjv Avgv `i mnvq nvb cwipvjkgûjxi c, knx` w`em I AvšÍR vwzk gvz fvlv w`em-2017 (bvwrgdwïb PŠayix) mwpe, R vjvwb I LwbR m ú` wefvm I Pqvig vb, wrwuwmgj cwipvjbv cl ` Annual Report

51 Directors Report for the Shareholders on the Company s performance in FY Placed in the 24th Annual General Meeting of Gas Transmission Company Limited Bishmillahir Rahmanir Rahim Respected Shareholders Assalamu-Alaikum On behalf of the Board of Directors of Gas Transmission Company Limited (GTCL), I welcome you to the 24th Annual General Meeting of the Company. The Government established the Company on 14th December 1993 with the objective of a centralized operation and maintenance of national gas grid and expansion of the transmission network for ensuring uninterrupted and smooth supply of natural gas all over the country. Since inception, the Company has been playing a pivotal role in the country s economic growth by maintaining secured supply of gas from gas fields to the distribution companies under Petrobangla through various off-transmission points. On this happy occasion, I would like to present before you for your kind consideration a brief account of the performance of the Company during FY highlighting implementation and a continuous picture of progress of projects under implementation, audited accounts, balance sheet, profit & loss accounts, auditor s report to the management and others as below: 1. Operational Activities 1.1 Company during FY has transported gas by its km pipeline of 20-inch, 24-inch, 30-inch & 36-inch diameter of psig operating pressure for the franchise areas of Titas, Bakhrabad, Karnafully, Jalalabad, Parchimanchal and Sundarban gas distribution companies with 14,735.56, 2,506.20, 2,410.86, 1,259.61, and million cubic meters respectively totaling to 21, million cubic meter, which is 0.44% higher than the previous year. On the other hand, transported million liters condensate, which is 54.12% higher than the previous year, during this year through the 6-inch 175-km North-South Condensate Pipeline from Jalalabad and Bibiyana gas fields. 1.2 Compressor Activities Two Compressor stations have been built in Ashuganj and Elenga having capacities of 1,500 mmscfd and 500 mmscfd respectively for managing the line pack of the transmission pipelines and to reduce low gas pressure of the national gas grid. These two compressor stations, important components of the national gas transmission grid, are being used to maintain the gas supply at required pressure & flow to all off-transmission withdrawal points. The Ashuganj Compressor Stations has three units of 750 mmscfd capacity each to operate two unites of 1500 mmscfd (2x750) capacity while the other unit as standby. Each unit of Ashuganj Compressor Station has been designed for gas suction pressure of 680 psig with gas discharge pressure 1,000 psig. On the other hand, the Elenga Compressor Station has three units of 250 mmscfd capacity each to operate two units of 500 mmscfd (2x250) while the other unit as standby. Each unit of Elenga Compressor Station has been designed for gas suction pressure of 650 psig with gas discharge pressure 1,000 psig. On commissioning of Ashuganj Compressor Stations, it has been possible to supply up to additional mmscfd gas to the grid and to solve the low gas pressure situations throughout the country particularly in Chittagong, the Commercial City of the country. 1.3 LNG Activities Gas demand in power generation and industrial unites including fertilizer production are increasing gradually. On the other hand, the gas reserves in the country s own fields are being gradually depleting. In the backdrop of ever-increasing gas demand, the government has decided to import 50 Annual Report

52 Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG). In the meantime, the government has signed agreements with an American company, Excelerate Energy for construction/installation of a floating LNG terminal at Moheshkhali in Cox s Bazar. For transporting 500 mmscfd gas to the transmission grid from the under constructed floating LNG terminal at Moheshkhali of Cox s Bazar, the Company has by now completed the construction of the main pipeline of Moheshkhali-Anwara project. Subject import of LNG, 500 mmscfd would be possible to transport from March Besides this, agreements have been signed with a private company for construction/installation of a floating LNG terminal at Moheshkhali. On the other hand, it has been planned to install more floating/land-based terminals at Moheshkhali and near Payra Port in Patuakhali. As a result of these, the Company has, in the meantime, started all preparatory works for construction of pipeline parallel to the Moheshkhali-Anowara pipeline including creation of transmission networks in the southern areas of the country. 1.4 SCADA Activities All possible assistances are being extended for load balancing of the transmission grid throughout the country from the Control Centers established at Demra and Ashuganj. Besides these, information & data of gas supplied by metering stations in South-Western regions are also being monitored and recorded in the Western Zone SCADA Control Center at Elenga. 2.0 Annual Performance Agreement (APA) 2.1 Performance Management Activities The Company has signed on the Annual Performance Agreement with Petrobangla for FY under Government Performance Management System. Target and achievement of Strategic Objectives by the Company under the Agreement for FY are shown below: Activities Gas supply to distribution companies by the transmission grid On stream cleaning pigging Installation of Cathodic Protection System Revenue collection for profitable operation Recruitment of Man-power for implementation of SCADA System ERP System Implementation Expansion of gas transmission pipeline grid Installation of Compressor/Gas Station (Nos.) River crossing by HDD (Nos.) Construction of Head Office Building Manpower Training (Nos.) Recruitment of Manpower (Nos.) Targets of APA for FY bcf 246 km 91 km Tk. 371 Crore 40% 40% 21 km % Achievements of APA for FY bcf 246 km 91 km Tk. 314 Crore 32% 40% 21 km % Annual Report

53 Achieved, as required under strategic objectives of the Annual Performance Agreement, the targets like: monitoring of the implementation of Annual Performance Agreement of FY , submission of half-yearly evaluation report on the achievements of the Annual Performance Agreement for FY , arrangements of training of officials & staffs on different subjects including Government Performance Management System, implementation of National Integrity Strategy, updating the information window, implementation of innovative program in service type works, implementation of Grievance Redress System, improvement of activities for meeting the audit objections. The Company has earned score of in all activities for fulfillment of required strategic objectives under the Annual Performance Agreement signed with Petrobangla for FY National Integrity Strategy To establish good-governance with the believe to build Golden Bangla, National Integrity Strategy has been formulated. All works for drawing national integrity strategy and its implementation are being carried out by a constituted Integrity Committee as per instructions of administrative Ministry and Petrobangla. For implementation of National Integrity Strategy in the Company for FY , the Integrity Committee formulated the time-bound National Integrity Strategy Work-program and Framework. As per instruction of Petrobangla, the Committee submits their minutes of the monthly meeting and three months progress report to Petrobangla. The implementation of the work-program is satisfactory for the year. Site Visit of Anwara-Fouzdarhat Pipeline Project 52 Annual Report

54 2.3 Innovation Innovation Team has been constituted in the Company to bring efficiency and to formulate easy way to process & study for providing better citizen services. After formation, the Innovation Team holds monthly and annual meetings at different time in each year. The Company has arranged for officials local and foreign training on innovations. Idea-Box has been placed at open place of the head office building. Innovative ideas as received are examined and all important ideas are applied or implemented in the Company. 3.0 Information Technology 3.1 The Company s accounts for FY were finalized following the provisions of Company s Act, International Accounting Standards (IAS), Bangladesh Accounting Standards (BAS), International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) and Petrobangla formulated Corporate Accounting Manual & Chart of Accounts. In addition, Financial Management Software Solution-DheerajTM have been efficiently used for all accounting exercises including data entry, data backup, report preparation under the management of Central Server and Local Area Network (LAN). 3.2 Under supervision of the Cabinet Division and assistance of the Access to Information (a2i) program of the Prime Minister s Office for creating Digital Bangladesh, the Company s e-file management has been activated on To increase the dynamism and transparency in the Company s official works, Division/Departments/ Committees now completes its all action by e-filing the dispatch management, file management, attendance reporting, nomination for training, submission of training reports, meeting notices. 3.3 The internet speed at the Head Office Building of the Company has been raised to 115 mbps from 35 mbps to maintain uninterrupted internet services. The lines PABX from previous head office building has been shifted to the present premises Head Office Building at Agargaon to maintain the inter-communications among the officials of the Company. 3.4 Network Analysis at Steady State are being conducted for all existing transmission pipelines of the Company to quickly & accurately determine the pipeline pressures and pipeline transmission capacities by using Pipeline Studio Software developed by Energy Solutions International. By such network analysis, it has now been easy to find out the transmission capacities of existing pipelines and requirements of new pipelines. 3.5 As per decision of the Board of Directors, the WEB & SMS BASED RECRUITMENT PROGRAM of Teletalk Bangladesh Limited was followed to receive on-line job-applications of 27,708 in numbers including exam-fees by the Company. As a result, the Company is the first among Petrobangla and its other companies in receiving on-line job-application to recruit 70 officials-staff in least time (approx. 7 months) following all rules of recruitments. 3.6 All tender notices and important information are being published in the Company s website regularly. Company is included within the e-government procurement portals (E-GP) of Central Procurement Technical Unit (CPTU) of the Planning Ministry for ensuring wide participations & establishing equal rights of all Tenderers, and maintaining procurement skill, transparency & accountability. As per decision of the Cabinet Division and Ministry of Power, Energy and Mineral Resources, all tender of the Company related to procurement of goods and services are completed through E-GP and first tender was invited on through E-GP by Civil Engineering Department of Design & Development Division of the Company and as part of the National Integrity Strategy, all Division/Departments complete the procurements of goods & services through E-GP. Annual Report

55 4.0 Projects completed in FY Construction of Hatikumrul-Bheramara Gas Transmission Pipeline Implementation Period: July 2006 to December 2016 Finance: GoB, Asian Development Bank, GTCL Project Cost: Tk. 73, Lac (GoB: 26,678.12; ADB: 45,314.25; GTCL: 1,921.41) Progress of Project Implementation: The implementation of 30-inch 87-km Hatikumrul-Bheramara Gas Transmission Pipeline under joint financing of GoB, Asian Development Bank and GTCL has been completed aiming to supply gas to the North-West & South-West region for overall economic development of the country and Asian Development Bank extended loan under loan agreement no BAN (SF). Very important component of the project was crossing of Padma River. The crossing of 2.1-km by HDD, the largest in the country so far, has been completed successfully. The pipeline was commissioned on for which it has been possible to commission the already constructed pipeline up to Khulna. It may be mentioned that the project has been completed within time and costs River crossing by HDD Method of the Padma River under Hatikumrul-Bharamara project 4.2 Titas well 23 & 24 (Sharail) to Khatihata and well 25 & 26 (Malihta) to Khatihata a transmission pipeline construction Implementation Period: January 2016 to December 2017 Finance: Own funding of GTCL Project Cost: Tk. 1, Lac Progress of Project Implementation: All works for construction, testing & commissioning of 1.70-km 20-inch pipeline was completed on Daily 40 mmscf gas from Malihata gas field is being 54 Annual Report

56 supplied to national gas grid. On the other hand, the construction, testing & Nitrogen charging of 1.60-km 20-inch pipeline between Sharail to Khatihata was completed on and was commissioned with gas from Sharail gas field. With the pipeline approximately 26 mmscf gas is being supplied to the national gas grid daily. As a result, it has now been possible to supply total 66 mmscfd gas to the national gas grid. Entire works of the project was completed in Apri, The exact cost of the project is Tk. 1,155.93, which is within the approved total project cost. Pipeline construction activities of Khatihata Malihata & Khatihata-Sarail project 4.3 Construction of Head Office Building Project Implementation Period: July 2012 to June 2017 Finance: Own funding of GTCL Project Cost: Tk. 10, Lac Progress of Project Implementation: Descriptions of the completed works under the project are as follows: Civil Works: 2 Basement (99 car parking), 13 nos. of Floor, 1 Multi-purpose Hall (250 capacity), Emergency Stair, Ramp for Disabled, Day-Care Center, Rooms for prayer separately for Men and Women, Board Room, Committee Room, Meeting Room, Furnished Rooms in different floor and in open space office officials/staffs with low-height partition, Fair Face Works, Louver supply & installation, Supply of Stair Railing, Sanitary & Water supply, Submersible Deep Tube-well, Internal Road, Boundary Wall with Main Gate, Compound Drain, Arboriculture etc. Electrical Works: 1600 KVA electrical sub-station, 400 KVA Standby Generator, Sound & Light for Multipurpose Hall, Special Fittings & Fixture, Fire Protection & Detection System, Compute Networking, Internal Electrification Works, PA & Conference System, Sound & Stage Lighting, PABX System, Multimedia Projector, Security & Compound Lighting System, Earthling & Lightening Arrester, 6 Passenger Lifts (1 Base), 31 KW Solar Panel System, Basement Forced Ventilation, Air cooler System with VFR, SCADA-Telecom & IT System, Good Security System with CCTVs, Broadband Internet in each Floor and Wi-Fi Connection etc. The actual cost of the project is Tk. 10, Lac. The project was completed in time and within the approved cost. Annual Report

57 5.0 Progress of Implementation of ongoing Projects 5.1 Compressor Station Project Objective of the Project: Increase of gas transmission capacity of pipelines downstream of Ashuganj Manifold Station and Elenga Manifold Station and additional gas supply to the national grid. Implementation Period: January 2006 to September Since some work could not be completed within the initial period for which action has been taken to extend the project implementation up to June 2018 under 2nd RDPP. Finance: GoB, Own fund of GTCL and Asian Development Bank. Project Cost: Foreign Cost USD million, Local Cost: Tk. 57, Lac (GoB Tk. 54, Lac and GTCL: Tk. 3, Lac). Progress of Project Implementation: The project is being implemented under Natural Gas Access Improvement Project (NGAIP) to gas pressure & flow at the consumer ends of different gas marketing companies. Compressor Stations, installed at Ashuganj & Elenga, are very important components of the national gas grid and are being used to supply gas at desired pressure & flow at different off-transmission points. Hyundai Engineering Company Limited, Korea has completed commissioning of 6 compressor unites. Two units of three installed at Ashuganj, if operated at full capacity, are capable to supply 1500 mmscfd gas subject to availability of gas from the upstream. The other unit will be always being standby mode. At present, additional gas with higher pressure is being supplied to the downstream pipelines grid from operating 2 units of the Ashuganj Compressor Station. Having not sufficient pressure at Elenga and not having enough gas demand downstream of Elenga, it is not possible to operate the Elenga Compressor Station. Action will be taken to operate the Elenga Compressor Station when gas pressure/flow increases at Elenga end of the national gas grid. To acquire knowledge on compressor operations, 25 officials of the Company in 5 groups have been trained at ESD Simulation Training Institute, Scotland, UK. Although the contractor s work has been completed on 30 September 2017 as per agreement, by amicable settlement the contractor is operating and maintaining (except the materials/ spares) the Compressor Stations at their cost from 1 October 2017 to 30 June Construction of Bakhrabad-Siddhirganj Gas Transmission Pipeline Objective of the Project: As part of the 2x150 MW Siddhirganj Peaking Power Station Project, the construction of 30-inch 60-km gas transmission pipeline and associated facilities from Bakhrabad Gas Field to Siddhirganj for supplying of gas to the said power station have been completed under joint-funding of GoB and the World Bank. In addition, gas supply source has been created for supplying gas to existing and to be installed power stations in Meghnaghat, Haripur & Siddhirganj areas and for industrial consumers in Narayangonj including Adamjee EPZ from this pipeline. Implementation Period: July 2007 to December Finance: GoB, Own fund of GTCL, and World Bank. Project Cost: Tk. 84, Lac (GoB: 24,710.00, WB: 57,432.00; & GTCL: 2,828) Progress of Project Implementation: Pipeline was commissioned on 26 November 2014 after the foreign contractor FERNAS Construction Company Inc., Turkey completed construction of 60-km pipeline, 6 Valve Stations, 6 River Crossing by HDD, 3 Metering Stations (Bakhrabad, Haripur & Siddhirganj). In the meantime installation of SCADA System has been completed. Up to June 2017 the contractor has completed total 97% work. 56 Annual Report

58 Under the same loan of the World Bank, the Company is implementing Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)/Enterprise Asset Management (EAM) System. Contract was signed on with turnkey supplier FPT Information System Corporation, Vietnam for implementation of the ERP/EAM System. As per Contact, from 15 May 2016 to November 2017 is the implementation period. The implementation is monitored by 3 local consultants and 1 foreign consultant. Work progress up to June 2017 is 48%. For preparing Business Plan and 10 years Financial Projection, one Individual Financial Consultant has been appointed on Since the construction of the pipeline is complete, gas supply to Meghnaghat & Haripur Power Stations and in Narayangonj area are in progress. Scope has been created for additional gas supply to existing & to be installed power stations in Meghnaghat, Haripur & Siddhirganj areas and industrial consumers in the adjoining areas. Gas supply to the Southern part of the country would also be commenced from this pipeline on completion of the Padma Bridge. 5.3 SCADA Rehabilitation Project Objective of the Project: The SCADA Rehabilitation Project is being implemented with the objective to rehabilitate and expand the existing Company s SCADA System for the centralized monitoring and smooth operation of the gas production, transmission and distribution. Implementation Period: July 2012 to December 2018 Source of Finance: GoB and JICA Project Cost: Local currency Tk. 5, Lac and Foreign currency: Tk. 24, Lac Totaling Tk. 29, Lac Progress of Project Implementation: The SCADA Rehabilitation Project has been undertaken to rehabilitate and expand the existing Company s SCADA System for the centralized monitoring and smooth operation of the gas grid. Contract has been signed on with EPC contractor Yokogawa India Ltd for installation of SCADA System. The Contractor has completed the design works under supervision of the Project officials. Works are in progress for construction of RTU Room, Radio Room and Demra Control Center, and renovation of Ashuganj Auxiliary Control Center is in progress. Contractor has completed decoration of Head Office Control Center. Besides these, the Contractor has already imported Instruments, RTU, Flow Computer, Battery, RTU Charger, UPS Cell Panel, Network Management System, VOIP Phone, Video Conference Unit, Server, Workstation and all related Software. Installation of RTUs in RTU Rooms and instrumentation works in the site will commence shortly. On completion of all works of the projects, it will be possible to observe the produced gas from the gas fields, gas transmission in the national gas grid and gas pressure & flow of gas to the bulk consumers. 5.4 Construction of Dhanua-Elenga and Bangabandhu Bridge-Nalka Gas Transmission Pipeline Objective of the Project: To increase the overall gas flow capacity of the national gas grid by constricting 30-inch 52-km high pressure gas transmission pipeline from Dhanua to Elenga and 30-inch 15-km Bangabandhu Bridge to Nalka high pressure gas transmission pipeline. Uninterrupted gas supply to Titas Gas franchise areas (Gazipur, Mymensingh and Tangail), Parchimanchal franchise areas (Rajshahi Division) and Sundarban franchise areas (Khulna Division). Besides these, gas supplies to Sirajgonj propose 450 MW power station including other power stations and Bheramara 450 MW power stations. Implementation Period: July 2014 to June 2019 Annual Report

59 Source of Finance: GoB, Own fun of GTCL and JAICA Project Cost: Tk. 97, Lac (GoB: 46,471.93; GTCL: and JICA: 50,701.88) Progress of Project Implementation: Penspen Ltd., UK has been appointed as consultant for the Project at a cost of USD 3.4 million. Consultant is preparing Bidding Document for procurement, Drawing, Estimate etc. Contract has been signed with MAN Industries (India) Ltd., India for USD 16,625, for supply of materials (Package-1) like: Line pipe, Induction Bends, Ball Valves, Plug Valves, Fittings, CP Materials, SCADA Materials etc. In the mean time 67-km pipe has reached and some materials are at different stage of import. Contract has been signed with Punj LLyod-Pipeliners JV for crossing of 6 Rivers by HDD (Package-2). Tenders are being evaluated for installation of 3 CGS under Package-3 and contract has been signed with Dipon Gas-Pipeliners-Technic JV for construction of 67-km pipeline under Package-4 and the construction of pipeline is in progress. For assisting the project authority for giving compensation & rehabilitation of affected people and land acquisition & requisition for the project works, one NGO named UDOY (An Organization of Socio-Economic Development) has been engaged. Compensation was given to the affected persons in Sirajgonj district with the assistance of the said NGO and the said NGO is conducting training for livelihood under the RAP of project. 5.5 Gas Transmission Capacity Expansion Ashuganj to Bakhrabad Project Objective of the Project: Construction of 30-inch 61-km gas transmission pipeline to transport mmscfd gas to Dhaka & Chittagong i.e. in Titas franchise areas and Bakhrabad franchise areas and to install Transmission-Distribution interface metering in some limited places like Monohordi & Dewangonj under Titas Gas T&D Co. Ltd. and Kutumbopur, Feni & Barabkundu under Bakhrabad Gas Systems Limited. Implementation Period: January 2010 to December 2017 Source of Finance: GoB and Own funds of GTCL Project Cost: Tk. 74,337 Lac (GoB: 33, and GTCL: 41,235.22) Progress of Project Implementation: The implementation of a 30-inch 61-km pipeline parallel to A-B Pipeline is in progress under Power and Energy Quick Supply Augmentation (Special Provision) Act, 2010 to supply additional gas to Dhaka & Chittagong areas from the gas to be received at Ashuganj from greater Sylhet areas. On completion of 61-km pipeline and 3 River Crossings (Titas, Buri & Gomati) by HDD, the pipeline was commissioned on At present mmscfd gas from Ashuganj to Bakhrabad is transported through this pipeline for greater Dhaka and greater Chittagong areas. Contract has been signed on for installation of 3 Interface Metering Stations (Kutumbopur, Feni, and Barabkundu). About 90% of installation works have been completed of the said 3 Interface Metering Stations. It is expected that by December 2017, it will be possible to supply gas through these stations. 5.6 Construction of Maheshkhali-Anowara Gas Transmission pipeline Objective of the Project: Construction of 30-inch 91-km pipeline from Maheshkhali to Anowara Upazilla of Chittagong to transport imported Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) after re-gasification at the Floating Storage & Re-gasification Unit (FSRU) to be installed off-moheshkhali in the sea to supply gas to Ring Main Pipeline of KGDCL, Chittagong and surplus gas (on meeting the Chittagong demand) will be supplied to the transmission pipeline upstream of Chittagong. Implementation Period: July 2014 to June Annual Report

60 Source of Finance: Gob and Own fund of GTCL Project Cost: Tk. 103, Lac (GoB: 62, and GTCL: 41,586.80) Progress of Project Implementation: The Company is implementing the 30-inch 90-km gas transmission pipeline under Power and Energy Quick Supply Augmentation (Special Provision) Act, 2010 from Mohakhali to Anowara for transmission of 500 mmscfd re-gasified government planned import of Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) to be supplied to national gas grid to reduce the shortage of gas and to ensure the required supply to different power stations, fertilizer factory and different industrial units. Under the project, the constructions of km pipeline in 5 Lots/Sections have been completed including installation of Valve Stations, Pig Launcher & Pig Receiver Station. Crossing of 4 Rivers (Koheli, Uzantia, Matamuhuri & Sangu) of km length by HDD have been completed successfully on turnkey/epc basis. On the other hand, installation of one 600 mmscfd Custody Transfer Metering Station (CTMS) at Moheshkhali, Cox s Bazar and one City Gate Station (CGS) at Anowara, Chittagong are in progress. 5.7 Construction of Anowara-Fouzdarhat Gas Transmission Pipeline Objective of the Project: Construction of 42-inch 30-km gas transmission pipeline from Anowara, Chittagong to Fouzdarhat to transport re-gasified Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) for supplying to the distribution areas of KGDCL to ease the present gas deficit in the country. Implementation Period: April 2016 to December Source of Finance: GTCL and three companies (TGTDCL, KGDCL & BGDCL) of Petrobangla Project Cost: Tk. 77, Lac Progress of Project Implementation: Considering the importance of the project, it has been decided that the project would be implemented as Fast Track under Power and Energy Quick Supply Augmentation (Special Provision) Act, 2010 (Amended Act-2015). Executive Committee of the National Economic Council (ECNEC) has approved on the DPP for the project. Route survey, EIA and Soil & Sub-soil investigations have been completed by now. Contract signed with the supplier and LC opened for importation under Package-1 (Lot-A: Line Pipe, Lot-B: Coating & Wrapping Materials), Package-2 (Lot-A: Induction Bends, Lot-B: Fittings, Pig Traps, CP Materials and TEG) and Package-3 (Ball Valves, Gate Valves and Plug Valves). For HDD Crossing of Karnafully River, contract has been signed with Gypsum-Gasmin JV. In the meantime notifications of award (NoA) have been issued to contractors for 4 lots/sections for construction of pipeline. Besides these, land acquisition & requisition is in progress. 5.8 Construction of Chittagong-Feni-Bakhrabad Gas Transmission Pipeline Objective of the Project: Construction of 36-inch 181-km pipeline from Fouzdarhat of Chittagong to Bakhrabad of Comilla, parallel to 24-inch BKB-Chittagong pipeline, to transport R-LNG to the national gas grid from government imported Liquefied Natural Gas after meeting the energy demand of Chittagong areas. Implementation Period: July 2016 to June 2019 Source of Finance: GoB, ADB & AIIB Project Cost: Tk. 196, Lac (LC: 122, and PA: 73,836.00) Progress of Project Implementation: Construction of 36-inch 181-km pipeline including land acquisitions, installation of 2 Town Bordering Station (TBS), one Metering Station and 4 River Crossings by HDD. Contract has been signed for procurement under Package-1: Line Pipes, Casing Pipe, and Station Pipe Contract has been signed in April 2017 for procurement under Package-2 in 4 lots: Pig Traps & Annual Report

61 Fittings, Valves, CP & Coating Materials, Pipeline Induction Bends Local tenders issued for 8 Lots/Sections for construction of pipelines. Besides this, international tender has been issued for 4 River Crossings by HDD. After joint verifications, notices under Section-3 have been issued for acquisition & requisition of land in Comilla District and the joint verifications are in progress in Feni District. On the other hand, meeting of the DLEC of Chittagong District issuing notices under Section-4 are in progress. Contract has been signed for engaging NGO. 5.9 Construction of Moheshkhali-Anwara Parallel Pipeline Objective of the Project: Construction of 42-inch 79-km pipeline from Moheshkhali of Cox s Bazar to Anwara of Chittagong for transportation of imported and re-gasified (R-LNG) Liquefied Natural Gas from Maheshkhali & Kutubdia to supply the national gas grid to meet the country s increased gas demand in Titas franchise areas and Karnafully franchise areas. Implementation Period: July 2016 to December 2018 Source of Finance: Joint financing of GTCL and 4 companies of Petrobangla (KGDCL, TGTDCL, BGDCL & SGFL) Project Cost: Tk. 115, Lac Progress of Project Implementation: The project is being implemented under Power and Energy Quick Supply Augmentation (Special Provision) Act, The Route Survey, EIA and Soil Investigation for the Project are complete. Land acquisition & Requisition in Chittagong and Cox s Bazar are in progress. Contracts have been signed with the suppliers for procurement of Line Pipe and Other related Materials. NoA has been issued for crossing of 3 Rivers and 4 Cannels by HDD. Evaluations of tenders received are in progress for installation of a 1,200 mmscfd CTMS in Anowara, Chittagong. On the other hand, local tenders have been issued in 5 Lots/Sections for construction of pipeline. River crossing by HDD Method of the Sangu River under Moheshkhali-Anwara Pipeline project 5.10 Construction of Transmission Pipeline along Padma Bridge As integral part of the Padma Bridge, the DPP for the Bridge includes construction of 30-inch 6.15-km gas transmission pipeline at a cost of Tk. 25, Lac under GoB funding. The Padma 60 Annual Report

62 Multipurpose Bridge Authority has issued to the Company the draft Gas Pipeline Design Drawing (Version-C) & Structural Design Drawing (Version-2). The Company after examination of the Design/Drawing, the same has been returned the Bridge Authority with comments. Bridge Authority, after finalization of the Design/ Drawing will construct the pipeline by their engaged contractor. 6.0 Company s Future Development Plans The Company, after thorough analysis, expands the National Gas Grid to create sustainable energy infrastructures and supply safe & dependable gas, the primary energy of the country, at the consumer level. All activities ranging from gas source/receive & gas demand, pipeline construction, financing for the project, route survey for land acquisition & requisitions and environmental survey, DPP preparation to approval are carried out by Planning Department. The future development plans are provided below: Sl. No Name of Projects Finance Estimated Cost (Lac Tk.) Project Period Objective of the Project 6.1 Construction of 42-inch 7-km Transmission Pipeline from Moheshkhali Zero Point-Maheshkhali CTMS GTCL/ Companies of Petrobangla/ Energy Security Fund 44, July June 2019 Transportation of R-LNG from Moheshkhali Zero Point to Mohakhali CTMS 6.2 Construction of 30-inch 45-km Transmission Pipeline from Kutumbopur to Meghnaghat Petrobangla, TGTDCL, BGDCL & GTCL 63, July June 2010 Gas supply to existing & planned power plants in Meghnaghat Power Hub 6.3 Construction of 24-inch 165-km Transmission Pipeline Bogra- Rangpur-Nilphamari Not yet decided Gas supply to the North & North-West region 6.4 Construction of 30-inch 175-km Lagalbandth- Zajira & Zajira- Gopalganj-Khulna Gas Transmission Pipeline Not yet decided 280, Jan Dec 2021 Gas supply to greater Faridpur, Barisal & Khulna 6.5 Construction of 36-inch 12-km Transmission Pipeline over 2nd Bangabandhu (Railway) Bridge Not yet decided 42, July June 2022 Additional gas supply to North, North-West & South-West region 6.6 Construction of 30-inch 60-km Transmission Pipeline Bhomra (Shatkhris)-Boalia (Khulna) Not yet decided 90, July June 2022 Imported gas from neighbor for supply to power plant in Khulna region Annual Report

63 7.0 Projects Implemented by the Company The Company has implemented following 20 Projects as per decision of the government with foreign exchange received from ADB and World Bank, and finding by GoB, GTCL own funding and Companies under Petrobangla: Sl. No Name of Projects DPP/RDPP Approved Project Cost (Tk. in Crore) Implementation Period Source of Finance 1. Ashuganj-Bakhrabad 30-inch km Gas Transmission Pipeline (1st Phase) April December 1997 GoB & IDA SCADA-Telecommunication System June November 2003 GTCL-Twining Project 8.65 June May 1999 GoB & DFID Grant IDA & Own Finance 4. Paschimanchal Gas Transmission Project (a) Bangabandhu (B-B) Bridge 30-inch 9-km (b) Elenga-Nalka 24-inch km July June 2000 GoB & IDA 5. Beanibazar-Kailashtila 20-inch 18-km June September 2001 Hydrocarbon Development fund & GTCL own fund 6. Rashidpur-Ashuganj Gas Transmission Pipeline (1st Phase): Rashidpur-Habigonj 30-inch 28-km July May 2005 GoB 7. Rashidpur-Ashuganj Gas Transmission Pipeline (2nd Phase): Habigonj-Ashuganj 30-inch 54-km July May 2005 GoB 8. Nalka-Bogra Gas Transmission Pipeline (a) Nalka-Hatikumrul 30-inch 6-km (b) Hatikumrul-Bogra 20-inch 54-km July June 2006 GoB 9. Ashuganj-Monohordi 30-inch 37-km Gas Transmission Pipeline July July 2007 GoB Dhaka Clean Fuel 20-inch 60-km Gas Transmission Pipeline Monohordi-Dhanua & Elenga-Bangabandhu Bridge East 30-inch 51-km Gas Transmission Pipeline July June 2008 July June 2014 GoB & ADB GoB, ADB & GTCL own fund 12. Titas Gas Field (Location-G)-AB Pipeline 24-inch 8-km Gas Transmission Pipeline January December 2012 GTCL own fund 13. Srikail Gas Field (Location-2)-AB Pipeline 20-inch 1.50-km Gas Transmission Pipeline October March 2013 GTCL own fund 62 Annual Report

64 Sl. No Name of Projects DPP/RDPP Approved Project Cost (Tk. in Crore) Implementation Period Source of Finance 14. Bonpara-Rajshahi 12-inch km Gas Transmission Pipeline July December GoB, ADB & GTCL own 15. Bibiyana-Dhanua 36-inch km Gas Transmission Pipeline 1, April 2011-June 2015 Loan from companies of Petrobangla & GTCL own fund 16. Titas Gas Field (Location- C, B & A) to Titas A-B 10-inch 7.7-km Gas Transmission Pipeline July June 2015 GTCL own fund 17. Bheramara-Khulna 20-inch 165-km Gas Transmission Pipeline 903,81 July December 2015 GoB, ADB & GTCL own fund 18. Hatikumrul-Bheramara 30-inch km Gas Transmission Pipeline July December 2016 GoB, ADB & GTCL own fund 19. Head Office Building Sher-e-Bangla Nagar Administrative Area, Agargaon, 13 Storied with 2 Basement July June 2017 GTCL own fund 20. Titas Gas Field Well 23 & 24 (Sharail)- Khatihata & Well 25 & 26 (Malihata)- Khatihata Gas Transmission Pipeline July June 2017 GTCL own fund 8.0 Health, Safety & Quality Control 8.1 In FY supervision and quality control were carried out during construction of different pipelines & stations of the Company in respect of Welding Procedure, NDT Procedure, Preparation of Safety Procedure, Welding, Tie-in, NDT, Joint Coating, Holiday Inspection, Hydrostatic Test, Nitrogen Charging etc. 8.2 As a first step towards establishing a day-care center at the Company s Head Office Building, list of 6 years kids was collected from the womens employee to ensure providing of food and health security among the new-born babies of the employees. Conducted safety audit at Ashuganj CGS, Monohordi MMS, Dhanua CGS, Aminbazar CGS, Ashulia CGS etc. Prepared by a committee the Health and Safety Policy for the Company, which is now at approval stage. Monthly reports on Environment and Safety for all establishments of the Company are being provided to Petrobangla. Installed Fire Extinguishers in the Head Office Building as per requireemnts of National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) Safety arrangements are being followed as per requirements of the government issued Instructions for Security of Key Points of all Categories. Metal detectors have been installed in all important installations of the Company. Metal detecors would be installed in phases to all other installations of the Company. Fire Safety, First Aid Box, Personal Protective Equipment etc. are Annual Report

65 being monitored regularly in every 3 months. In the mean time, CCTVs have been installed at Ashuganj Gas Manifold Station, Chittagong CGS and Baghabari CGS. Installation of CCTVs are in progress in Company s other KPIs/ establishments. 8.4 During FY , like other years, the Company has planted different saplings of fruits-tree, wood and medicinal plants at different installations to maintain ecological balance and preventing environmental pollution as per Government policy and using CNG in all vehicles of the Company. 9.0 Woks on Environmental affairs Before implementation of the pipeline projects, all route surveys & environmental assessments are completed and on receipt of clearance of the Department Environmental, the Company commences the construction works. During FY all environmental assessments were completed for 3 projects like (a) Anowara-Fouzdarhat Gas Transmission Pipeline Project, (b) Titas Gas Field Well 23 & 24 (Sharail)-Khatihata and Well 25 & 26 (Malihata)-Khatihata Gas Transmission Pipeline Project, (c) Moheshkhali-Anwara Parallel Pipeline Project. Moreover, by this time one Environmental Policy has been formulated, which is now at approval stage Maintenance of above-ground pipeline & installations 10.1 Regular maintenance of Company operated different transmission pipeline and defective valves of different CGS, TBS, maintenance of components of metering arrangements, modification, RMS & installation of bypass lines and transmission related CGS, TBS, RMS, valve stations, pig launcher-receiver are regularly painted After construction of different pipeline and stations, under the Company s operation, Cathodic Protection (CP) systems are installed to protect the pipeline & installation against corrosion. Subsequently, regular monitoring and maintenance of CP system are done. Besides, as per instructions of Petrobangla and Board of Directors, the on stream cleaning pigging of 30-inch 61-km Ashuganj-Bakhrabad (A-B 2), 30-inch 60-km Bakhrabad-Siddhirganj (B-S) and 24-inch 125-km Ashuganj-Elenga (B-B) gas transmission pipelines were conducted from to successfully. Tender has been issued on for conducting on stream cleaning pigging of the Dhanua-Aminbazar 20-inch 60-km Gas Transmisison Pipeline. On stream cleaning pigging of the said pipeline has by now been completed Corporate Tax 11.1 All income tax cases up to Tax Year have been settled as per section 75 of Income Tax Ordinance But income tax authority resumed Tax Assessment from Tax Tear as per section 82C of Income Tax Ordinance 1984 and re-opened all settled cases from Tax Year to Appeal against assessment order also went against the Company. The matter when was placed before the Board of Directors in its 272nd meeting held on , Board of Directors instructed for reference case (Writ) to the Hon able High Court. As per such decision, cases for 11 Tax Years from to are now being processed as reference cases in the higher court As per Finance Acts, 2014 which has been effective from 1 July 2014 has made an amendment of Section 82C wherein it has been stated that companies those who renders services of gas transmission, Section 82C shall not be applicable for them. As a result, assessment for tax liability from Tax Year has been effective as per 82B instead of 82C for the Company. 64 Annual Report

66 12.0 Financial Performance 12.1 Investment The total investment of the Company up to 30 June 2017 for FY stands at Tk crore of which Tk. 5, crore as loan and Tk. 4, crore as Capital, Deposit for Shares & Reserve. On the other hand, Total Investment includes Tk. 9, crore as Fixed Assets & Investment and Tk crore as Net Current Assets Revenue Income During the FY , the Company earned an amount of Tk crore by transporting 21, million cubic meter gas and million liter condensate. During FY , the Company transported 21, million cubic meter gas and million liter condensate to earned Tk corer. Increased transportations are 0.44% gas and 54.12% condensate over last year. During the year the revenue income from transmission charges have increased to Tk crore or 8.43% over the previous year Operational Expenses The total operational expense for FY was Tk crore which includes salaries and allowances of the Company officials & staffs Tk crore, repairs & maintenance Tk crore, other direct expenses Tk crore, depreciation Tk crore and Petrobangla Service Charge Tk corer. Total expense was Tk crore more than the previous year Financial Expenses An amount of Tk crore was paid as interests against foreign and local loans during the FY , which was Tk crore in i.e. Tk crore more in the FY It may be noted that capitalization after completion of projects, interest expenses are increasing gradually Profit & Loss Psteps re-tax profit during the FY was Tk crore as against of Tk crore in FY During the year, the pre-tax profit reduced to Tk crore over the last year. Although transportation of gas & condensate increased, because of decision of BERC for reducing wheeling charge to Tk as against of Tk per meter, increase in this head is 8.43% since from March 2017 wheeling charge was re-fixing to Tk Business Plan of the Company A Business Plan for 10 years period for the Company has been prepared by a Consultant engaged under World Bank finance and the consultant recommends the following to overcome the challenges: (a) Handover all transmission pipeline to the Company (b) Conversion of loan to equity and submission of proposal to BERC for increasing transmission charge (c) Not to implement projects with the Company s own funds (d) Creation of separate Depreciation Fund It is essential to take necessary action by the Company on these matters otherwise financial viability won t be retained. Annual Report

67 12.7 Contribution to National Exchequer The Company has contributed a total amount of Tk crore to Government Exchequer during the FY as against Tk crore in FY The head-wise payments for the two years are as follows: (Tk. in crore) Payments Heads of Payment Principal Loan Interest on Loan Dividend CD VAT and Supplementary Duty Income tax (deducted at source) Total: Accounts Receivable Accounts receivable from Petrobangla and its Companies on account of wheeling charges for gas and condensate at the end of FY stood at Tk crore which is equivalent to 4.76 months bills and during FY this was at Tk crore which was equivalent to 2.90 months bills. Comparison of Corporation and company wise receivable positions for FY and are as follows: (Tk. in crore) Receivables Debtors As of 30 June 2017 Months' Equivalent As on 30 June 2016 Months' Equivalent Gas : Titas Gas T & D Co. Ltd Bakhrabad Gas Distribution Co. Ltd Jalalabad Gas T & D System Ltd Pashchimanchal Gas Co. Ltd Karnafully Gas Distribution Co. Ltd Sundarban Gas Company Limited Condensate : Petrobangla Sylhet Gas Fields Ltd Total In is to be mentioned here that the Disputed bills recoverable from Jalalabad Gas T & D System Ltd. is Tk crore up to 30 June 2017 for supplying gas at medium pressure at Kailashtila end. The Disputed bills, if not considered, then the total outstanding bills stands to Tk crore which is equivalent to 4.60 months bill. There is no agreement between the Company and distribution companies. 66 Annual Report

68 12.9 Debt-Equity Ratio Debt-Equity Ratio in the FY stands at 53:47 which was in the FY But loan amount will be increased and simultaneously equity amount will be decreased after the completion of the projects being funded by IDA, ADB and JICA loans Debts-Service Coverage Ratio The Debt Service Coverage ratio during the FY was 0.81 as against 3.30 in the previous year. Though the prevailing wheeling charge will ensure minimum required profit/surplus for the payment of DSL as per the amortization schedule, but in future it would not be possible for the Company to pay the DSL with the existing wheeling charge after completion of the projects under implementation. After completion of the ongoing projects, there should be sufficient cash surplus for timely payment of DSL as per Amortization Schedule. Increasing Transmission charge by Bangladesh Energy Regulatory Commission to Tk from Tk from 1st March 2017 would cause the Company not to have sufficient revenue to pay the DSL in the coming days Return on Fixed Assets (ROR) The rate of return (ROR) on average fixed assets during the FY stood at 16.63%, which was 3.13% during FY Investments for projects increased in many folds for which after completion of all projects, ROR on Fixed Assets is reducing at higher rate since gas transmission charge has been re-fixed to Tk as against of Tk After completion of Company funded projects, ROR fixed by the donor agencies to 12% or more and to make the Company profitable, wheeling charge for gas and condensate need to be increased to a logical level Amounts of investments from GTCL s owner resources (Tk. in Lac) Name of Project Cumulative Investment up to 30 June 2017 Investment during FY Cumulative Investment up to 30 June 2017 Monohordi-Jamuna Project Bonpara-Rajshahi Project Bakhrabad-Siddhirganj Project 2, , Ashuganj-Bakhrabad project 22, , , Hatikumrul-Bheramara Project 1, , , Bheramara-Khulna Project Bibiyana-Dhanua project 30, , Srikail-AB Project Titas-AB project 7, , Titas-CBA Project 4, , Head Office Complex Project 7, , , Moheshkhali-Anowara Project 22, , , Anowara-Fouzdarhat Project Bakhrabad-Feni-Chittagong Project Total 101, , , Annual Report

69 12.13 Proposals for overall financial improvement of the Company The Company has earned pre-tax profit of Tk crore and the ROR on net average fixed assets stood at 1.63% during the FY At present the out of total 9 ongoing development projects, the Company is arranging funds, full or part, 8 projects from its own resources. The Bangladesh Energy Regulatory Commission has reduced the transmission charge on 1st March 2017 increasing from Tk per Cubic meter to Tk In considering the same and the ongoing projects, a Financial Projection has been prepared up to 2019-the Rate of Return and Debt Service Coverage Ratio would be as follows: Financial year RoR (%) Debt Service Coverage Ratio From the above projection, although it is seen that during the year ROR is 1.63% and Debt Service Coverage Ratio would be 0.81, after implementation of all projects as planned in 2019, ROR and Debt Service Coverage Ratio would be reduced much. So, recognizing the under implemented projects to complete by 2019 and considering the ROR 12% & 15%, the required Transmission Charge to be re-fixed are shown below: Per Cubic Meter Transmission Charge (Taka) Rate of Return (RoR) % % Annual Milad Mahfil Annual Report

70 12.14 Essential measures required to establish firm founding to achieve profitability to play important role in the development of the country s economy (a) (b) (c) To achieve ROR 12%, wheeling charge required to be enhanced gradually to Tk per cubic meter up to the FY and to Tk per cubic meter gradually to achieve ROR of 15%. Transmission charge increased to per cubic meter from Tk per cubic meter by BERC from 1st March Bur increased transmission charge not paying directly to the Company by distribution companies, deposits to Support for Shortfall Fund maintained by Petrobangla and the Company is being financially week since Petrobangla is not paying the Company out of this fund. As such it is necessary that increased transmission charge be paid by distribution companies directly to the Company. Wheeling charge of condensate transportation was fixed at Tk in the year Although as per the Board of Directors, the transmission charge has not yet been fixed to Tk instead of Tk per liter. It may be noted that the market price of condensate has been enhanced by more than 200%, the transportation charge has not been increased. The cost for security of the condensate pipeline and considering O&M costs, the transmission charge to increase to Tk against the present charge of Tk per liter. (d) As per approved transmission strategy, the following pipelines need to be transfer to the Company: 12-inch 57.75km Habigonj-Ashuganj gas transmission pipeline 16-inch 46.31km Titas-Narshingdi gas transmission pipeline 14-inch km Titas-Narshingdi gas transmission pipeline (e) Dispute between Company and JGTDSL over transmission charge of Tk. 3, lac up to 30 June 2017 to be resolve since this amount is being increased day by day. To maintain the Company s image, the matter needs to be solved Audit 13.1 Internal Audit During the FY audit clearances have been given after necessary rectification of minor problems in some cases but no fraud or irregularities have been found. Post-audit program has also been conducted. Besides, on completion of services, final settlement bills of employees have been audited including Contributory Provident Fund Trust accounts and Gratuity Fund Trust accounts. Audit has also been conducted on Company s domestic/foreign loans and interests thereof and losses accrued from depreciation of exchange rates. In this regard the fund release orders of Governments loan, foreign loan agreement, subsidiary loan agreements etc were taken into account. The annual physical inventories of the Company s assets and its projects as of have been taken by a Physical Inventory Committee under the supervision of Company Audit Department. Necessary actions are in progress after receiving the Committee report Settlement of Audit Objection A total of 16 audit objections amounting Tk lac has been settled during FY Out of these, one audit objection has been resolved after submitting broad sheet reply and remaining 15 audit objectives were resolved after having recommendations from one bilateral meetings & one tripartite meeting Insurance 14.1 Pipeline, Installation, Plant and other Machineries insurance During FY , the Company had 27 insurance policies. Comprehensive/All Risk Insurance Policy for 9 kilometer pipeline along with the Bangabandhu Bridge, 10 Third Fire, Earthquake & Annual Report

71 Cyclone Insurance policies for different installations, plants & machineries and 16 Public Liability (Third Party) Insurance Policies for different pipelines. Capitalized Hatikumrul-Bheramara and Bheramara-Khulna gas transmission pipelines and now will be taken under Insurance Policies Vehicle Insurance During insurance policies for the Company s vehicles/motor cycles have been taken from Shadharan Bima Corporation as per government rules Group Insurance The group insurance policies for the employees have been renewed for the FY Cases pursued by the Company (a) There are 9 cases of the Company in the lower court for judicial consideration. May be noted that the lawyers are taking necessary actions for quick disposal. (b) There are 10 cases in the Higher Courts for and against the Company. Necessary actions are in progress by the lawyer for quick disposal. (c) Formed 4 Arbitral Tribunal to settle additional financial claim of the relevant contractors against construction of transmission pipeline whose activities are in progress Administrative Activities 16.1 Organogram and Manpower (a) The 5th Organogram approved by the Board of Directors provides total 930 officials/staffs having regular 643 Officials & 7 on contract basis, regular 252 Staff & 5 on contract basis and 23 retainer doctors. Against such provisions, at present total officials working on 398 regular, 2 on contract basis, 9 PRL and 2 retainer doctors-total being 411 officials and 128 regular staff, 6 on contract basis and 4 PRL-total being 138 are I working in the Company. (b) The 5th Organogram approved by the Board of Directors provides hired services of 1,371 as Security Guard, Patrol Man, Cash Guard, Guard Commander, Driver, Office Assistant, Mali and Cleaner. Against such provisions, at present 1,027 personnel are in work. (c) In the Head Office Building at Sher-e-Bangla Nagar, Agargaon, 36 security forces including 3 Guard Commanders, 32 Security Guards, and 1 Cash Guard are working. In addition, 14 armed members of Ansars including 1 PC, 1 APC and 12 Ansars are working there. Besides, 222 Ansars and 4 Community Police are working at different installations of the Company. To provide necessary security to important installations of the Company, continuous liaisons are maintained with local administrations. (d) 48 CC Cameras have been installed at different important locations of the Head Office Building. Data/images are displayed and preserved in the control room and monitoring the security matters continuously on all areas under the command of the CC Cameras by installed 3 monitors and one hard disk drive there Recruitment Process As per approved Organogram, 70 officials were recruited during FY with 40 Assistant Engineers, 4 Assistant Managers (General), 3 Assistant Manager (A&F), 6 Sub-Assistant Engineers, 9 Assistant Officers (General), 5 Assistant Officers (A&F) and 3 Accounts Assistants Human Resource Development During the FY , the following local and foreign training/seminar/ workshop program have been arranged for officials/staffs under the Company s Revenue and Development Budget: 70 Annual Report

72 Local Training/Workshop/Seminar Sl. No Finance 17.0 Employee Relations The staff-management relationship was satisfactory during FY like the previous years. The officers and staff have taken pioneer role in all development works of the Company. The Company officials/staff are having very cordial relationships. All problems are resolved through mutual co-operation and amicable discussions Procurement works 18.1 Foreign Purchase Two Control Valves with Controller and 228 Filter Glass Filter Cartridges for Duel Stage Filter Separator were purchased by open international tendering for RTD-Chittagong & RTD-Ashuganj under Transmission Division-East and Engineering Division. Bills of the pre-shipment inspection agents, engaged for inspection of imported goods, were processed for payments Local Purchase Nature of Training/ seminar/workshop/ meeting/presentation 1. GTCL Training/ seminar/workshop/ meeting/presentation 2. Other organizations Foreign training Sl. No Finance training/ seminar/workshop/ meeting/presentation Ten Double Cabin Pick-ups for different Divisions/Departments/Projects and stationeries & hardware materials were purchased by local open tendering. Under direct purchase procedure, two Mitsubishi Sports Jeeps were purchased from Progoti Industries Limited and Tyre/Batteries, Computer Printers/Toner cartages for Photocopy Machines, Spares for Generator and Lubricant etc. were purchased Shipping & Handling Activities No. of Training/ seminar/workshop/ meeting/presentation No. of participants in training/seminar/workshop/ meeting/presentation Total: Nature of Training/ seminar/workshop/ meeting/presentation 1. GTCL Training/ seminar/workshop/ meeting 2. Other organizations Training/ seminar/workshop/ meeting No. of Training/ seminar/workshop/ meeting/presentation No. of participants in Training/seminar/workshop/ meeting/presentation Total: Bills were processed for payments to the transportation companies for transporting goods from Chittagong Port/Temporary Stores to different projects Yards/Stores of Moheshkhali-Anowara, Dhanua-Nalka projects and imported items for the Head Office. Annual Report

73 19.0 Activities commemorating the war of Liberation The Muktijoddha Corner, established in the library of the Company, has been enriched by purchasing books related to the country s Great War of Liberation. The employees of the Company read those books with great interest to learn about the War of Liberation. The Officials/Staffs are taking part in different national days observing for the Bir Shrestos of Liberation War to show respects to them Social Responsibility During FY provided assistance of Tk Lac to the School run by Maddhapara Granite Mining Company and Tk Lac to the Bangabandhu Sports Welfare Foundation under Ministry of Youth & Sports of the Government. Besides, providing financial assistances are in progress in form of courtesy advertisements for publications by different social, cultural and sports organizations Welfare Activities The Company observed different motivational programs in relation to human values improvement, interpersonal relationship development, increasing trust & beliefs and learning loyalty. During the FY , the Company organized following social, cultural and religious programs: 21.1 Assistance for Education Stipends are paid to the children of the officers and staff for education in the post-graduate program, graduation/graduation (Honours), engineering, medical, higher secondary & equivalent, secondary & equivalent, JSC & equivalent and PSC & equivalent as per the approved policy of the Company. During the year, the Company distributed Tk lac among 97students for their brilliant success in different examinations Loan Disbursement Program During the FY total amount of Tk was disbursed including an amount of Tk lac as loan to 22 official & staff for procurement of land, flat and house building; Tk lac to 1 official for purchase of computer and Tk lac was disbursed to 69 officers for purchase of motorcycle Sports, Recreation, Annual Milad and observance of National Days During the year the Company arranged annual milad, picnic & sports events to maintain Tree Plantation-2017 Winter Cloth distribution activities 72 Annual Report

74 cordiality and friendship among the employees of the Company. Other than these, the Officers Association and Workers Union arranged Iftar & Doa mahfil in the month of Ramadan. Besides, the company observed National Independence day, the Victory day, National Mourning day and Shaheed Day & the day of International Mother Language with due respect and dignity. Respected Shareholders, On behalf of the Board of Directors, I congratulate all the officials and employees of the Company for discharging their duties & responsibilities with utmost sincerity and commitment for the continuous development and prosperity of the Company. I take the opportunity to express my sincere gratitude to the Government for its active support and guidance towards the overall progress of the Company especially to Petrobangla, Energy and Mineral Resources Division, Ministry of Finance, Economic Relations Division, Planning Commission, IMED, National Board of Revenue, Department of Environment, Department of Explosives, related all Government agencies, different District administrations and Police administration for their cooperation and assistance. I would also like to record our sincere gratitude and deep appreciation on behalf of the Company Board of Directors to our development partners namely the Asian Development Bank, the World Bank and JICA for their support and co-operation. I sincerely hope that Gas Transmission Company Limited will be able to play its due role in the years to come for the continued development and progress of the Company through the unfailing support of all concerned. Esteemed Shareholders, I am expressing my sincerest gratitude to you all for your gracious presence, patience and kind attention to the presentation of this report on this occasion of the Annual General Meeting. I believe your cooperation and support for the coming days would also be available for operation of the Company. May I now submit the Report of the Board of Directors of the Company along with the Auditor s Report and the Financial Statements for the Financial Year for your kind consideration and approval. May Allah bless all of us On behalf of the Board of Directors (Nazimuddin Chowdhury) Secretary, Energy & Mineral Resources Division & Chairman, Board of Directors Gas Transmission Company Limited Annual Report

75 Audited Financial Statements

76 ACNABIN Chartered Accountants BDBL Bhaban (Level-13 & 14) 12 Kawaran Bazar Commercial Area Dhaka-1215, Bangladesh. Telephone: (88 02) to 52 (88 02) to 29 Facsimile: (88 02) Web: Independent Auditor s Report To the Shareholders of Gas Transmission Company Limited We have audited the accompanying financial statements of Gas Transmission Company Limited, which comprise the Statement of Financial Position as at 30 June 2016, the Statement of Profit or Loss and Other Comprehensive Income, Statement of Changes in Equity and Statement of Cash Flows for the year then ended, and a summary of significant accounting policies and other explanatory information. Management s Responsibilities for the Financial Statements Management is responsible for the preparation of financial statements that give a true and fair view in accordance with Bangladesh Financial Reporting Standards and for such internal control as management determines is necessary to enable the preparation of financial statements that are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error. Auditor s Responsibility Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements based on our audit. We conducted our audit in accordance with Bangladesh Standards on Auditing. Those standards require that we comply with ethical requirements and plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free from material misstatement. An audit involves performing procedures to obtain audit evidence about the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. The procedures selected depend on the auditor s judgment including the assessment of the risks of material misstatement of the financial statements, whether due to fraud or error. In making those risk assessments, the auditor considers internal control relevant to the entity s preparation of financial statements that give a true and fair view in order to design audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the entity s internal control. An audit also includes evaluating the appropriateness of accounting policies used and the reasonableness of accounting estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall presentation of the financial statements. We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our qualified audit opinion. an independent member of BAKER TILLY INTERNATIONAL Annual Report

77 Basis for Qualified Opinion 1. Foreign currency/ exchange fluctuations loss for an amount of Tk. 313,662,105 for the reporting year has been included in the carrying amount of property, plant and equipment instead of charging to profit or loss and other comprehensive income. This is a violation of BAS 21 and BAS 16. As a result, relating to the year ended 30 June 2017, the value of property, plant and equipment has been overstated by the said amount. Considering the effects of such accounting treatment for the previous years the volume of such overstatements would be huge which could not be determined due to lack of information. Further, due to capitalization of exchange loss depreciation on property, plant and equipment is overcharged every year. 2. Interest on loan from GOB and foreign development agencies has not been accrued for amount of Tk. 76,209,684 for the year under audit. This is a non compliance with BAS 23 Para 8, as well as the corporate accounting manual followed by GTCL. As a result, both interest expense as well as loan liability have been understated in the financial statements by the said audit. Qualified Opinion In our opinion, except for the possible effects of the matters described in the Basis for Qualified Opinion paragraph, the financial statements of the company give a true and fair view of the financial position of the Gas Transmission Company Limited as at 30 June 2017, and of its financial performance and its cash flows for the year then ended in accordance with Bangladesh Financial Reporting Standards. Emphasis of Matter We draw attention to note# 3.8 (ii) to the financial statements which describes not adopting BAS 12 this year. Our opinion is not qualified in respect of this matter. Report on Other Legal and Regulatory Requirements: We also report that the financial statements comply with the Companies Act, 1994 and other applicable laws and regulation. We, as required by the Companies Act 1994, further report that- (a) (b) (c) we have obtained all the information and explanations which to the best of our knowledge and belief were necessary for the purposes of our audit and made due verification thereof; in our opinion, proper books of account as required by law have been kept by the company so far as it appeared from our examination of those books; and the statement of Financial Position and Statement of Profit or Loss and Other Comprehensive Income dealt with by the report are in agreement with the books of account maintained by the company and examined by us. Dhaka, ACNABIN 16 November 2017 Chartered Accountants 76 Annual Report

78 Gas Transmission Company Limited (GTCL) Statement of Financial Position As at 30 June 2017 Capital and reserves Share capital 4 7,000,000,000 7,000,000,000 Deposit against shares 5 20,284,774,580 18,791,426,074 Capital reserve 6 1,740,909,405 1,740,909,405 Retained earnings 7 17,510,486,626 17,599,594,758 46,536,170,610 45,131,930,237 Long term borrowings-unsecured Local 8 25,297,437,252 25,297,337,874 Foreign 9 26,154,038,465 22,554,457,309 51,451,475,717 47,851,795,184 Capital employed 97,987,646,327 92,983,725,421 Assets Non-current assets Property, plant and equipment 10 50,245,376,399 43,884,380,278 Capital works-in-progress 11 33,682,088,249 33,233,355,047 83,927,464,648 77,117,735,324 Investment and other assets Fixed deposits 12 12,087,399,543 12,402,301,117 Interest receivable on fixed deposits 468,484, ,773,575 Loan to employees ,644, ,715,473 Investment in shares 14 3,471,570 2,790,870 Other assets 15-3,050,245 13,117,999,989 13,599,631,280 Current assets Inventories 16 1,174,753, ,156,134 Advances, deposits and prepayments 17 3,319,373,799 2,981,859,397 Cash and bank balances ,118,964 1,766,131,938 5,454,245,793 5,747,147,469 Receivable from group companies Gas and condensate transmission 19 2,119,740,120 1,184,510,736 Current account ,779,339 84,889,297 2,263,519,459 1,269,400,033 7,717,765,252 7,016,547,502 Less: Current liabilities Creditors and accruals ,604,774 1,280,380,929 Workers' profit participation fund 22 21,336,276 94,728,237 Current portion of long term borrowings 8.1 & 9.1 1,674,203, ,902,218 Interest payable 23 1,276,804, ,350,606 Provision for taxation 24 2,842,634,855 2,802,826,694 6,775,583,562 4,750,188,685 Net current assets 942,181,690 2,266,358,817 Net assets 97,987,646,327 92,983,725,421 Notes Taka Taka The annexed notes form an integral part of these financial statements. General Manager (Accounts) Company Secretary Managing Director Director This is the Statement of Financial Position referred to in our separate report of even date Dhaka, 16 November 2017 ACNABIN Chartered Accountants Annual Report

79 GAS TRANSMISSION COMPANY LIMITED (GTCL) Statement of Profit or Loss and Other Comprehensive Income For the year ended 30 June 2017 Revenue Transmission charge 25 4,545,436,068 4,192,190,234 Less: Cost of Service Operating expenses 26 1,669,617,531 1,018,848,607 Depreciation charge 2,018,795,610 1,843,267,719 Petrobangla service charge 88,227,000 60,000,000 3,776,640,141 2,922,116,327 Operating Profit for the year 768,795,928 1,270,073,908 Less: Financial expense 27 1,186,149, ,185,717 Add: Non Operating Income Interest income ,684,803 1,206,455,033 Other income 29 63,216,122 41,509,526 Loss on foreign currency translation - (6,492) Profit before WPPF and Welfare Fund 454,547,499 1,928,846,257 Less: Provision for contribution to WPPF & WF 22 21,336,276 94,728,237 Net profit before tax 433,211,223 1,834,118,020 Income tax expense 305,165, ,787,596 Net profit after tax 128,045,899 1,397,330,425 Other comprehensive income, net of tax Profit/(Loss) on investment in share 680,700 (4,016,130) Total Comprehensive income 128,726,599 1,393,314,295 Notes Taka Taka The annexed notes form an integral part of these financial statements. General Manager (Accounts) Company Secretary Managing Director Director This is the Statement of Profit or Loss and Other Comprehensive Income referred to in our separate report of even date. Dhaka, 16 November 2017 ACNABIN Chartered Accountants 78 Annual Report

80 Gas Transmission Company Limited(GTCL) STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN EQUITY For the year ended 30 June 2017 Particulars Share Deposit against Capital Retained capital shares reserve earnings (Amount in Taka) Total Equity Balance at 01 July ,000,000,000 18,791,426,074 1,740,909,405 17,599,594,758 45,131,930,237 Equity/Grant received - 1,493,348, ,493,348,506 Net profit for the year ,045, ,045,900 Prior years' adjustment (25,693,732) (25,693,732) Other comprehensive income , ,700 Transfer to GTCL Equity (192,141,000) (192,141,000) Balance at 30 June ,000,000,000 20,284,774,580 1,740,909,405 17,510,486,626 46,536,170,610 Balance at 01 July ,000,000,000 14,794,927,790 1,740,909,405 17,550,302,266 41,086,139,460 Equity/Grant received - 3,996,498, ,996,498,285 Net profit for the year ,397,330, ,397,330, Prior years' adjustment ,978,197 23,978,197 Dividend paid (1,368,000,000) (1,368,000,000) Other comprehensive income (4,016,130) (4,016,130) Balance at 30 June ,000,000,000 18,791,426,074 1,740,909,405 17,599,594,758 45,131,930,237 General Manager (Accounts) Company Secretary Managing Director Director Dhaka, 16 November 2017 Annual Report

81 Gas Transmission Company Limited(GTCL) STATEMENT OF CASH FLOWS For the year ended 30 June 2017 a. Cash flows from operating activities Net profit for the year 128,045,899 1,397,330,425 Adjustment for non-cash items: Taka Taka Depreciation 2,018,795,610 1,843,267,719 Adjustment of management service charge (25,693,732) 23,978,197 Loss on foreign currency translation - 6,492 1,993,101,878 1,867,252,409 Operating profit before changes in working capital 2,121,147,777 3,264,582,834 Decrease/(increase) in current assets (1,507,230,724) 471,230,791 Increase in current liabilities 2,025,394, ,235, ,164, ,466,447 Net cash flow from operating activities 2,639,311,930 3,839,049,280 b. Cash flow from investing activities Acquisition of property, plant and equipment (9,034,880,188) (8,647,110,819) Investment in other assets 481,631, ,449,213 Addition to capital works-in-progress (448,733,203) (1,988,220,067) Net cash (used in)/ flow from investing activities (9,001,982,100) 9,905,881,673 c. Cash flow from financing activities Increase in equity 1,493,348,506 3,996,498,285 Increase in long term borrowings 4,464,210,908 3,598,537,878 Repayment of long term borrowing (400,902,218) (546,017,471) Dividend paid - (1,368,000,000) Net cash flow from financing activities 5,556,657,196 5,681,018,691 Net deficit in cash and bank balances for the year (a+b+c) (806,012,974) (385,813,700) Cash and bank balances at beginning of the year 1,766,131,938 2,151,945,638 Cash and bank balances at the end of the year 960,118,964 1,766,131,938 General Manager (Accounts) Company Secretary Managing Director Director Dhaka, 16 November Annual Report

82 Gas Transmission Company Limited (GTCL) NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS For the year ended 30 June Background and Nature of Business of the Company Gas Transmission Company Limited (GTCL), a company owned by Petrobangla was registered as a public limited company on 14 December 1993 under the Companies Act As per decision of Government of Bangladesh, GTCL was formed with the principal objective of establishing a balanced and reliable natural gas transmission network and ensuring effective operational control of the same for transportation of available gas in order to meet the increasing gas demand in the country. GTCL commenced its formal operation through holding the first meeting of the Board of Directors on 23 January 1994 and subsequently embarked on commercial business upon receipt of certificate of commencement of business from the Registrar of Joint Stock Companies and Firms on 31 July The other objectives for which the Company was established is to construct, operate and maintain high pressure gas/condensate pipelines to transmit natural gas/condensate from different gas fields and delivering the gas/condensate to the marketing companies operating in Bangladesh. 2. Basis of preparation of the financial statements 2.1 Statement of compliance The financial statements have been prepared in accordance with Bangladesh Financial Reporting Standards (BFRSs), The Companies Act 1994 and other applicable laws and regulations. 2.2 Other regulatory compliance In addition to the above, the group entities are also required to comply with the following laws and regulations: The Income Tax Ordinance, 1984; The Income Tax Rules, 1984; The Value Added Tax Act, 1991; The Value Added Tax Rules, 1991; Bangladesh Labour Act (Amendment 2013) 2.3 Basis of measurement These financial statements have been prepared under the historical cost convention and on a going concern basis. 2.4 Going concern assumption The financial statements have been prepared considering going concern assumption as per BAS-1(25). The management did not find any significant uncertainties regarding going concern issue within the next twelve months from the end of the reporting period. 2.5 Components of Finanacial Statements: The Financial Statements of the company consist of the following components: Statement of Finanacial Position; Statement of Profit or Loss and Other Comprehensive Income; Statement of Changes in Equity; Statement of Cash Flows; and Notes to the Finanacial Statements 2.6 Functional and presentation currency These financial statements are presented in Bangladesh Taka (BDT), which is also the functional currency of the Company. The amounts in these financial statements have been rounded off to the nearest integer. Annual Report

83 2.7 Use of estimates and judgments The preparation of the financial statements of the company requires management to make and apply consistently the judgments, estimates and assumptions for records and balances that affect the application of accounting policies and the reported amounts of assets, liabilities, income and expenses. Actual results may differ from these estimates. Estimates and underlying assumptions are reviewed on an ongoing basis. Revision to accounting estimates are recognised in the period in which the estimates are revised and in any future periods affected. In particular, information about significant areas of estimation, uncertainty and critical judgments in applying accounting policies that have the most significant effect on the amounts recognized in the financial statements is included in the following notes: Note: 10 Property, plant and equipment Note: 16 Inventories Note: 24 Provision for tax 2.8 Reporting Period These financial period of the company covers twelve months from 1 July to 30 June and is being followed consistently. 3. Significant Accounting Policies 3.1 Property, plant and equipment (PPE) Recognition and measurement Property, plant and equipment are stated at cost less accumulated depreciation in compliance with Bangladesh Accounting Standard (BAS)-16: Property Plant and Equipment. The cost of acquisition of an asset comprises its purchase price and any direct attributable cost of bringing the assets to its working condition for its intended use Subsequent costs The cost of replacing a part of an item of property, plant and equipment is recognized in the carrying amount of the item if it is probable that future economic benefits associated with the item will flow to the entity and the cost of the item can be measured reliably. All other repair and maintenance costs are charged to the Statement of Profit or Loss and Other Comprehensive Income during the financial period in which these incurred Depreciation Depreciation on all items of property, plant and equipment (fixed assets) has been charged using straight-line method at rates varying from 2.5% to 25% depending on the estimated useful lives of assets. Depreciation on addition to fixed assets has been charged from the subsequent quarter of their acquisition as per Petrobangla's Guidelines provided in Management System Implementation Project (MSIP) and Corporate Accounting Manual (CAM) except capitalisation of gain/loss on exchange rate fluctuation for which depreciation is charged on opening balance. The rates of depreciation on various classes of assets are as follows: Particulars Rate Leasehold land 1/99 Freehold concrete & brick structure 2.5% Other Constructions 2.5% Land infrastructure 5% Store yard 5% Plant and Machinery 5% Furniture and Fixtures 10% Sheds and temporary works 10% Water pipeline and tank 10% Tube well and ponds 10% Office Equipment 15% 82 Annual Report

84 Particulars Rate Domestic appliances 15% Pipeline 3.33% Light vehicles 20% Water pump 20% Loose Tools 25% 3.2 Inventories Nature of inventories Inventories include gas & condensate pipeline materials, stores and spare parts etc Valuation of inventory Inventories are valued at average historical cost. Goods-in-transit are valued at ad-valorem including all other incidental costs. The cost of inventories includes expenditure for acquiring the inventories and bringing them to their existing location and condition. Net realizable value is estimated upon selling price in the ordinary course of business less estimated cost of completion of the sale. 3.3 Advances, deposits and prepayments Advances are initially measured at cost. After initial recognition advances are carried at cost less deductions or adjustments. Deposits are measured at payment value. Prepayments are initially measured at cost. After initial recognition prepayments are carried at cost less charges to Statement of Profit or Loss and Other Comprehensive Income. 3.4 Cash and bank balances Cash and bank balances comprise cash in hand and cash at bank which are held and available for use by the company without any restriction. 3.5 Receivable from group companies Receivables are carried at original invoice amount. Receivables are considered as good and realizable. 3.6 Creditors and accruals These liabilities are recorded at the amount payable for settlement in respect of services received by the company. 3.7 Loans and borrowings Borrowings repayable after twelve months from the date of statement of financial position are classified as non-current liabilities whereas the portion of borrowings repayable within twelve months from the date of statement of financial position, unpaid interest and other charges are classified as current liabilities Interest on borrowings "(i) Interest on borrowings during the period of project execution (interest during construction period) as per DPP/RDPP budget limit is not accrued. (ii) Other interest is charged to statement of profit or loss and other comprehensive Income in the period in which it is incurred/accrued." Current portion of long-term loan The amounts of long-term loan repayable within one year from the date of Statement of Financial Position are included in current liabilities. 3.8 Income tax expense (i) Income tax expense comprises current taxes. Income taxes are recognized in statement of profit or loss and other comprehensive income. (ii) Deferred tax expense is not calculated due to unabsorbed depreciation Tk. 6,590,691,184 upto the assessment Year and writ petition filed to the Hon'ble High Court from the assessment year to Annual Report

85 3.9 Current Tax Provision for corporate income tax has been made on bank interest and other income and no provision has been made for business income since GTCL has an unabsorbed depreciation of Taka 6,590,691,184 for the purpose of corporate taxation up to the assessment year Revenue In compliance with the requirements of BAS-18: Revenue is recognized only when: i. The amount of revenue can be measured reliably; ii. It is probable that the economic benefits associated with the transaction will flow to the company; iii. The stage of completion of the transaction at the end of the reporting period can be measured reliabley; and iv. The costs incurred for the transaction and the costs to complete the transaction can be measured reliably. Revenue from the transmission charge is measured fair value of the consideration received or receivable, net of returns and allowances, and trade discounts Financial expenses Financial expenses comprise interest expense on long term loan, short term loan. All such costs are recognized in the statement of profit or loss and other Comprehensive Income Cash flow statement Statement of cash flows is prepared principally in accordance with BAS-7: Cash Flow Statement and the cash flows from operating activities are presented under indirect method Foreign currency transactions The functional and reporting currency of the Company is Bangladeshi Taka. Transactions in foreign currencies are recorded at the exchange rate prevailing on the date of transactions. Monetary assets and liabilities in foreign currencies are translated at the exchange rate prevailing on the closing date. Exchange gain or loss arising from foreign currency loan are added with or deducted from the assets value as per Petrobangla Order No /1000 dated 22 February 2001 and Ref.No /369 dated 16/07/ Equity and grants Equity Equity received from the government relating to Compressor Station Project, Jamuna-Bheramara Gas Transmission pipelines and other projects which are completed or under implementation is credited to deposit against shares Grants Grants received from the Donor agencies for projects are credited to capital reserve Events after the reporting period Events after the reporting period that provide additional information about the Company's positions at the date of statement of financial position or those that indicate the going concern assumption is not appropriate are reflected in the financial statements. There are no material events that had occured after the reporting period to the date of issue of these financial statements, which could affect the figures presented in the financial statements Investment in Shares Investment in shares is treated as available-for-sale financial assets as per BAS 39: Financial Instruments: Recognition and Measurement and any fluctuation in market price is recognized in other comprehensive income of Statement of Profit or Loss and Other Comprehensive Income. 84 Annual Report

86 3.17 Workers' profit participation fund and welfare fund The Bangladesh Labour (Amendment) Act 2013 requires a company to set up Worker s Profit Participation Fund and transfer 5% of the net profits before tax to this fund to be disbursed and/or utilized in accordance with the provision of the Act Comparative information Comparative information has been presented in respect of the prior period in accordance with BAS-1: Presentation of Financial Statements, for all numeric information in the financial statements and also the narrative and descriptive information where it is relevant for understanding of the current period's financial statements General i. Figures have been rounded off to the nearest taka. ii. Previous period's figures have been rearranged wherever considered necessary to conform to the current year's presentation. (iii) Particulars of Directors of GTCL as at 30 June 2017: Name of Directors BOD of GTCL Entities where they have interests Nazimuddin Chaowdhury Chairman Secretary, Energy & Mineral Resources Division Abul Mansur Md. Faizullah, ndc Director Chairman Petrobangla Dr. Maglub Al Nur Director Professor, BUET Parveen Akhter Director Additional Secretary (Planning), Energy & Mineral Resources Division Md. Harun-or-Rashid Khan Director Director General, Hydrocarbon Unit Jameel A Aleem Director Director (Operation & Mines), Petrobangla Md. Abdul Khaleque Director Ex. Director (Planning), Petrobangla Md. Atiquzzaman Director Managing Director, GTCL Syeda Nowara Jahan Director Deputy Secretary (Admin-3), Energy & Mineral Resources Division Annual Report

87 Taka Taka 4. Share Capital "Authorised capital 10,000,000 ordinary shares of Taka 1,000 each" 10,000,000,000 10,000,000,000 "Issued, subscribed and paid-up capital 7,000,000 ordinary shares of Taka 1,000 each" 7,000,000,000 7,000,000, Deposits against Shares Opening balance 18,791,426,074 14,794,927,790 Add: Addition during the year (Note: 5.1) 1,493,348,506 3,996,498,285 20,284,774,580 18,791,426, Equity from Government ADP Equity (Ashuganj-Monohordi) 243,366, ,366,252 ADP Equity (Dhaka Clean Fuel) 1,002,414,995 1,002,414,995 ADP Equity (Compressor Station) 1,240,772,800 1,088,372,800 ADP Equity (Banpara-Rajshai) 292,639, ,639,600 ADP Equity (Hatikumrul-Bheramara) 966,617, ,500,000 ADP Equity (Bakhrabad- Siddirganj) 837,319, ,319,600 ADP Equity (Bheramara-Khulna) 1,522,994,022 1,522,994,022 ADP Equity (Ashuganj-Bakhrabad) 896,910, ,720,971 ADP Equity (R & EE SCADA) 55,012,653 9,012,653 ADP Equity (Monohordi-Jamuna) 679,509, ,509,600 ADP Equity (Moheshkhali-Anowara) 1,992,000,000 1,600,000,000 ADP Equity (Dhanua-Nalka) 444,783, ,783,830 ADP Equity (Chittagong-Feni-bakhrabad) 4,000,000 - ADP Equity (Anowara-Fouzderhat) 5,000,000-10,183,341,828 9,135,634,322 GTCL Equity GTCL Equity (M-J Project) 40,646,021 40,646,021 GTCL Equity (B-R Project) 23,044,000 23,044,000 GTCL Equity (B-S Project) 214,111, ,111,357 GTCL Equity (A-B Project) 2,114,237,300 2,114,237,300 GTCL Equity (A-E compressor Staion) 302,399, ,399,000 GTCL Equity (H-B Project) 302,335, ,194,000 GTCL Equity (B-K Project) 19,290,000 19,290,000 GTCL Equity (B-D Project) 3,000,000,000 3,000,000,000 GTCL Equity (Srikail-AB Project) 131,153, ,153,839 GTCL Equity (Titas-AB Project) 713,533, ,533,871 GTCL Equity (Titas-CBA Project) 406,007, ,007,226 GTCL Equity (Moheshkhali-Anowara Project) 2,502,500,000 2,249,000,000 GTCL Equity (Head office Building Project) 332,175, ,175,138 10,101,432,752 9,655,791,752 Total Equity 20,284,774,580 18,791,426,074 Addition during the year (Current year - Previous year) 1,493,348,506 3,996,498, Capital Reserve Grants DFID grants (N-S Pipeline Project) 76,900,727 76,900,727 UNDP grants (N-S Pipeline Project) 212,328, ,328,222 DFID grants (SCADA Project) 1,446,422,903 1,446,422,903 DFID grants (MSIP Project) 5,257,553 5,257,553 1,740,909,405 1,740,909, Annual Report

88 Taka Taka 7. Retained Earnings Opening balance as reported 17,599,594,758 17,550,302,266 Net profit for the year 128,045,899 1,397,330,425 Profit available for appropriation 17,727,640,658 18,947,632,691 Adjustments during the year (217,154,032) (1,348,037,933) Prior years' adjustment for expenses (Note: 7.1) (25,693,732) 23,978,197 Transfer to GTCL Own Equity (192,141,000) - Dividend paid - (1,368,000,000) Profit/(Loss) on investment in share 680,700 (4,016,130) 17,510,486,626 17,599,594, Prior Years' Adjustment Management service charges (14,857,000) 17,862,000 Gratuity Trust Fund Due Amount (10,836,732) - Transmission Charge Adjustment of TGTDCL - 6,116,197 (25,693,732) 23,978, Long Term Borrowings - Unsecured (Local) Unsecured loans represent ADP loans, Corporation and Inter Company loans taken for the following projects: Name of Project SCADA Project 9,761,755 19,549,755 R-A Project - 1st Phase - 100,680,580 R-A Project - 2nd Phase 132,403, ,539,851 Nalka- Bogra Project 147,434, ,574,015 Ashuganj- Monahardi Project 359,941, ,941,058 Bonpara-Rajshahi Project 420,669, ,959,400 Ashugonj-Bakhrabad Project 1,345,365,856 1,217,581,456 Compressor Station Project 1,861,159,200 1,632,559,200 Monohardi- Jamuna Project 1,019,264,400 1,019,264,400 Bakhrabad- Siddirganj Project 1,255,979,400 1,204,979,400 Hatikumrul-Bheramara Project 1,449,926,858 1,466,250,000 Bheramara-Khulna Project 2,284,491,034 2,284,491,034 R & EE SCADA Project 82,518,979 13,518,980 Dhanua-Nalka Project 667,175, ,175,745 Chittagong-Feni-Bakhrabad Project 6,000,000 - Moheshkhali-Anowara Project 2,988,000,000 2,400,000,000 Bibiana- Dhanua Project (b) 11,267,345,700 12,519,273,000 25,297,437,252 25,297,337,874 Annual Report

89 8.1 Details of Long Term Borrowings - Unsecured (Local): a Unsecured local ADP loans are as under (FY ): (Amount in Taka) Project Repayable in the next year Long term portion Total SCADA Project 9,788,000 9,761,755 19,549,755 B-K Project - 2,284,491,034 2,284,491,034 R-A Project- 1st Phase 100,680, ,680,580 R-A Project- 2nd Phase 44,136, ,403, ,539,851 Nalka- Bogra Project 49,140, ,434, ,574,015 Ashugonj-Monohordi Project 90,000, ,941, ,941,058 Bonpara-Rajshai Project 18,290, ,669, ,959,400 Ashugonj-Bakhrabad Project - 1,345,365,856 1,345,365,856 Compressor Station Project - 1,861,159,200 1,861,159,200 Monohardi- Jamuna Project - 1,019,264,400 1,019,264,400 Bakhrabad- Siddirganj Project - 1,255,979,400 1,255,979,400 R & EE SCADA Project - 82,518,979 82,518,979 Chittagong-Feni-Bakhrabad - 6,000,000 6,000,000 Dhanua-Nalka Project - 667,175, ,175,745 Hatikumrul-Bheramara Project - 1,449,926,858 1,449,926,858 Moheshkhali-Anowara Project - 2,988,000,000 2,988,000,000 Sub total (8.1) 312,034,580 14,030,091,552 14,342,126,132 b Unsecured local corporation and inter company loans for Bibiana-Dhanua Project are as under: Corporation and Company Repayable in the next year Long term portion (Amount in Taka) Total Petrobangla 609,180,880 5,482,627,920 6,091,808,800 TGTDCL 351,391,500 3,162,523,500 3,513,915,000 SGFL 184,062,210 1,656,559,890 1,840,622,100 BGFCL 29,747, ,726, ,474,300 JGTDCL 18,050, ,453, ,504,200 BGDCL 29,747, ,726, ,474,300 RPGCL 29,747, ,726, ,474,300 Sub total (8.2) 1,251,927,300 11,267,345,700 12,519,273,000 Total ( ) 1,563,961,880 25,297,437,252 26,861,399, Long Term Borrowings - Unsecured (Foreign) This represents IDA, JAICA and ADB loans taken for the following projects: Loan Project Taka Taka ADB Loan-1943-BAN Dhaka Clean Fuel Project 1,104,561,654 1,175,366,530 ADB Loan-2188-BAN Compressor station Project 7,511,730,695 6,589,923,173 ADB Loan-2188-BAN Monohordi-Jamuna Project 2,532,731,983 2,452,191,495 ADB Loan-2188-BAN Hatikumrul- Bheramara Project 3,900,648,949 3,453,940,478 ADB Loan-2188-BAN Bonpara-Rajshahi Project 764,022, ,132,040 IDA Loan BD Bhakrabad- Siddirganj Project 4,111,346,438 3,591,445,410 ADB Loan-2188-BAN Bheramara-Khulna Project 4,376,136,201 4,357,344,451 JICA Loan- BD- P71 R & EE SCADA Project 488,136, ,006,551 JICA Loan - BD- P78 Dhanua-Nalka Project 1,194,929,057 59,107,181 25,984,243,600 22,554,457, Annual Report

90 9.1 Further details of unsecured foreign loans are as under: a. Principal (Amount in Taka) Loan Project Repayable in the next year Long term portion Total ADB BAN DCF Project 93,504, ,865,812 1,030,370,140 ADB-2188-BAN Compressor Station Project - 7,511,730,695 7,511,730,695 ADB-2188-BAN M-J Project - 2,430,760,390 2,430,760,390 ADB-2188-BAN H-B Project - 3,900,648,949 3,900,648,949 ADB-2188-BAN B-R Project - 736,384, ,384,531 ADB-2188-BAN B-K Project - 4,376,136,201 4,376,136,201 IDA-4508 BD B-S Project - 4,111,346,438 4,111,346,438 JICA-BD- P71 R & EE SCADA Project - 488,136, ,136,244 JICA -BD- P78 Dhanua-Nalka Project - 1,194,929,057 1,194,929,057 Sub-total (a) 93,504,328 25,686,938,318 25,780,442,646 b. Exchange rate fluctuation (Amount in Taka) Project Loan Repayable in the next year Long term portion Total B-K Project ADB-2188-BAN - 169,794, ,794,865 DCF Project ADB BAN 16,736, ,695, ,432,804 M-J Project ADB-2188-BAN - 101,971, ,971,593 B-R Project ADB-2188-BAN - 27,637,847 27,637,847 Sub-total (b) 16,736, ,100, ,837,109 Total (a+b) 110,241,289 26,154,038,465 26,264,279,754 Annual Report

91 Taka Taka 10. Property, Plant and Equipment A. Cost Opening balance 64,614,019,802 56,027,540,498 Add: Addition during the year 8,384,517,527 8,586,479,304 Less: Adjustment during the year (18,200,851) - 72,980,336,479 64,614,019,802 B. Accumulated depreciation Opening balance 20,729,639,525 18,878,806,017 Add : Charged during the year 2,022,476,716 1,850,833,507 Less: Adjustment during the year (17,156,161) - 22,734,960,080 20,729,639,525 Written Down Value (A-B) 50,245,376,399 43,884,380,278 (Schedule of property, plant and equipment is given in Annex - A) 11. Capital Works-in-Progress Opening balance 33,233,355,047 31,245,134,980 Add: Addition during the year 8,003,523,811 9,274,075,929 Interest on loan - 66,589,238 41,236,878,858 40,585,800,147 Less: Adjusted during the year 7,554,790,609 7,352,445,101 33,682,088,249 33,233,355,047 (Details of Capital Works-in-Progress are shown in Annex-B) 12. Fixed Deposits (Note: 12.1) State - Owned Banks Janata Bank Ltd 6,722,166,388 6,677,001,069 Sonali Bank Ltd 290,122, ,923,513 Agrani Bank Ltd 1,443,346,045 1,256,539,295 Bangladesh Development Bank Ltd 138,963, ,657,740 BASIC Bank Ltd 2,351,881,724 3,038,664,518 Bangladesh Krishi Bank Ltd 247,346, ,810,955 Private Commercial Banks BRAC Bank Ltd. 150,000,000 - EXIM Bank Ltd - 185,467,748 Southeast Bank Ltd 100,327,101 93,553,872 Standard Bank Ltd 50,000,000 - Social Islami Bank Ltd 61,400,000 - First Security Islami Bank Ltd 54,802,395 50,791,089 AB Bank Ltd 477,043, ,146,319 Premier Bank - 57,702,500 Rupali Bank - 54,042,500 12,087,399,543 12,402,301, i) Out of total provision for taxation of BDT Crore up to financial year , BDT Crore was reserved in the form of FDR by the decision of GTCL board meeting No. 348 which was held on 14 May However the provisional amount has been deposited to Govt exchequer due to subjudice in honouralble High Court. ii) The FDR amount of GTCL are allocated against Tax Liability and some own finance projects are below: 90 Annual Report

92 Taka (in crore) (A) Fixed deposit amount 1, (B) Fund to be allocated in the coming financial year (1 to 9) (1) Moheshkhali- Anowara Project (2) Ashuganj-Bakhrabad Project (3) Anowara-Fouzderhat Project (4) Moheshkhali- Anowara parallel pipeline Project (5) Kutombupur-Meghnaghat Project (6) Bakhrabad-Siddirganj Project 6.87 (8) Dhanua- Nalaka Project 7.44 (9) Tax Liabilty (C) Balance = (A-B) iii) FDR amount was reserved BDT. 275 crore against the accumulated depreciation fund amount in BDT Crore for the year ended 30 June Taka Taka 13. Loan to Employees House building loan 518,305, ,935,778 Principal 462,830, ,953,576 Interest 55,475,291 36,982,202 Motor cycle loan 39,549,067 31,516,476 Principal 39,330,200 31,186,400 Interest 218, ,076 Computer loan 789,219 1,263, ,644, ,715, Investment in Shares Issue of 680,700 ordinary shares of Taka 10 each 2,790,870 6,807,000 Add: Gain of price increase on Share (unrealised) 680,700 (4,016,130) 680,700 ordinary shares of Taka 4.10 each (market value) 3,471,570 2,790, Other Assets (Receivable from ICB Islamic Bank Limited) Opening balance 3,050,245 13,597,870 Less: recovered during the year 3,050,245 10,547,625-3,050, Inventories Pipeline materials (GTCL) 1,014,054, ,328,693 Goods-in-transit (GTCL) 160,698, ,827,440 1,174,753, ,156,134 Annual Report

93 17. Advances, Deposits and Prepayments Taka Taka Advances against/to: Expense and purchase 6,923,897 2,874,074 Expense and purchase-project 89, ,333 Incentive bonus ( to ) 37,757,033 20,508,922 Corporate income tax* 2,860,763,656 2,665,868,364 Third party (Note 17.1) 150,174,360 14,784,389 3,055,708,240 2,704,211,081 Deposits Security deposit (Note 17.2) 1,133,597 10,766,822 Prepayments Advance income tax refundable from tax authority* 151,666, ,666,189 Recoverable from contractors and employees (Note 17.3) 110,865, ,215, ,531, ,881,494 3,319,373,799 2,981,859,397 *Details of Corporate income tax and Advance income tax refundable from tax authority is given in Annex-C & Annex-D respectively 17.1 Advance to third party GTCL Advance to other than employee 1,300,259 - Barister Mejbahur Rahman 200, ,000 Flora Limited 123,753 38,062 A Hossain and Associates 5,325,000 2,940,000 MJL bangladesh Ltd. 124, ,800 Trade Linkers 17,931 - Energypac Power generation (737) - Bangladesh Computer Council 241,500 3,706,200 Chief Executive Engineer, Gonopurto - 676,822 Bangladesh Railway Chittagang 89,576 89,576 International Office Machine Ltd 3,600 3,600 Md. Fazlul Karim, Manager PB 319, ,709 Banglaedsh Petrolium Institute 3,000,000 3,000,000 New Asia 172,904 - Dhaka Politechnic Institute 210,400 - Mr. Abu Nasim Bhuiyan, DGM, PB 4, ,873 Mr. Akramuzzaman, SAC - 319,709 Barister Hafizur Rahman 25,000 - Barister Sheikh Fazle Nur Tapos 800,000 - Barister Saifuddin Mahmud 30,000 - Advocate Awlad Ali, Supremcourt Dhaka 937, ,750 Advocate Mofizul Islam Saru, Narayanganj Court 30,000 30,000 Advocate Nurul Muttakim, Dhaka 15,000 - Advocate Binaike Prodhan, Dhaka 2,585,417 - Eastern Cable 20,402 20,402 Justice Khondokar Mahmud-Ul Hasan 1,408, ,875 K.M Hasan & Co. Chatered Accounts 331, ,875 Murad Reja BD Supremcourt 2,037, ,000 Hasan Habib SEC. BD Supremcourt 226,500 82,750 Mrs. Nadia Chowdhury, SEC, Arbitrail Tribunal 130, ,000 Natore Pollibidyut Samiti 103, ,464 BUET Students Welfare Office 28,750 - Nesar Ahmed, Advocate 6,250 6,250 Mr. Dudu Mian, Sylhet 126, Annual Report

94 Taka Taka Md. Helal Amin 125,000 - Humaira Begum-AO Ministry - District Ansar and VDP, Habiganj District Ansar and VDP, B. Baria (12,774) 9,411 District Ansar and VDP, Feni (153,940) 4,114 District Ansar and VDP, Chittagong 20,185 - District Ansar and VDP, Dhaka 760,621 - District Ansar and VDP, Comilla 3,378 17,072 District Ansar and VDP, Tangail (97,859) 1,642 District Ansar and VDP, Sirajganj (97,999) 4,122 District Ansar and VDP, Bogra (98,000) - District Ansar and VDP, Narshingdi 53,338 33,520 Projects Compressor station Project 220, ,666 Bakhrabad-Siddirganj Proj. 40,998 40,998 Dhanua-Nalka Project 124,436,138 Chittagong-Feni-Bakhrabad Project 5,000,000 R & EE SCADA Project ,174,360 14,784, Security deposit GTCL Bangladesh Oxygen Ltd 28,069 28,069 Bangladesh Red Crescent Society - 9,633,225 PGCL 10,791 10,791 Bangladesh T&T Board 419, ,600 Grameen Phone 68,000 68,000 T. M. International 2,000 2,000 CNG Distribution 25,000 25,000 Sakina CNG Srimongal 15,000 15,000 RPGCL 22,121 22,121 Habiganj Palli Biddut Samity 4,200 4,200 Sirajganj Palli Biddut Samity 5,930 5,930 Bangladesh Railway, Chittagong 180, ,000 Proshika Computers 1,000 1,000 Bangladesh Power Development Board 98,500 98,500 Palli Biddut Samity Janata Bank UMT Branch 91,705 91,705 Port Authority, Chittagong 114, ,886 Other Security Deposit 46,445 46,445 1,133,597 10,766, Recoverable from contractors and employees Employees (GTCL) 823,154 2,053,199 Padma Oil Co Ltd 111,004, ,992,471 Contractors (GTCL) (1,536,950) 14,363 GTCL gratuity fund Trust - 4,400,000 Incentive bonus recoverable from employees (Note: ) 575, , ,865, ,215, Incentive bonus recoverable from employees * Opening balance 755,272 1,292,530 Less: Adjustment/Recovered during the year 179, , , ,272 * This represents unapproved portion of incentive bonus paid in FY to amounting to Taka 575,388 which will be recovered from the respective employees. Annual Report

95 Taka Taka 18. Cash and Bank Balances Cash in hand (Note: 18.1) 735, ,886 Bank balances (Note: 18.2) 959,383,138 1,765,408, ,118,964 1,766,131, Cash in hand GTCL 33,826 96,866 Imprest fund (Note: ) 702, , , , Imprest fund Ashuganj Metering Station 150, ,000 Sylhet Office 35,000 35,000 Srimongal Office 40,000 40,000 Service Department 20,000 20,000 Baghabari Office 20,000 20,000 MCC CGS Demra 15,000 15,000 City Gate Station, Chittagong 90,000 90,000 Bogra Office 15,000 15,000 Engineering Service Department 20,000 20,000 Rajshahi Office 16,000 16,000 Monohardi Office 50,000 50,000 CGS Demra office 40,000 40,000 Aminbazar CGS Office 20,000 20,000 Ashulia CGS Office 29,000 29,000 Feni ICS Office 20,000 20,000 Tangail Regional Office 22,000 22,000 Dhanua GMS Office 10,000 10,000 ACC GMS Ashuganj Office 15,000 15,000 Ashuganj Compressor Station 60,000 - Alenga Control Center 15, , , Bank Names Branch Names STD/SND Account STD/SND Account Taka Taka A. GTCL Janata Bank Ltd. BASIC Bank Prime Bank Ltd. Standard Chartered Bank Sonali Bank Ltd. IFIC Bank Ltd UCBL Janata Bank Ltd. Dutch-Bangla Bank Agrani Bank Ltd. Local Office 7,552,845 50,535 7,603,380 13,844,186 Sylhet Br. 2,279, ,803 2,483,812 2,831,899 Baghabari Br. 2,201, ,991 2,567,647 1,870,529 Selimpur Br. 437, , ,452 1,017,930 Comilla Br. 1,731, ,967 1,940,839 1,891,179 Srimongal Br. 1,022, ,038 1,209,484 1,169,110 Dhaka Sheraton Hotel Br. 26,704,067 1,344,239 28,048, ,847,585 Fuldhigi Br. 3,407, ,049 3,741,361 3,433,151 Ashuganj Br. 746, ,866 1,005,205 1,133,335 Dilkusha Br ,437,427 University Gra. Com. Br. 42,640, ,417 42,814,900 - Main Br. 230,058,854 1,431, ,490,807 - Eskaton Br. 38,646, ,505 38,962,827 55,327,290 Head Office 563,750 72, , ,006 BB Avenue Br. 121,647 10, , ,402 Santinagar Br. 11,500, ,586 12,084,623 43,958,178 Kawran Bazar Br. 3,885,706 5,788 3,891,494 3,800,000 Port Corp. Br. 5,359,105-5,359,105 5,359,105 Kawran Bazar Br. 19,357,847 29,126 19,386,973 - BB Avenue Br. 4,238,369 41,301 4,279,670 2,440, ,454,825 5,853, ,308,007 1,001,124, Annual Report

96 Bank Names Branch Names STD/SND Account STD/SND Account Taka Taka B. Projects Jamuna-Bheramara Project Janata Bank Ltd. Dhaka Sheraton Hotel Br ,755,465 BASIC Bank Main Br ,417 Chittagong-Bakhrabad-Feni Project Janata Bank Ltd. University Grnt. Com. Br. 11, , ,273 - Anowara-Fouzdarhat Project Janata Bank Ltd. University Grnt. Com. Br. 2,123, ,361 2,393,246 - Moheshkhali-Anowara Project Janata Bank Ltd. Dhaka Sheraton Hotel Br ,952,977 University Grnt. Com. Br. 52,932,651 3,146,083 56,078,734 - BASIC Bank Kawran Bazar Br. 1,314,940-1,314,940 72,690,868 Ashuganj-Bakhrabad Janata Bank Ltd. Dhaka Sheraton Hotel Br ,557,664 University Grnt. Com. Br. 10, , ,069 - BASIC Bank Main Br , , ,511 Sonali Bank Ltd. BB Avenue Br. - 1,741,910 1,741,910 1,686,074 Compressor Station Project Janata Bank Ltd. Dhaka Sheraton Hotel Br. 29,385 24,317 53,702 5,575,380 Dilkusha Br. 30,675-30,675 30,867 University Grnt. Com. Br. 582,725 1,029,417 1,612,142 - BASIC Bank Main Br. 138, , ,495 R & EE SCADA Project Janata Bank Ltd. Dhaka Sheraton Hotel Br ,695 University Grnt. Com. Br. 104, , ,408 - Dhanua -Nalka Project Janata Bank Ltd. Dhaka Sheraton Hotel Br ,639 University Grnt. Com. Br. 6,727,247 1,808,886 8,536,133 - Bakhrabad- Siddirganj Project BASIC Bank Main Br. 2, , ,763 - Kawranbazar Br ,640 64,008,920 10,653,357 74,662, ,182,693 C. D. Port Corporate Br. (Note ) - 4,377,164 4,377,164 1,403,149 "Deposit with Customs (Note ) - 472,035, ,035, ,698,143 Authority 466,463, ,919, ,383,138 1,765,408, Janata Bank Ltd., Port Corporate Branch, Chittagong M-A Project 147, ,143 A-B Project 1,256,006 - D-N Project 2,974,015 1,256,006 4,377,164 1,403, Deposit with Customs Authority GTCL, Customs house Chittagong 2,797,887 7,641,949 Moheshkhali-Anowara Project 164,113, ,459,098 GTCL, Customs House, Dhaka 1,233,333 1,233,333 Dhanua-Nalka Project, Chittagong 70,077,740 - Hatikumrul-Bheramara Project, Mongla - 144,951,235 SCADA RE, Chittagong (11,959,954) - Asuganj-Bhakrabad -Dhaka 4,464,293 - SCADA RE, Dhaka 2,036,719 - Annual Report

97 Taka Taka Compressor Station Project, Chittagong 108,201, ,650,915 Compressor Station Project, Mongla 5,087,640 5,087,640 Bhakrabad-Siddirganj-Mongla 9,435,661 Compressor Station Project, Dhaka 71,188,914 71,739,513 Asuganj-Bhakrabad -Chittagong 12,657,434 10,599,499 Bhakrabad-Siddirganj-Chittagong (9,848,948) 3,903,591 Asuganj-Bhakrabad -Benapol 37,577,485 - Bhakrabad-Siddirganj-Benapol 4,972,066 51,431, ,035, ,698, Receivable from Group Companies - Gas and Condensate Transmission Titas Gas Transmission & Distribution Company Ltd 1,210,876, ,550,666 Jalalabad Gas Transmission & Distribution System Ltd* 407,595, ,742,495 Sylhet Gas Fields Ltd 169, ,146 Pashchimanchal Gas Company Ltd 60,561,575 29,759,152 Petrobangla 51,149,393 25,260,857 Karnaphuli Gas Distribution Company Ltd 177,669, ,934,104 Sundarban Gas Company Ltd. 18,087,876 - Bakhrabad Gas Distribution Company Ltd 193,630,658 93,094,317 2,119,740,120 1,184,510,736 * There is a dispute with JGTDSL to receive gas through Bianibazar-Kailashtila Low Pressure Line amounting to Taka 3, lakhs from September 2009 to June To resolve the disputes, a committee was formed by Petrobangla which is continuing its works. 20. Current Account (Note: 20.1) 143,779,339 84,889,297 Debit Credit 20.1 Petrobangla 121,508, ,508,806 89,034,821 Pashchimanchal Gas Company Ltd 49,970-49, ,781 Bakhrabad Gas Distribution Co Ltd - (557,732) (557,732) (569,707) Baropukuria Coal Mining Co Ltd ,038 Sylhet Gas Fields Ltd 1,581,093-1,581,093 2,097,134 Bangladesh Petroleum Exploration and Production Co Ltd (BAPEX) 9,231-9,231 9,231 Rupantarito Prakritik Gas Co Ltd 177, , ,680 Jalalabad Gas T and D System Ltd 1,365,254-1,365,254 1,425,412 Titas Gas T and D Company Ltd 16,693,602-16,693,602 15,665,568 Bangladesh Gas Fields Company Ltd (22,138) Madhapara Granite Mining Co Ltd 1,556,908-1,556, ,188 Sundarbon Gas Co Ltd 1,406,697-1,406,697 1,287,474 Karnaphuli Gas Distribution Co Ltd - (11,570) (11,570) (25,428,186) 144,348,641 (569,302) 143,779,339 84,889, Annual Report

98 Taka Taka 21. Creditors and Accruals 960,604,774 1,280,380, Liabilities for goods and services Monohordi- Jamuna Project(PG Encashment) 111,289, ,289,709 Hatikumrul -Bheramara Project - 320,655,133 Provision for expenses: GTCL 134,091, ,060,499 Bibiana-Dhanua Project - - Titas-CBA Project 13,537,801 13,537,801 Monohordi-Jamuna Project 100, ,000 Bakhrabad-Siddirgonj Project 23,278,751 19,749,287 Banapara-Rajshahi Project Moheshkhali-Anowara Project - 160,000,000 Bheramara-Khulna Project 150,625, ,100,000 Hatikumrul -Bheramara Project 92,726,999 - Anowara-Fouzdarhat Project 22,270 - Dhanua-Nalka Project - 168, ,246,422 1,067,235, Liabilities for Other Finance Income tax and VAT payable 109,726,171 23,512,088 Security deposit and retention money (GTCL) 101,466,872 96,084,561 Contractors' retention money: Jamuna-Bheramara Project - 12,049 Liability for other expenses (Padma Oil) 13,654,588 13,256,124 Salary clearing account (GTCL) 1,948, ,181 Bakhrabad-Siddirganj Project 10,000,000 10,000,000 Ashuganj-Bakhrabad Project - 84,300 Compressor Station Project 3,711,023 1,831,756 Dhanua-Nalka Project 9,099, ,144 R & EE SCADA Project - - Chittagong-Bakhrabad-Feni Project 191,917 - Moheshkhali-Anowara Project 5,499,790 2,691,109 Other liabilities: Incentive bonus (FY to ) 97,302,242 61,453,442 GTCL WPP Fund & Income Tax for retired person 1,576,789 1,576,789 Audit fees 475, ,500 GTCL Officer and Staff Welfare Fund* 6,706, ,950 Payable to: Ansar VDP - 147,603 Energypac Power generation ,358, ,145, ,604,774 1,280,380,929 * As approved by GTCL Board of Directors in its meetings dated 23 January 2011, 10% of sale of tender documents, sale of application form, income from auction and miscelleneous income will be transfered to GTCL Officer and Staff Welfare Fund based on audited accounts. Annual Report

99 22 Workers' profit participation fund Taka Taka Opening balance 94,728, ,058,582 Add: Addition during the year* 21,336,276 94,728, ,064, ,786,819 Less: Adjustment during the year 94,728, ,058,582 21,336,276 94,728,237 * An amount of Taka 2,13,36, has been provided for transfer to Workers Profit Participation Fund (WPPF) in terms of Bangladesh Labour Act 2006 (as amended in 2013) on the basis of current year s net profit except disputed amount of Total Taka 31,97,13,001(Taka 2,78,21,986.59/20 this year) for transmission charges through low pressure line to JGTDSL. 23. Interest payable Opening balance 171,350, ,184,360 Add: Addition during the year 2,476,016, ,637,718 2,647,366, ,822,077 Less: Payment during the year 1,370,562, ,471,471 1,276,804, ,350, Provision for taxation Opening balance 2,802,826,694 2,494,827,956 Add: Addition during the year 305,165, ,787,596 3,107,992,018 2,931,615,551 Less: Payment during the year 265,357, ,788,857 2,842,634,855 2,802,826, Transmission Charge Gas Qty (CM) Qty (CM) Taka Taka Titas Gas T & D Co Ltd 14,735,563,092 14,594,219,666 2,839,577,020 2,671,908,951 Jalalabad Gas T& D Co Ltd 1,259,604, ,865, ,704, ,132,295 Bakhrabad Gas Distribution Co Ltd 2,506,196,768 2,526,684, ,226, ,905,499 Karnaphuli Gas Distribution Co Ltd 2,410,864,058 2,551,344, ,409, ,914,553 Pashchimanchal Gas Co Ltd 847,760,939 1,074,955, ,310, ,957,464 Sundarban Gas Co Ltd 71,192,400-18,892,999-21,831,181,313 21,734,069,054 4,218,120,822 3,979,818,762 Condensate Litre Litre Petrobangla 327,315, ,371, ,315, ,371,472 Total transmission charges 4,545,436,068 4,192,190,234 Gas and condensate received into the Company's pipeline are delivered to the distribution companies of Petrobangla. 26. Operating Expenses Administration Transmission Employee costs (Note: 26.1) 340,266, ,955,454 1,134,222, ,050,024 Repairs and maintenance (Note: 26.2) 30,773,148 71,804, ,577,161 64,956,981 Other direct costs (Note: 26.3) 129,845, ,972, ,818, ,841, ,885,259 1,168,732,272 1,669,617,531 1,018,848, Annual Report

100 26.1 Employee cost Taka Taka Payment to officers 196,775, ,113,271 Payment to staff 33,286,115 28,924,854 Dearness allownce 188, ,102 House rent allowance 100,812,034 45,184,052 Medical allowance 9,417,732 4,183,915 Medical expenses 4,282,856 3,047,702 Festival bonus 37,906,947 33,156,722 Incentive bonus 35,854,437 31,892,594 Conveyance allowance 269, ,945 Staff overtime 10,940,889 8,864,834 Liveries and uniform 10,159,339 8,689,567 Washing allowance 907, ,227 Welfare expenses 4,275,333 5,903,175 Leave encashment 9,499,520 1,400,607 Gratuity 614,613, ,496,798 Leave fare assistance 17,275,310 10,201,270 Entertainment 2,471,107 4,158,480 Lunch subsidy to officers 4,179,600 4,197,102 Group insurance premium 13,995,143 3,982,046 Contribution to provident fund 19,147,106 17,860,606 Contribution to pension fund 197, ,871 Gas allowance 4,474,500 4,157,299 Honorarium 2,068,437 1,892,874 Other expenses 1,224,204 1,447,113 1,134,222, ,050, Repairs and maintenance Vehicles 7,236,612 5,982,768 Plant, machinery and pipelines 90,496,737 55,048,572 Buildings 2,844,012 2,654,036 Furniture, fixtures and office equipment 1,999,800 1,271, ,577,161 64,956, Other direct costs Office stationery and printing 3,203,810 5,842,019 Telephone, telex and postage 6,748,620 6,792,857 Water, gas and electricity 13,228,554 13,496,601 Electric supplies 522,066 1,224,164 Travelling expenses 6,000,264 5,023,197 Accommodation and office rent 15,328,489 55,580,990 Entertainment 3,636,308 4,031,105 Training and education 47,310,129 40,243,225 Legal expenses 2,020, ,375 Directors' fees 655, ,083 Audit fees 210, ,100 Bank charges 2,850,044 3,153,772 Books and periodicals 804, ,622 Rates and taxes 23,228,898 25,691,235 Insurance 21,475,168 20,229,536 CNG, petrol, oil and lubricants 11,255,773 10,942,861 Transport rent 13,508,065 12,786,894 Donation to Welfare Fund 7,274,509 2,513,281 Corporate social responsibilities 500,000 6,600,000 Advertisement 8,096,105 4,396,337 Crockery and cutleries 77,821 72,305 Annual Report

101 Taka Taka Soft furnishing - 73,860 Entertainment allowance 173, ,350 Stores and handling charges 136,789 1,513,676 Casual labour 42,112,032 31,663,553 Security expenses 199,097, ,335,740 AGM Expenses 374, ,010 Other expenses 2,988,403 15,084, ,818, ,841, Interest Expense Interest on ADP loans Ashuganj-Monohordi Pipeline Project 20,298,190 24,107,773 R-A 1st Phase Project (Habiganj-Ashuganj) 6,600,974 10,818,835 Nolka-Bogra Pipeline Project 9,119,060 11,193,712 R-A 2nd Phase Project (Rashidpur-Habiganj) 8,189,783 10,053,168 SCADA Project 1,032,188 1,443,281 W-Z Transmission Project - 2,837,018 B-K Pipeline Project 137,069,462 - Monohordi-Jamuna Pipeline Project 40,770,576 40,882,276 H-B pipeline Project 28,998,537 - Banpara-Rajsahi Pipeline Project 26,337,564 17,606,481 Bibiana-Dhanua Pipiline Project (sister concern) 250,385, ,889,530 Interest on other Foreign loans DCF Project 1943 BAN (SF) 54,450,711 59,446,142 A-B Pipeline IDA-2720-BD 1, ,582 Twining Project-IDA-2720 BD 53 23,456 W-Z Transmission-IDA-2720 BD 1,142 10,636 Banpara-Rajsahi Pipeline, ADB-2188 BAN 55,228,840 36,920,101 B-K pipeline, ADB 2188 BAN 327,268,284 - H-B pipeline, ADB 2188 BAN 97,516,224 - Monohordi-Jamuna Pipeline, ADB-2188 BAN 122,880, ,200,727 1,186,149, ,185, Interest Income Interest on STD accounts 17,076, ,195,744 Interest on FDRs 766,929,038 1,037,776,388 Interest on: Motorcycle loan 1,422, ,148 Computer loan 140, ,882 Land purchase/house building loan 23,117,161 20,432, ,684,803 1,206,455, Other Income Transport income 237, ,856 Other rental income - 28,500 Sale of condensate as by product (sale to Padma oil Co. Ltd.) 2,613,246 26,779,779 Sale of tender documents 1,904,488 1,811,250 Sale of stores 764,018 5,430,818 Miscellaneous income 36,770,452 6,261,300 Auction/ Demurrage 20,926, ,024 63,216,122 41,509, Annual Report

102 30. i) Related party transactions During the year, the company carried out a number of transactions with related parties the normal course of business. The name of the related parties and nature of these transactions have been set out in accordance with the provisions of BAS 24: Related Party Disclosure. Name of Parties Nature of relationship Nature of transaction Net transaction during the period Outstanding as on Outstanding as on Petrobangla Corporation Condensate 327,315,246 (LTR.) 25,888,536 51,149,393 25,260,857 Titas Gas T&D Co. Ltd. Sister Concern Gas 14,735,563,092 (CM) 598,326,242 1,210,876, ,550,666 Jalalabad Gas Transmission systems ltd. Sister Concern Gas 1,259,604,056 (CM) 85,852, ,595, ,742,495 Bakhrabad gas distribution company ltd. Sister Concern Gas 2,506,196,768 (CM) 100,536, ,630,658 93,094,317 Sylhet Gas Fields Ltd. Sister Concern Gas , ,146 Pachimanchol Gas Company Ltd. Sister Concern Gas 847,760,939 (CM) 30,802,423 60,561,575 29,759,152 Sundarban Gas Co. Ltd Sister Concern Gas 71,191,400 (CM) 18,087,876 18,087,876 - Karnafuli Gas distribution company ltd. Sister Concern Gas 2,410,864,058 (CM)" 75,735, ,669, ,934, ,229, ,119,740,120 1,184,510,736 Annual Report

103 GAS TRANSMISSION COMPANY LIMITED (GTCL) Schedule of Property, Plant and Equipment As at 30 June 2017 Annex A Sl. No. Category of Asset At 01 July 2016 Addition During the year COST Adjustment During the year Total at 30 June 2017 Rate (%) Accumulated as on 01 July 2016 Charge for the year DEPRECIATION Adjustment for the year Accumulated as on 30 June 2017 (Amount in Taka) Written Down Value at 30 June Freehold land 4,916,094, ,696,826-5,250,791, ,250,791,321 2 Leasehold land 9,345, ,345,948 1/99 2,824,743 94,404-2,919,147 6,426,801 3 Land infrastructure 100,882,422 49,757, ,639, ,807,545 3,247,900 1,044,647 40,100, ,539,417 4 Freehold concrete and brick structure 505,782,648 39,378, ,161, ,605,047 10,665, ,270, ,890,722 5 Sheds and temporary works 2,145, ,145, ,991,963 43,829-2,035, ,576 6 Store yard 39,372, ,372, ,067, ,782-22,006,559 17,365,721 7 Other constructions 142,995,684 29,581, ,577, ,202,079 5,572,111-39,774, ,802,877 8 Furniture and fixtures 25,237, ,768-25,885, ,255,613 1,738,755-16,994,368 8,890,961 9 Domestic appliances 279,600 15, , ,829 34, , , Office Equipment 149,417,422 3,425, ,842, ,410,263 4,013, ,423,732 14,419, Pipeline 53,955,504,835 6,612,793,796-60,568,298, ,239,195,865 1,751,716,196-19,990,912,061 40,577,386, Plant 4,517,751,229 1,213,652,888-5,731,404, ,932,306, ,078,768-2,151,385,649 3,580,018, Tube well and ponds 2,054, ,054, ,459,164 77,644-1,536, , Water pump 3,089, ,089, ,572, ,872-2,810, , Water pipeline and tank 1,855, ,855, ,362,418 70, ,432, , Light vehicle 240,612, ,568,500 (18,200,851) 322,979, ,036,395 24,868,628 (18,200,842) 210,704, ,275, Loose tools 1,338, ,338, ,178,237 63,182-1,241,418 97, Other assets 259, , ,802 14, ,960 12,945 Total as of 30 June ,614,019,803 8,384,517,527 (18,200,851) 72,980,336,479 20,729,639,525 2,022,476,716 (17,156,161) 22,734,960,080 50,245,376,399 Total as of 30 June ,027,540,499 8,586,479,304-64,614,019,803 18,878,806,017 1,850,833,507-20,729,639,525 43,884,380,278 * Details of addition and depreciation of property, plant and equipment are shown in Annex: A-2 & Annex: A-3 respectively. * Details of Office Equipment, Pipeline and Plant are shown in Annex: A Annual Report

104 GAS TRANSMISSION COMPANY LIMITED (GTCL) Sl. No. Category of Asset At 01 July 2016 Details Schedule of Office Equipment, Pipeline and Plant For the year ended 30 June 2017 Addition During the year COST Adjustment During the year Total at 30 June 2017 Rate (%) At 01 July 2016 Charge for the year DEPRECIATION Adjustment for the year Total on 30 June 2017 Annex A-1 (Amount in Taka) Written Down Value at 30 June 2017 Office Equipment 01 Office equipment 54,266, ,515-55,173, ,272,089 3,183,361-46,455,450 8,718, Telecommunication and computer equipment 83,742, ,742, ,586, ,600-82,824, , "Radiography and G & G equipment" 5, , , , Workshop equipment 126, , , , Electrical installation 7,992, ,992, ,235, ,453-7,378, , Other equipment 3,284,471 2,518,932-5,803, ,185, ,054-1,633,652 4,169,751 Total: 149,417,422 3,425, ,842, ,410,263 4,013, ,423,732 14,419,138 Pipeline 01 N-S gas pipeline 6,173,674,707 1,731,718-6,175,406, ,092,876, ,583,368-4,298,459,412 1,876,947, N-S condensate pipeline 879,267, ,267, ,025,097 29,279, ,304, ,963, A-B gas pipeline 3,365,952, ,365,952, ,779,422, ,086,231-1,891,508,848 1,474,444, BKB-Demra gas pipeline 1,500,356, ,500,356, ,424,793,989 49,961,875-1,474,755,865 25,600, BKB-CTG gas pipeline 4,208,337, ,208,337, ,165,627,800 42,709,668-4,208,337, W-Z gas pipeline 1,581,293, ,581,293, ,519,686 52,657, ,176, ,116, BBKTL gas pipeline 271,870, ,870, ,818,580 9,053, ,871, ,999, R-A gas pipeline - 1st phase 1,767,048, ,767,048, ,396,690 58,842, ,239, ,809, R-A gas pipeline - 2nd phase 831,792, ,792, ,420,495 27,698, ,119, ,673, A-E gas pipeline 2,996,392, ,996,392, ,072,741,392 99,779,882-2,172,521, ,871, N-B gas pipeline 826,841, ,841, ,037,310 27,533, ,571, ,270, A-M gas pipeline 1,596,858, ,596,858, ,871,714 53,175, ,047,110 1,062,811, DCF gas pipeline 1,475,193,621 39,436,414-1,514,630, ,216,621 49,048, ,265,595 1,100,364, " pipeline(190 Meter) 301, , ,701 10,047-52, , M-J Gas Pipeline 3,476,256,166 80,540,488-3,556,796, ,022, ,759, ,781,556 3,240,015, B-R Gas Pipeline 925,998,134 23,890, ,888, ,368,000 30,835,738-69,203, ,684, B-D Pipeline 14,338,736, ,338,736, ,484, ,554, ,039,671 13,383,697, Titas-AB Gas Pipeline 583,432, ,432, ,999,558 19,428,319-53,427, ,005, Srikail-AB pipeline 122,880, ,880, ,091,926 4,091, ,183, ,696, Titas-CBA Pipeline 114,866, ,866, ,825,053 3,825,053-7,650, ,216, B-K Gas Pipeline 6,918,150, ,794,865-7,087,945, ,593, ,374, ,968,033 6,799,977, H-B Transmission Line - 6,297,399,973 6,297,399, ,425,855-52,425,855 6,244,974,118 Total: 53,955,504,835 6,612,793,796-60,568,298,631 18,239,195,865 1,751,716,196-19,990,912,061 40,577,386,570 Annual Report

105 GAS TRANSMISSION COMPANY LIMITED (GTCL) Details Schedule of Office Equipment, Pipeline and Plant For the year ended 30 June 2017 Annex A-1 Sl. No. Category of Asset At 01 July 2016 Addition During the year COST Adjustment During the year Total at 30 June 2017 Rate (%) At 01 July 2016 Charge for the year DEPRECIATION Adjustment for the year Total on 30 June 2017 (Amount in Taka) Written Down Value at 30 June 2017 Plant 01 Transmission and distribution plant- AMS 260,921, ,921, ,921, ,921, Transmission and distribution plant (BKB-CTG) 191,004,084 4,851, ,855, ,955, , ,730,144 13,125, Transmission plant (Intermediate compressor station) 1,947, ,947, ,947, ,947, Transmission and distribution plant (BKB-Demra) 62,715, ,715, ,541,100 3,135,794-57,676,894 5,038, SCADA plant 1,685,536, ,685,536, ,055,754,874 84,276,807-1,140,031, ,504, CGS Plant Ashulia (DCF) 721,630, ,630, ,652,047 36,081, ,733, ,896, Temporary Regulatory Plant (DCF) 19,716, ,716, ,536, ,848-7,521,904 12,195, TBS Hati kumrul 10,779, ,779, ,290, ,975-2,829,619 7,949, Transmission and distribution plant- B-R 454,891, ,891, ,430,721 22,744,577-51,175, ,716, Transmission and distribution plant- M-J 481,455, ,455, ,437,602 24,072,751-67,510, ,944, H-B Plant - 506,924, ,924, ,336,556-6,336, ,587, H-B SCADA Plant - 701,877, ,877, ,773,463-8,773, ,103, B-K Plant 259,851, ,851, ,591,266 12,992,579-17,583, ,267, B-K SCADA Plant 367,301, ,301, ,248,145 18,365,063-21,613, ,688,052 Total: 4,517,751,229 1,213,652,888-5,731,404,117 1,932,306, ,078,768-2,151,385,649 3,580,018, Annual Report

106 GAS TRANSMISSION COMPANY LIMITED (GTCL) Details of addition to Property, Plant and Equipment For the year ended 30 June 2017 Annex A-2 (Amount in Taka) Sl. No. Category of Asset Cost (Revenue Budget) Capitalization ERF Assets Moheshkhali- Anowara Chittagong Feni Bakhrabad Compressor Station Bakhrabad Siddirganj Dhanua Nalka Anowara Fouzdarhat Ashuganj R & EE Bhakhrab SCADA R & EE Total 1 Freehold land ,959,599 - (300,000) - 202,037, ,696,826 2 Land infrastructure 12,245, ,098,235-1,621,551-18,791, ,757,087 3 Buildings 10,203, ,175, ,378,732 4 Walls and storeyards Other constructions 29,581, ,581,383 6 Furniture and fixtures 351, ,064-13,490 (168,932) 58, ,768 7 Domestic appliances 15, ,100 8 Office equipment 608, , , , Electrical Installation Other equipment 2,518, ,518, N-S gas pipeline 1,731, ,731, A- B gas pipeline W-Z gas pipeline M-J Gas Pipeline ,540, ,540, B-R Gas Pipeline ,890, ,890, DCF Pipeline ,436, ,436, B-K Pipeline ,794, ,794, B-K Plant B-K Plant(SCADA) Trans. plant (BKB-CTG) 4,851, ,851, TBS Hati kumrul T&D plant- B-R H-B Transmission Line - 6,297,399, ,297,399, H-B Plant - 506,924, ,924, H-B SCADA - 701,877, ,877, T&D plant- M-J Water pump Light vehicle 95,997, ,571, ,568,500 Total: 158,105,384 7,506,201, ,662, ,828, ,064 30,496,557 13, ,659, , ,384,517,527 Annual Report

107 Sl. No. GAS TRANSMISSION COMPANY LIMITED (GTCL) Details Of Depreciation Charged On Property, Plant And Equipment For the year ended 30 June 2017 Category of Asset Depreciation charged to GTCL Depreciation charged to Projects Annex A-3 (Amount in Taka) Total 01 Leasehold land 94,404-94, Land infrastructure 2,651, ,868 3,247, Freehold concrete and brick structure 9,301,595 1,364,015 10,665, Sheds and temporary works 43,829-43, Store yard 938, , Other construction 5,572,111-5,572, Furniture and fixtures 1,600, ,560 1,738, Domestic appliances 34,928-34, Office equipment 3,065, ,342 3,183, Telecommunication and computer equipment 238, , Electrical installation 143, , Other equipment 448, , N- S gas pipeline 205,583, ,583, N - S condensate pipeline 29,279,616-29,279, A - B gas pipeline 112,086, ,086, BKB- Demra gas pipeline 49,961,875-49,961, BKB - CTG gas pipeline 42,709,668-42,709, W- Z gas pipeline 52,657,059-52,657, BBKTL gas pipeline 9,053,300-9,053, R-A gas pipeline (1st Phase) 58,842,715-58,842, R-A gas pipeline (2nd Phase) 27,698,687-27,698, A-E gas pipeline 99,779,882-99,779, N-B gas pipeline 27,533,819-27,533, A-M gas pipeline 53,175,396-53,175, DCF gas pipeline 49,048,973-49,048, " pipeline(190 Meter) 10,047-10, M-J Gas Pipeline 115,759, ,759, B-R Gas Pipeline 30,835,738-30,835, B-D Gas Pipiline 477,554, ,554, Titas-AB Gas Pipeline 19,428,319-19,428, Srikail-AB Gas Pipeline 4,091,926-4,091, Titas-CBA Gas Pipeline 3,825,053-3,825, B-K Gas Pipeline 230,374, ,374, H-B Gas Pipeline 52,425,855-52,425, Transmission and distribution plant (BKB-Demra) 3,135,794-3,135, SCADA plant (1st) 84,276,807-84,276, DCF Plant 36,081,506-36,081, Temporary regulatory plant (DCF) 985, , TBS Hati kumrul 538, , Modification of CGS plant Ctg 774, , Transmission and distribution plant- B-R Pipeline 22,744,577-22,744, Transmission and distribution plant- M-J Pipeline 24,072,751-24,072, B-K Plant 12,992,579-12,992, B-K SCADA Plant 18,365,063-18,365, H-B Plant 6,336,556 6,336, H-B Plant SCADA Plant 8,773,463 8,773, Tube well and ponds 77,644-77, Water pump 237, , Water Pipeline & Tanks 70,483-70, Light vehicle 23,405,307 1,463,321 24,868, Loose tools 63,182-63, Other assets 14,158-14,158 Total: 2,018,795,610 3,681,106 2,022,476, Annual Report

108 GAS TRANSMISSION COMPANY LIMITED (GTCL) Details of capital works-in-progress For the year ended 30 June 2017 Annex B (Amount in Taka) Project Anexure At 01 July 2016 Interest on loan (IDC) Addition Adjustment/ transfer to assets At 30 June 2017 At 30 June 2016 Hatikumrul-Bheramara Project 5,668,162,771-1,838,038,753 (7,506,201,524) - 5,668,162,771 Compressor Station Project B-1 9,405,797,549-1,271,926,797-10,677,724,346 9,405,797,549 Bakhrabad-Siddirgonj Project B-2 5,415,551, ,365,819-6,128,917,093 5,415,551,274 Ashugonj-Bakhrabad Project B-3 3,784,282, ,063,663-4,304,346,203 3,784,282,540 Moheshkhali- Anowara Project B-4 5,563,441, ,228,656-6,405,669,687 5,563,441,031 R & EE SCADA Project B-5 158,185, ,031, ,216, ,185,735 Dhanua-Nalka Project B-6 103,359,029-1,584,638,353-1,687,997, ,359,029 Chittagong-Feni-Bakhrabad B ,508,780-4,508,780 - Anowara-Fouzderhat B ,447,243-2,447,243 - Deferred Assets/(Liabilities) B-9 2,254,373, ,058,199-2,619,431,919 2,254,373,720 Head Office Building 753,255, ,216,393-1,096,472, ,255,835 Others (Running Bill GTCL) 126,945, (48,589,085) 78,356, ,945,562 Total: 33,233,355,047-8,003,523,811 (7,554,790,609) 33,682,088,249 33,233,355,047 Note: H-B project of GTCL has been capitalized during the financial year Annual Report

109 Sl. No. GAS TRANSMISSION COMPANY LIMITED (GTCL) Description Statement of capital works-in-progress Compressor Station at Ashuganj-Elenga Project At 1st July 2016 Addition during the year Adjusted during the year Annex B-1 (Amount in Taka) At 30 June Pay of officer 21,955, ,955,124 2 Pay of staff 5,138, ,138,788 3 House rent allowance 7,985, ,985,050 4 Recreation allowance 1,456, ,456,522 5 Festival bonus 2,574, ,574,288 6 Medical allowance 814, ,380 7 Washing expenses 132, ,269 8 Tiffin allowance 44, ,448 9 Conveyance 125, , Uniform allowance 1,168, ,168, Gas subsidy allowance 628, , Leave encashment 48, , Incentive Bonus 1,576, ,576, Travelling 168,153 19, , Overtime 3,304, ,304, Office rent 7,335, ,262-7,838, AIT & VAT for consultancy (GoB) 9,867,815 16,969,273-26,837, Other taxes 6,573, ,573, Postage 217, , Telephone and mobile 548,484 35, , Water 520,120 11, , Electricity 869,169 82, , Gas and fuel 2,604, ,431-3,014, Insurance/Bank charge 861,445 26, , Petrol, oil and lubricants 76, , Printing and stationery 1,223,945 18,050-1,241, Books and periodicals 101,071 16, , Publicity and advertisement 1,029,563 13,799-1,043, Training 11,500 27,628,887-27,640, Entertainment expenses 2,030,170 92,850-2,123, Seminar and board meeting expenses 166, , Consultancy services compressor(gob) 36,240, ,240, Consultancy services (ADB) 226,848,476 20,889, ,738, Legal expenses 1,765,060 20,000-1,785, Honorarium 706,801 58, , Route survey and soil investigation 403, , IEE, EIA & RP 1,135, ,250-1,451, Photocopy 509,996 26, , Other expenses 42,734,259 7,142,600-49,876, Landing charge, port dues, insurance, transport cost 490, , Fraight & Insurancce 149,959, ,959, Pre-shipment inspection 9,498, ,498, Depreciation 8,736,307 1,698,983-10,435, Repairs and maintenance - vehicle 1,541, ,989-1,767, Repairs and maintenance - furniture 58,895 2,725-61, Repairs and maintenance - equipment 172,460 5, , Rehabilitation of Office - 9,421-9, Repairs and maintenance - others 186,866 58, , Requisition of land 64, , Imported materials (Ashuganj) 5,520,692,373 1,010,743,624-6,531,435, Imported materials (GOB) 70,185,976 - (5,445,976) 64,740, Compressor stationgob 2,044,168, ,777,288-2,460,945, Compressor station ADB 574,517,809 73,647, ,165, CD VAT(pipeline materials) 634,021, ,021,931 Total: 9,405,797,550 1,572,005,312 (5,445,976) 10,977,802,862 Adjustement: Liquideties damage - (300,078,516) - (300,078,516) Net Capital Works-in-Progress 9,405,797,550 1,271,926,796 (5,445,976) 10,677,724, Annual Report

110 Sl. No. GAS TRANSMISSION COMPANY LIMITED (GTCL) Description Statement of capital works-in-progress Bakhrabad-Siddirgonj Project At 1st July 2016 Addition during the year Adjusted during the year Annex B-2 (Amount in Taka) At 30 June Travelling 502,485 45, ,406 2 Over time allowances 174, ,274 3 Office rent 6,256, ,027-7,215,844 4 Postage 149, ,250 5 Telephone / mobile 663,343 70, ,856 6 Water 462,325 53, ,532 7 Electricity 603,088 56, ,346 8 Insurance/bank charge 23,975,201 24,800-24,000,001 9 Stationary, seal & stamps 1,067,429 55,305-1,122, Books, Periodicals & papers 3, , Publicity & Advertisement 1,354, ,360-1,466, Training & education 260,549 1,322,556-1,583, Seminar fees 102,696 9, , Entertainment expenses 2,023,711 45,918-2,069, Transport/vehicle rent 11,495, ,106-11,688, Consultancy services (Local) 2,885,524 1,680,539-4,566, Consultancy services(ida) 235,075,297 30,830, ,905, Legal expenses 5,146, ,013-6,076, Honorarium 1,047,246 62,000-1,109, Survey 1,546, ,546, Photocopy expenses 1,118, ,742-1,225, Other expenses 658, , , NGO/Voluntary organization RAP 4,452, ,452, Depreciation 1,716, ,716, Repairs & maintenance of furniture 177,028 33, , R & M of Computer Office Equipment 133,454 32, , Other Repair & Maintainance 524, , , Material and equipments 2,360,641, ,791,536-2,549,433, ERP/EAM Software consultancy (IDA) 57,456, ,217, ,674, ERP/EAM Software consultancy (GOB) 6,031,378 14,293,212-20,324, Survey & Drawing - 54,106,493-54,106, Land Requisition 76,598, ,598, Resettlement compensation 209,119, ,119, Pipeline construction(ida) 980,304, ,722,582-1,293,027, Pipeline construction(gob) 429,779,665 79,407, ,186, CD VAT pipeline materials 991,165,038 65,776,183-1,056,941, IEE, EIA & RP 286, , Landing charges, port dues, insurance etc 417,100 18,476,040-18,893, Pre- Shipment Inspection 175,390 2,120,775-2,296,165 Total: 5,415,551, ,811, ,533 6,325,125,424 Liquidated damages - (196,208,330) - (196,208,330) Net Capital Works-in-Progress 5,415,551, ,603, ,533 6,128,917,094 Annual Report

111 Sl. No. GAS TRANSMISSION COMPANY LIMITED (GTCL) Description Statement of capital works-in-progress A-B Project At 1st July 2016 Addition during the year Adjusted during the year Annex B-3 (Amount in Taka) At 30 June Staff establishment 967, ,682-1,888,248 2 Travelling 490,817 20, ,151 3 Office rent 3,694, ,804-4,192,237 4 Postage 38, ,975 5 Telephone/mobile 219,815 26, ,306 6 Water 266,869 39, ,562 7 Electricity 380,181 56, ,439 8 Gas and fuel 897, ,719-1,072,148 9 Petrol,oil and lubricants 2, , Insurance/bank charge 161,734 14, , Stationary, seal and stamps 292,091 18, , Books, periodicals and papers 26, , Publicity & advertisement 1,213, ,213, Seminar and conference 76, , Entertainment expenses 577,713 8, , IEE, EIA and RP 3,684, ,684, Legal Expenses 34, , Honorarium 795,744 17, , Survey 1,388, ,388, Photocopy expenses 275,858 60, , Depreciation 162,172 58, , PSI, Landing Charge, Port Dues, Insurance, C&F 98,179,440 1,363,321-99,542, Repairs and maintenance of transport 550,934 45, , Repairs and maintenance of furniture 30,015 37,400-67, Repair and maintenance of computer and office equipment 39,968 7,650-47, Other repair & Maintanance 67,091 23,717-90, Materials and equipment for linepipe 1,860,586,199 5,693-1,860,591, Requisition of land 63,463, ,463, Pipeline construction (GOB & GTCL) 745,687, ,688, River Crossing by HDD (GOB & GTCL) 339,630, ,630, Infrastructure of Meetering Station (GoB) - 65,020,000-65,020, Infrastructure of Meetering Station (GTCL-FC) - 273,208, ,208, Infrastructure of Meetering Station (GTCL-LC) - 86,063,163-86,063, CD VAT 660,400,501 92,374, ,774,787 Total: 3,784,282, ,063,663-4,304,346,203 Net Capital Works-in-Progress 3,784,282, ,063,663-4,304,346, Annual Report

112 Sl. No. GAS TRANSMISSION COMPANY LIMITED (GTCL) Description Statement of capital works-in-progress Moheshkhali-Anowara Project At 1st July 2016 Addition during the year Adjusted during the year Annex B-4 (Amount in Taka) At 30 June Travelling 1,141,426 1,077,060-2,218,486 2 Telephone / mobile 27,383 76, ,365 3 Electricity 77, , ,772 4 Printing and stationery 106, , ,741 5 Entertainment expenses 319, , ,386 7 Casual Labour 566,240 3,751,670-4,317,910 8 Legal Expenses - 20,000-20,000 9 Water - 104, , Honorarium 651,175 47, , Avdertisement - 825, , Photocopy expenses 90,777 99, , Other expenses (PSI, Landing charge,& Other fees) 78,482,141 9,265,810-87,747, Repairs and maintenance of transport 248,965 90, , Repairs and maintenance of furniture 19, , Repairs and maintenance others - 68,271-68, Petrol,oil and lubricants 293, , , Bank Charge and Insurance Charge 40, , , Office rent 916, , Postage 8,934 1,560-10, Material and Equipment for line pipe (GTCL) 3,073,785, ,033,956-3,339,819, Requisition of Land 106,128,313 4,021, ,149, Pipeline contruction (Gov. & GTCL) 1,123,416, ,318,802-1,473,735, Installation of CP Station 14,700,000 1,146,140 (610) 15,846, Rever Crossing 160,000, ,600, ,600, Installation of CGS - 26,499,509-26,499, CD VAT (Imported Materials) 1,000,540,902 65,345,190-1,065,886, Route survey, soil and sub-surface investigation 1,871, ,860-2,832, Depreciation 8, , ,974 Net Capital Works-in-Progress 5,563,441, ,228,656 (610) 6,405,669,687 Annual Report

113 GAS TRANSMISSION COMPANY LIMITED (GTCL) Statement of capital works-in-progress, R & EE SCADA Project Annex B-5 (Amount in Taka) Sl. No. Description At 1st July 2016 Addition during the year Adjusted during the year At 30 June Consultancy Service(GOB) VAT & IT 21,114,904 53,900,499-75,015,403 1 Telephone 1, ,499 2 Electricity 65,421 20,000-85,421 3 Insurance and Bank Charges 79,682 4,465,391-4,545,073 4 Stationary. Sea; & Stamps 17,683 2,500-20,183 5 Publicity and advertisement 126, ,788 6 Entertainment Expenses 55,724 9,890-65,614 7 Consultancy Service(JICA) 27,705,778 6,718,267-34,424,045 8 Legal Expenses 36,656 3,750-40,406 9 Honorarium 79,725 13,500-93, Copy/Photocopy Expenses 31, , Other Expenses Depreciation 1,526,996 1,504,721-3,031, R & M Of Vehicle 13,750 19,498-33, R & M Of Furniture 3, , R & M Of Computer & Office Equipment 25, , Others Repair & Maintanance - 38,480-38, CD-VAT for CSADA Materials - 104,923, ,923, Installation of SCADA System 107,300, ,411, ,712,198 Total: 158,185, ,031, ,216,891 Net Capital Works-in-Progress 158,185, ,031, ,216, Annual Report

114 Sl. No. GAS TRANSMISSION COMPANY LIMITED (GTCL) Description Statement of capital works-in-progress Dhanua-Nalka Project At 1st July 2016 Addition during the year Adjusted during the year Annex B-6 (Amount in Taka) At 30 June Office rent 531, , ,627 2 AIT & VAT for Consultancy (GoB) 26,598,246 10,772,741-37,370,987 3 Postage 19, ,785 4 Telephone / mobile 11,554 47,135-58,689 5 Water 33,665 15,642-49,307 6 Electricity 60,913 33,094-94,007 7 Gas & Fuel 539, , ,404 8 Bank Charges/Insurance 20,086 43,604-63,690 9 Stationary, Seal And Stapm 264, , , EIA 400, , Publicity &Advertisement 1,099, ,778-1,455, Entertainment Expenses 315, , , Casual Labour 233, , , Consultancy (FC) 57,499,822 28,420,251-85,920, Consultancy (GoB) 1,607,359 28,715,076-30,322, Legal Expenses - 80,000 80, Honorium 118, , , Route survey, soil and sub-surface investigation 2,413, ,000-2,863, Photocopy expenses 224, , , Other expenses (PSI, Landing Charge, transport etc.) 722,046 29,152,526-29,874, NGO/Voluntary Organization RAP - 7,173 7, Other fees - 258, , Depreciation 120, , , Repairs and maintenance of transport 532, , , Repairs and maintenance of furniture 9,097 22,400-31, Repairs and maintenance of computer 73,705 33, , R M Rehabilitation, Resetlement compansation - 5,289,587 5,289, M & E for pipeline, CP, SCADA River crossing (FC) - 1,007,556,044 1,007,556, Land Requisition 9,908,425 2,266,229 12,174, Pipiline Construction (FC) - 53,236,170 53,236, Pipiline Construction (VAT & Tax) - 15,426,970 15,426, CD/VAT for Development - 399,922, ,922,260 Total: 103,359,029 1,584,638,354-1,687,997,383 Net Capital Works-in-Progress 103,359,029 1,584,638,354-1,687,997,383 Annual Report

115 GAS TRANSMISSION COMPANY LIMITED (GTCL) Sl. No. Description Statement of capital works-in-progress Chittagong-Feni-Bakhrabad Parallel Pipeline Project At 1st July 2016 Addition during the year Adjusted during the year Annex B-7 (Amount in Taka) At 30 June Office Rent - 276, ,437 2 Telephone - 42,968-42,968 3 Petrol,Oil and Lubricant - 177, ,365 4 Insurance and Bank Charge Stationary, Seal and Stamp - 61,771-61,771 6 Publicity and Advertisement - 886, ,400 7 Seminer, Conference - 22,050-22,050 8 Entertainment Expenses - 241, ,240 9 Honorarium - 113, , Rout survey, soil survey & Investigation - 2,258,043-2,258, Copy/Photocopy Expenses - 48,708-48, Different Fees etc , , Land requisition - 236, ,488 Total: 4,508,780-4,508,780 Net Capital Works-in-Progress 4,508,780-4,508,780 GAS TRANSMISSION COMPANY LIMITED (GTCL) Sl. No. Description Statement of capital works-in-progress Anowara-Fouzdarhat Gas Transmission Pipeline Project At 1st July 2016 Addition during the year Adjusted during the year Annex B-8 (Amount in Taka) At 30 June Office Rent - 38,071-38,071 2 Telephone - 19,988-19,988 3 Water - 7,170-7,170 4 Electricity - 29,678-29,678 5 Petrol,Oil and Lubricant - 164, ,229 6 Insurance and Bank Charge - 1,725-1,725 7 Stationary, Seal and Stamp - 63,979-63,979 8 Publicity and Advertisement - 587, ,052 9 Training, Seminer, Conference - 16,100-16, Entertainment Expenses - 552, , Honorarium - 486, , Rout survey, soil survey & Investigation - 45,000-45, Copy/Photocopy Expenses - 177, , Different Fees etc. - 13,250-13, R & M Vehicle - 32,980-32, R & M Furniture - 2,100-2, R & M Office equipment - 76,476-76, Land requisition - 132, ,451 Total: - 2,447,243-2,447,243 Net Capital Works-in-Progress - 2,447,243-2,447, Annual Report

116 GAS TRANSMISSION COMPANY LIMITED (GTCL) Statement of deffered assets/(liabilities) Annex B-9 Sl. No. Projects At 1st July 2016 Addition during the year Adjusted during the year (Amount in Taka) At 30 June Hatikumrul-Bheramara 5,019,862 (5,019,862) Compressor Project-Muchai 7,623,959 (7,797,141) - (173,182) 3 Bheramara-Khulna 23,402 - (23,402) - 4 Bhakhrabad- Siddirganj (509,442) (5,044,686) - (5,554,128) 5 Sorail-Khatihata-Malihata Project 374, ,207, ,581,480 6 Ashuganj - Bakhrabad Chittagang 988, ,745 7 Bakhrabad - Meghnaghat - 109, ,456 8 Moheskhali-Anowara-Chittagong 2,270,270, ,300,587-2,520,570,905 9 Langolband- Maoa- Jajira 833, , Ashuganj-Bakhrabad (33,985,293) - (865,004) (34,850,297) 11 Anowara-Foujderhat Chittagang 961,941 9,233,393-10,195, Bakhrabad-Feni-Chittagang 577,215 5,284,356-5,861, SCADA Telecom Project 1,270, ,470-1,579, Dhanua-Nalka 925,175 (669,254) - 255, DEV PROJECT DHANUA-NALKA - 99,915-99, DEV PROJECT Sarail-Khatihata - 1,874-1, Dev. Project- MOHESHKHALI-ANOWARA LOOP LINE - 2,242,011-2,242, Dev. Project- POLIANPUR, MOHESHPUR-JESSORE - 1,583,400-1,583, PADMA BRIDGE PIPELINE CONSTRUCTION PROJECT - 2,644-2, DEV. PROJECT MOBARAKPUR-PABNA-BAGHABARI-SIRAJGONJ - 6,000-6, DEV. PROJECT SHAHBAJPUR-BHOLA-BARISAL GAS LINE - 7,320-7, DEV. PROJECT KUTUMBAPUR-MEGHNAGHAT GAS LINE - 9,000-9, DEV PROJECT-MIR SARAI ECONOMIC ZONE - 35,183-35, DEV PROJECT-KGDCL GAS DISTRIBUTION NETWORK - 29,663-29, DEV PROJECT-Jajira-Gopalganj-Khulna - 16,000-16,000 Net Capital Works-in-Progress 2,254,373, ,946,606 (888,406) 2,619,431,919 Annual Report

117 GAS TRANSMISSION COMPANY LIMITED (GTCL) Summary of Tax Deducted at Sources (TDS) Annex C (Amount in Taka) Income Year Assessment Year Amount ,346, ,111, ,467, ,381, ,299, ,166, ,211, ,656, ,812, ,577, ,838,750 Total up to ,665,868,364 Details of Tax Deducted at Source (TDS) for the assessment year : Date of deduction Deducted at source by Amount 29/06/17 5,696,840 18/06/17 5,399,896 21/05/17 5,867,343 28/04/17 5,817,605 25/04/17 5,717,061 03/02/17 Titas Gas T and D Co Ltd. (TGTDCL) 5,651,095 30/01/17 5,358,762 27/12/16 5,649,241 27/11/16 5,141,480 30/10/16 5,645,399 25/09/16 5,569,672 29/08/16 5,723,130 Sub Total 67,237,523 29/06/17 283,345 28/05/17 287,327 05/09/17 352,186 30/03/17 344,039 02/09/17 330,407 31/01/17 Paschipanchol Gas Company Limited 313,005 29/12/16 (PGCL) 336,870 27/11/16 402,988 13/10/16 454,580 27/10/16 421,948 09/07/16 358,550 Sub Total 3,885,245 07/06/17 1,111,485 13/06/17 1,036,511 14/05/17 1,120,276 04/06/17 1,029, Annual Report

118 GAS TRANSMISSION COMPANY LIMITED (GTCL) Summary of Tax Deducted at Sources (TDS) Annex C (Amount in Taka) Date of deduction Deducted at source by Amount 03/09/17 Bakhrabad Gas Distribution 863,857 15/02/17 Company Limited (BGDCL) 1,078,242 01/12/17 935,124 21/12/16 821,874 16/11/16 871,398 18/10/16 757,066 24/09/16 978,547 17/08/16 936,810 Sub Total 11,540,708 29/06/17 1,350,000 19/04/17 Jalalabad Gas Transmission and 1,500,000 02/09/17 Distribution Systems Limited (JGTDSL) 1,200,000 14/11/16 895,545 Sub Total 4,945,545 29/06/17 965,624 06/11/17 864,925 14/05/17 991,286 04/03/17 970,621 03/08/17 Karnaphuli Gas Distribution 931,860 02/02/17 Company Limited (KGDCL) 953,609 01/05/17 851,990 21/12/16 1,049,198 27/10/16 993,091 10/03/16 1,010,948 09/07/16 1,021,767 09/07/16 1,025,308 Sub Total 11,630,227 20/06/17 Sundarban Gas Company Ltd. 24,154 Sub Total 24,154 30/06/17 Deducted at source by Banks on interest on SND accounts 1,177,443 30/06/17 Deducted at source by Banks on interest on fixed deposits (FDR) 94,454,448 Total for the assessment year ,895,293 Grand Total up to ,860,763,656 Annual Report

119 GAS TRANSMISSION COMPANY LIMITED (GTCL) Summary of advance income tax refundable from tax Authority Annex D (Amount in Taka) Sl. No. Assessment Year Income tax paid Income tax liability as per assessement order Excess tax paid ,955,216 7,830,414 16,124, ,950,861 16,127,264 22,823, ,654,380 14,448,650 35,205, ,768,479 15,384,229 16,384, ,323,655 5,793,056 42,530, ,412,476 14,815,265 18,597,211 Total: 226,065,067 74,398, ,666, Annual Report

120 GAS TRANSMISSION COMPANY LIMITED (GTCL) Statement of Tax Position (Amount in Taka) Accounting Year Assessment Year Present status Tax provision Tax paid Excess/ (shortage) (a) 7,830,414 1,975,116,442 1,967,286, (a) 16,127,264 38,950,861 22,823, (a) 14,448,650 49,654,380 35,205, (b) 15,384,229 31,768,479 16,384, (b) 5,793,056 48,323,655 42,530, (b) 14,815,265 33,412,476 18,597, (b) 32,338, ,346,046 76,007, (c) 76,819, ,111,487 25,291, (c) 117,764, ,467,116 24,703, (c) 185,593, ,381,143 (25,212,824) (c) 235,776, ,299,055 (16,477,400) (c) 307,359, ,166,966 (38,192,185) (c) 422,974, ,211,419 (86,763,546) (c) 396,036, ,656,640 (22,379,510) (d) 456,298, ,812,512 (75,486,393) (d) 473,268, ,577,229 (172,690,803) (e) 436,655, ,838,750 (163,816,657) (e) 305,165, ,357,163 (39,808,161) Total: 3,520,449,284 5,108,451,819 1,588,002,535 (a) Finalised (b) Finalised but subsequently reopened and a reference case filled in High Court (c) Reference case filled in High Court (d) Not yet finalised (e) Tax return will be submitted Annual Report

121 GAS TRANSMISSION COMPANY LIMITED (GTCL) Some Significant Accounting Ratios for the year ended 30 June 2017 Sl. No. Key Performance Indicator Amounts in lac Taka 30 June June 2016 Ratio 30 June June 2016 Standard A) Liquidity Ratio 1 Current Ratio = Current Assets 77, , :1 1.48:1 2 : 1 Current Liabilities 67, , Quick Ratio = Liquid Assets 65, , :1 1.27:1 1 : 1 Current Liabilities 67, , Receivable Turnover (Including disputed amount) = Net Credit Sales 21, , months Average Receivales 3, , Receivable Turnover(Excluding disputed amount) = Net Credit Sales 18, , months Average Receivales 3, , B) Profitability Ratio 5 Return on Capital Employed = Net Operating Profit 7, , % 1.37% 10% Employed Capital 979, , Return on Average Fixed Assets= Net Operating Profit 7, , % 3.13% 12% Average Fixed Assets 470, , C) Solvency Ratio 7 Debt Ratio to Capital Employed = Total Debt 514, , :47 51:49 60 : 40 Capital Employed 979, , Debt Service Coverage ratio = Net Operating Income 33, , Total Debt Service Cost 41, , Annual Report

122 Achievement in Graphs 34% 14% 1% 51% Total Assets FY Taka in crore % Fixed Assets 5, % Capital Work in Progress 3, % Investment & Other Assets 1, % Net Current Assets % Total 9, % Total Capital & Liabilities FY % Taka in crore % Share Capital % Deposit for Shares 2, % Capital Reserve % Revenue Reserve 1, % Unsecured Loan - Local 2, % Unsecured Loan - Foreign 2, % Total 9, % 26% 26% 21% 18% 2% 6% 15% 1% 1% Total Revenue FY Taka in crore % Transmission Charge - Gas % Transmission Charge - Condensate % 78% Interest Income % Other Income % Total % Annual Report

123 Year wise Net Sales & Profit Taka in crore Sales NPBT NPAT Deposit to National Exchequer Taka in crore Financial Year Year wise Accounts Receivable Taka in crore Financial Year 122 Annual Report

124 Auditor : ACNABIN Chartered Accountants BDBL Bhaban (Level-13 & 14) 12 Kawran Bazar Commercial Area Dhaka-1215, Bangladesh. Corresponding Bank : Janata Bank Ltd. Local Office, Dhaka, Dhaka Sheraton Hotel Corp. Br., UGC Bhaban Br. Dhaka, Ashuganj Sarkarkhana Br., B. Baria, Sylhet Corp. Br., Baghabari Ghat Br., Sirajganj, Salimpur Br., Chittagong, Comilla, Corp. Br., Sreemangal Br., Moulvibazar, Fuldighi Br., Bogra, Port Corporate Br., Chittagong. Sonali Bank Ltd. B.B Avenue Corp. Br., Custom House Br. Kurmitola, Dhaka. Custom House Br. Chittagong; Custom House Br. Mongla and Custom House Br. Banapol. Basic Bank Ltd. Main Br. Motijheel, Dhaka. Kawran Bazar Br., Dhaka. Agrani Bank Ltd. B.B. Avenue Corporate Branch, Dhaka. Prime Bank Ltd. New Eskaton Branch, Dhaka. United Commercial Bank Ltd. Kawran Bazar Branch, Dhaka. IFIC Bank Ltd. Shantinagar Branch, Dhaka. Standard Chartered Bank Ltd. Gulshan Branch, Dhaka. Dutch-Bangla Bank Ltd. Kawran Bazar Branch, Dhaka. Registered Office : GTCL Bhaban Plot No.: F-18/A, Sher-e-Bangla Nagar Administrative Area Agargaon, Dhaka Annual Report

125 P u b li c a ti o n C o m Convenor : Mr. Md. Abul Kalam Azad Director (Operation) & Project Director, Dhanua-Nalka Pipeline Project Member : Mr. Ali Mohd. Al-Mamun Ex-Project Director, GTCL Head Office Building Construction Project & General Manager (D&D) Mr. Bijit Kumar Sarkar General Manager/Company Secretary Mr. Ali Iqbal Md. Nurullah General Manager (Quality & Safety Assurance) Mr. Md. Mahabubul Monir General Manager (Accounts) & Director (Finance) Mrs. Rukhsana Nazma Eshaque General Manager (Planning) m it Mr. Md. Shafiqul Islam General Manager (Transmission-East) & Project Director, Compressor Station Porject t ee Mr. Mohit Uddin General Manager (General Services) Member Secretary : Mr. Kazi Hassan Masud Deputy General Manager (Board) 124 Annual Report


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GZϦviv mswkøó mK‡ji AeMwZi Rb¨ Rvbv‡bv hv‡”Q †h, MZ 01 gvP©, 2012 mKvj 10

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Slide 1

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ikw e e vcbv ikw e e vcbv n Q `ÿ Awdm e e vcbvi Ab Zg AsM Gg.Avwgbyi e e vcbv Dc `óv weavbgg,xvkv Friday, July 06, 2018

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Muktinagar Book

Muktinagar Book ebmjvbb cöwz e`b KwgDwbwU GWz Kkb IqvP gyw³bmi BDwbqb, mvnvuv, MvBevÜv wgr v Kvgiæb bvnvi D`qb ^vej ^x ms v MYmvÿiZv Awfhvb D`qb ^vej ^x ms v wbz P `ª gyleü wkÿv gšwjk gvbevwakvi Ges cöv_wgk wkÿv mkj wkÿvi

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Profile print

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G R U e vswks Kvh µ gi ÎgvwmK cöwz e`b (A ±vei-ww m ^i 2018) dvbb vwýqvj BbK zkb wwcvu g U evsjv `k e vsk cöavb Kvh vjq XvKv

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Microsoft Word - Resqruietny Result Circular-2017.doc

Microsoft Word - Resqruietny Result Circular-2017.doc gva wgk I D P gva wgk wkÿv evw, w`bvrcyi Web : E-mail : weáwß vik bs t gvdwk evw`/cwb/ RGmwm/cix:-2017/2354(03) ZvwiL t 29/01/2018 wlª.

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ms hvrbx-l BÛvw ªqvj GÛ Bbd«v ªvKPvi W fjc g U dvbb vý Kv úvbx (AvBAvBwWGdwm) wjwg UW mb vwbz MÖvnKe `i m`q AeMwZi Rb 1. ` k A ea m ú` AvniY, e envi I

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µwgK bs

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e½eÜz †kL gywReyi ingvb K…wl wek¦we`¨vjq

e½eÜz †kL gywReyi ingvb K…wl wek¦we`¨vjq Av e`bk Z c `i bvg (evgcv k wuk w`b) t e½eüz kl gywreyi ingvb K wl wek we` vjq MvRxcyi-1706 ch v qvbœq bi Rb Av e`bcî (K) mnkvix Aa vck (L) mn hvmx Aa vck (M) Aa vck wefvm t 1 cöv_ xi bvg (evsjvq) t...

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T. G. Class iv inner

T. G. Class iv inner cöv_wgk MwYZ PZz_ kªwy wk K ms iy cöv_wgk MwYZ PZy_ kªwy wk K ms iy wøzxq cöv_wgk wk v Dbœqb Kg mwp (wcbwwwc 2) Gi A_ vq b gyw`ªz ipbvq iv Kqv emg nvwg`v evby emg Aveyj nvmbvz dvi K gvt iwdkzj Bmjvg m

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ewe Kb vi cwipvjbv bxwzgvjv Rvbyqvix 2019

ewe Kb vi cwipvjbv bxwzgvjv Rvbyqvix 2019 Rvbyqvix 2019 bw_/document fvlv evsjv Aby gv`b 03/12/2018 Aby gv`bkvix B Gg wu, UªvÝcv iwý B Uvib vkbvj evsjv `k (wuavbwe) ciezx czb:mgxÿv/review / / ms iy 2q ms iy, 2018 2 m~wpcî c ôv b ^i 1. f~wgkv 4

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Slide 1

Slide 1 ^vmzg wiwps AvDU-Ae- zj wpj Wªb (i ) dbr-2 cökí 1 mvbvjx e vsk wjt Gi mswkøó kvlv g v brvi `i AskMÖn Y i dbr-2 cök íi wkÿv fvzv-aby`vb e e vcbv I weziy welqk Iwi q Ukb Kg kvjv 2 i -2 cök íi mswÿß weeiy

Chi tiết hơn

Exabyte Technology

Exabyte Technology MvwYwZK m~îvewj RULES OF MATHEMATICS exrmwyz (ALGEBRA) em, Nb, b, Drcv`K, Abywm vš I gvb wby qi m~î (a + b) 2 = a 2 + 2ab + b 2 (a + b) 2 = (a b) 2 + 4ab (a b) 2 = a 2 2ab + b 2 (a b) 2 = (a + b) 2 4ab

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vbxq mev`vbkvix `i 1-w` bi cöwkÿyt Gw qj d v cv ú wd c PvU mkb 3t vb wbe vpb, cv ú vcb Ges wbivc ` Pvjv bv wmmv - hvwš KxKiY I mp cökí wmwgu evsjv `k

vbxq mev`vbkvix `i 1-w` bi cöwkÿyt Gw qj d v cv ú wd c PvU mkb 3t vb wbe vpb, cv ú vcb Ges wbivc ` Pvjv bv wmmv - hvwš KxKiY I mp cökí wmwgu evsjv `k vbxq mev`vbkvix `i 1-w` bi cöwkÿyt Gw qj d v cv ú wd c PvU mkb 3t vb wbe vpb, cv ú vcb Ges wbivc ` Pvjv bv wmmv - hvwš KxKiY I mp cökí wmwgu evsjv `k Gw qj/wg W d v cv ú vc bi Rb vb wbe vpb Gw qj ev wg

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Microsoft Word - bai 16 pdf

Microsoft Word - bai 16 pdf Business English Speakers Can Still Be Divided by a Common I'm Alex Villarreal with the VOA Special English Economics Report. Business is the most popular subject for international students in the United

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PowerPoint Presentation

PowerPoint Presentation Chương trình đào tạo Professional Training Program Lịch đào tạo tháng 07 tháng 12, 2019 Jul Dec, 2019 Calendar Đào tạo nhận thức theo tiêu chuẩn ISO 9001:2015 Awareness training to ISO 9001:2015 4,350,000

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CHƯƠNG TRÌNH ĐÀO TẠO CHUẨN TRÌNH ĐỘ ĐẠI HỌC NGÀNH: KẾ TOÁN PHẦN I: CHUẨN ĐẦU RA CỦA CHƯƠNG TRÌNH ĐÀO TẠO 1. Về kiến thức và năng lực chuyên môn 1.1. V CHƯƠNG TRÌNH ĐÀO TẠO CHUẨN TRÌNH ĐỘ ĐẠI HỌC NGÀNH: KẾ TOÁN PHẦN I: CHUẨN ĐẦU RA CỦA CHƯƠNG TRÌNH ĐÀO TẠO 1. Về kiến thức và năng lực chuyên môn 1.1. Về kiến thức Sinh viên tốt nghiệp chương trình đào tạo

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Microsoft Word - Mau 1_Ly lich khoa hoc cua Chuyen gia KHCN_Tieng Viet_Hu?

Microsoft Word - Mau 1_Ly lich khoa hoc cua Chuyen gia KHCN_Tieng Viet_Hu? LÝ LỊCH KHOA HỌC CHUYÊN GIA KHOA HỌC VÀ CÔNG NGHỆ. Họ và tên: Lê Thị Thanh Huệ. Năm sinh: 98. Nam/Nữ: Nữ 4. Học hàm: Học vị: Thạc sĩ 5. Lĩnh vực nghiên cứu trong 5 năm gần đây: Năm được phong: Năm đạt

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Nguyễn Ngọc Duy Mỹ Các môn giảng dạy Luật Sở hữu trí tuệ Công pháp quốc tế Luật Kinh doanh Pháp luật đại cương Thạc sĩ Luật Chuyên ngành Luật Quốc tế

Nguyễn Ngọc Duy Mỹ Các môn giảng dạy Luật Sở hữu trí tuệ Công pháp quốc tế Luật Kinh doanh Pháp luật đại cương Thạc sĩ Luật Chuyên ngành Luật Quốc tế Nguyễn Ngọc Duy Mỹ Các môn giảng dạy Luật Sở hữu trí tuệ Công pháp quốc tế Luật Kinh doanh Pháp luật đại cương Thạc sĩ Luật Chuyên ngành Luật Quốc tế và Luật So sánh Ngôn ngữ Vietnamese, English Email

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Đêm Hội Ngộ Cựu Sinh Viên Sĩ Quan Trừ Bị Vùng Hoa Thịnh Đốn và Phụ Cận Lời phát biểu của Trung Tá Tôn Thất Tuấn, Lục Quân Hoa Kỳ Ngày 12 Tháng 9 Năm 2

Đêm Hội Ngộ Cựu Sinh Viên Sĩ Quan Trừ Bị Vùng Hoa Thịnh Đốn và Phụ Cận Lời phát biểu của Trung Tá Tôn Thất Tuấn, Lục Quân Hoa Kỳ Ngày 12 Tháng 9 Năm 2 Đêm Hội Ngộ Cựu Sinh Viên Sĩ Quan Trừ Bị Vùng Hoa Thịnh Đốn và Phụ Cận Lời phát biểu của Trung Tá Tôn Thất Tuấn, Lục Quân Hoa Kỳ Ngày 12 Tháng 9 Năm 2010 Falls Church, Virginia Kính thưa quý niên trưởng

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Slide 1

Slide 1 VIETNAM HR SUMMIT 2019 Friday, 20th September 2019 White Palace Pham Van Dong 108 Pham Van Dong, Thu Duc Dist, HCMC, Vietnam OVERVIEW DATE: Friday, 20 th September, 2019 VENUE: THEME:

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Microsoft Word - Mau 1_Ly lich khoa hoc cua Chuyen gia KHCN_Tieng Viet Dang Thi Tam Ngoc

Microsoft Word - Mau 1_Ly lich khoa hoc cua Chuyen gia KHCN_Tieng Viet Dang Thi Tam Ngoc LÝ LỊCH KHOA HỌC CHUYÊN GIA KHOA HỌC VÀ CÔNG NGHỆ. Họ và tên: Đặng Thị Tâm Ngọc. Năm sinh: 977 3. Nam/Nữ: Nữ 4. Học hàm: Học vị: Thạc sĩ Năm được phong: Năm đạt học vị: 007 5. Lĩnh vực nghiên cứu trong

Chi tiết hơn

g~j ms e`bkxj Z_ Avcbv `i m`q AeMwZi Rb Rvbv bv hv Q h, A` gvp 15, 2016 Bs ZvwiL ivr eyaevi, wekvj 4.30 Uv _ K 6.00 Uv ch ší wgdpzqvj Uªv e vs Ki K c

g~j ms e`bkxj Z_ Avcbv `i m`q AeMwZi Rb Rvbv bv hv Q h, A` gvp 15, 2016 Bs ZvwiL ivr eyaevi, wekvj 4.30 Uv _ K 6.00 Uv ch ší wgdpzqvj Uªv e vs Ki K c g~j ms e`bkxj Z_ Avcbv `i m`q AeMwZi Rb Rvbv bv hv Q h, A` gvp 15, 2016 Bs ZvwiL ivr eyaevi, wekvj 4.30 Uv _ K 6.00 Uv ch ší wgdpzqvj Uªv e vs Ki K c v iu nw Awdm, evw i g, mvb dvi ( j fj 5), GgwUwe m

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TZ.dvi J. Sys. Sci. & Math. Scis. 36(9) (2016, 9), 1468 1475 À Ú Ø Ü Ú Â Ò Î È Ë Ð Ð ( Å Õ, 100876) Đ ( ³ Å ÉÜÒ, 100083) ÙÕ ÊË ½, ÆÖ Ä Ä Õ» Ê Û» Ê Â ¼Ð. ÆÖ Ä Ø Ü É, Ðà ² Í. Ý Ä Õ» Ê Û» Ê Â ½, µ ² ², ² µû. ÓÌ

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PowerPoint Presentation

PowerPoint Presentation Dự Án Công Nghệ Nuôi Tôm EA GA RAS Welcome TÔM SẠCH KHÔNG THUỐC KHÔNG HÓA CHẤT SẢN LƯỢNG ỔN ĐỊNH T: +84 4 6291 4728 visit us at F: +84 8 6291 4729 Vấn Đề Các phương pháp nuôi tôm hiện tại

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ST Corporate Training Brochure-Viet-2018

ST Corporate Training Brochure-Viet-2018 CHƯƠNG TRÌNH ĐÀO TẠO NGẮN HẠN KẾ TOÁN - TÀI CHÍNH - KIỂM TOÁN ĐÀO TẠO CHUYÊN SÂU VỀ KẾ TOÁN TÀI CHÍNH - KIỂM TOÁN GIỚI THIỆU SMART TRAIN Smart Train là một tổ chức đào tạo hàng đầu tại Việt Nam chuyên

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Microsoft Word - Dao tao BPM Ver 2.doc

Microsoft Word - Dao tao BPM Ver 2.doc QUẢN LÝ QUY TRÌNH KINH DOANH Từ thực tiễn đến công tác giảng dạy và đào tạo Phan Thanh Đức Học viện Ngân hàng Hoàn thiện các chương trình đào tạo chuyên ngành là hoạt động thường xuyên liên tục trong các

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International HR Management Quản Trị Nhân Sự Quốc Tế Chương trình đào tạo đẳng cấp thế giới của Hiệp hội Quản trị Nhân sự Hoa Kỳ (SHRM) - Tổ chức lớn

International HR Management Quản Trị Nhân Sự Quốc Tế Chương trình đào tạo đẳng cấp thế giới của Hiệp hội Quản trị Nhân sự Hoa Kỳ (SHRM) - Tổ chức lớn International HR Management Quản Trị Nhân Sự Quốc Tế Chương trình đào tạo đẳng cấp thế giới của Hiệp hội Quản trị Nhân sự Hoa Kỳ (SHRM) - Tổ chức lớn nhất và có tầm ảnh hưởng nhất thế giới dành cho những

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LUKSOOT2 262 âπ ß Ÿà ± μ ß â ßÀ Ÿμ «ß» μ å æ ËÕ æ π ª μ ËÕÀ Ÿμ ËÕ ËÕ Õ ß ƒ ËÕª ËÕ μá ËÕ àõ ËÕ μá Õ ß ƒ ËÕ àõ Õ ß ƒ» ª» μ ± μ «ß» μ å æ ËÕ æ π Bachelor of Arts Program in Social Sciences for Development» ª» μ ±

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ISSN Tröôøng Ñaïi hoïc Caàn Thô Journal of Science, Can Tho University Säú 42d (2016) Volume 42d (2016)

ISSN Tröôøng Ñaïi hoïc Caàn Thô Journal of Science, Can Tho University Säú 42d (2016) Volume 42d (2016) Tröôøng Ñaïi hoïc Caàn Thô Säú 42d (2016) Volume 42d (2016) Tạp chí Khoa học Trường Đại học Cần Thơ Số: 42d (Volume 42d) (2016) Tổng Biên tập (Editor-in-Chief) PGS. TS. Hà Thanh Toàn Phó Tổng Biên tập

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CỘNG HÒA XÃ HỘI CHỦ NGHĨA VIỆT NAM Độc lập Tự do Hạnh phúc ---o0o--- Số: 98-19/BCQT- ĐT Tp.HCM, ngày 27 tháng 07 năm 2019 BÁO CÁO TÌNH HÌNH QUẢN TRỊ C

CỘNG HÒA XÃ HỘI CHỦ NGHĨA VIỆT NAM Độc lập Tự do Hạnh phúc ---o0o--- Số: 98-19/BCQT- ĐT Tp.HCM, ngày 27 tháng 07 năm 2019 BÁO CÁO TÌNH HÌNH QUẢN TRỊ C CỘNG HÒA XÃ HỘI CHỦ NGHĨA VIỆT NAM Độc lập Tự do Hạnh phúc ---o0o--- Số: 98-19/BCQT- ĐT Tp.HCM, ngày 27 tháng 07 năm 2019 BÁO CÁO TÌNH HÌNH QUẢN TRỊ CÔNG TY 6 THÁNG ĐẦU NĂM 2019 Kính gửi: - Ủy ban chứng

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ĐẠI HỌC QUỐC GIA HÀ NỘI CHƯƠNG TRÌNH ĐÀO TẠO CHUẨN TRÌNH ĐỘ ĐẠI HỌC Ngành: Ngôn ngữ Pháp Mã số: 52220203 (Ban hành theo Quyết định số 3605/QĐ-ĐHQGHN, ngày 30 tháng 9 năm 2015 của Giám đốc Đại học Quốc gia Hà Nội) PHẦN I: GIỚI

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PHẦN III. NỘI DUNG CHƯƠNG TRÌNH ĐÀO TẠO 1. Tóm tắt yêu cầu chương trình đào tạo Tổng số tín chỉ của chương trình đào tạo: Khối kiến thức chung 158 tín

PHẦN III. NỘI DUNG CHƯƠNG TRÌNH ĐÀO TẠO 1. Tóm tắt yêu cầu chương trình đào tạo Tổng số tín chỉ của chương trình đào tạo: Khối kiến thức chung 158 tín PHẦN III. NỘI DUNG CHƯƠNG TRÌNH ĐÀO TẠO 1. Tóm tắt yêu cầu chương trình đào tạo Tổng số tín của chương trình đào tạo: Khối kiến thức chung 158 tín 34 tín (chưa tính Giáo dục thể chất, Giáo dục Quốc phòng

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ĐẠI HỌC QUỐC GIA HÀ NỘI KHOA QUẢN TRỊ VÀ KINH DOANH =======0======= LÝ LỊCH KHOA HỌC PHẠM VĂN HỒNG ĐẠI HỌC QUỐC GIA HÀ NỘI KHOA QUẢN TRỊ VÀ KINH DOANH =======0======= LÝ LỊCH KHOA HỌC PHẠM VĂN HỒNG --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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Av`gRx K v Ub g U cvewjk zj XvKv mbvwbevm QvÎ fwz wkÿvel 1g köwy mvÿvzkvi MÖn Yi mgq wb œewy Z KvMRcÎ mv _ Avb Z n e : * Rb mb` c Îi g~j Kwc *

Av`gRx K v Ub g U cvewjk zj XvKv mbvwbevm QvÎ fwz wkÿvel 1g köwy mvÿvzkvi MÖn Yi mgq wb œewy Z KvMRcÎ mv _ Avb Z n e : * Rb mb` c Îi g~j Kwc * Av`gRx K v Ub g U cvewjk zj XvKv mbvwbevm 1g köwy mvÿvzkvi MÖn Yi wb œewy Z KvMRcÎ mv _ Avb Z n e : * Rb mb` c Îi g~j Kwc * wczv/gvzvi RvZxq cwipqc Îi d UvKwc * mvgwik PvKzixiZ A_ev cöwziÿvlv Z ezbfy³

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Microsoft Word - Bai 3. Quach Manh Hao.doc

Microsoft Word - Bai 3. Quach Manh Hao.doc Tạp chí Khoa học ĐHQGHN, Kinh tế và Kinh doanh 28 (2012) 23 28 Những điểm yếu của hệ thống ngân hàng Việt Nam hiện nay (1) TS. Quách Mạnh Hào * Khoa Tài chính - Ngân hàng, Trường Đại học Kinh tế, Đại học

Chi tiết hơn

wk v I M elyv Bbw wudu XvKv wek we` vjq Gg.GW (mvü ) Kvh µg: wk ve l i fwz wb ` wkkv wk vq wwwmömn ( Having Degree in Education) K. wegw (m

wk v I M elyv Bbw wudu XvKv wek we` vjq Gg.GW (mvü ) Kvh µg: wk ve l i fwz wb ` wkkv wk vq wwwmömn ( Having Degree in Education) K. wegw (m wk v I M elyv Bbw wudu XvKv wek we` vjq Gg.GW (mvü ) Kvh µg: 2016-2017 wk ve l i fwz wb ` wkkv wk vq wwwmömn ( Having Degree in Education) K. wegw (m vb)/ wegw ev mgzzj wwwmö cövß A_ev 2017 mv j D³ cix

Chi tiết hơn


management*** Z_ I hvmv hvm cöhyw³ e envwik welq : WUv er g v br g U wm g cöwz e`b-1 t WUv e R cö ek Kiv, Uwej I wdì Zwi Kiv ZË t GKwU WUv e R GKvwaK WUv Uwej _v K WUv Uwe j wewfbœ wd ìi Aax b GKB ai bi WUv _v K WUv

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Executive Summary

Executive Summary Gwe G vcv ijm wj. 225, wmovbi ivw, ngv qzcyi, mvfvi, evsjv `k (23.791290, 90.265415) 9B b f ^i, 2016 ch eÿymg~n 2 2 g~j Drcv`b feb 3 3 fe b D PPvc m úbœ Kjvgmg~n 4 4 D PPvc m úbœ Kjvgmg~n wwrvb b wbav

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Slide 1

Slide 1 1 G v g wbwus G vû WvBwqs BÛvw ªR wj. (BDwbU 2) mywdqv cøvrv, 327/3/we-wm, `wÿy hvîvevwo, XvKv-1204, evsjv `k (23.708897, 90.437078) 12B Ryb, 2014 2 ch eÿymg~n 3 Kswµ Ui Kjvgmg~ n AZ wak Pvc N Kjvgmg~

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BIA CHINH PHAN D.cdr ISSN 1859-2333 Tröôøng Ñaïi hoïc Caàn Thô Can Tho University Journal of Science Tập 5 0d (2017) Volume 5 0d (2017) Tạp chí khoa học Can Tho University Journal of Science Phần D: Kinh tế và Pháp luật Part

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`icî bs-xvkwcwc/wbjvg/07/ggwu/wrgmb/ ZvwiLt 19/02/2015 wlªt `icî eü ZvwiLt 25/03/2015 wlªt `icî eü t 113 welqt - 09wU g~j wmwwdj MÖæc-ÒGÓ Lot N

`icî bs-xvkwcwc/wbjvg/07/ggwu/wrgmb/ ZvwiLt 19/02/2015 wlªt `icî eü ZvwiLt 25/03/2015 wlªt `icî eü t 113 welqt - 09wU g~j wmwwdj MÖæc-ÒGÓ Lot N welqt - 09wU g~j wmwwdj MÖæc-ÒGÓ Lot Name of Vehicles Registration No. Qty. Chassis No. Engine No. YOM Location Quoted Price (TK.) Quoted Price in Word (Tk.) 01 Nissan Sunny DAC-MET-KA-03-6021 01 EA BAAB-13-510912

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LÝ LỊCH KHOA HỌC I. LÝ LỊCH SƠ LƢỢC Họ và tên: TRỊNH TRỌNG CHƢỞNG Ngày, tháng, năm sinh: 21/11/1976 Quê quán: Tp. Hải Dương, Hải Dương Giới tính: Nam

LÝ LỊCH KHOA HỌC I. LÝ LỊCH SƠ LƢỢC Họ và tên: TRỊNH TRỌNG CHƢỞNG Ngày, tháng, năm sinh: 21/11/1976 Quê quán: Tp. Hải Dương, Hải Dương Giới tính: Nam LÝ LỊCH KHOA HỌC I. LÝ LỊCH SƠ LƢỢC Họ và tên: TRỊNH TRỌNG CHƢỞNG Ngày, tháng, năm sinh: 21/11/1976 Quê quán: Tp. Hải Dương, Hải Dương Giới tính: Nam Nơi sinh: Hải Dƣơng Dân tộc: Kinh Học vị cao nhất:

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FIG Working Week 2019

FIG Working Week 2019 Vietnam National Land Information System in e-government Architecture Phong, Dinh Hong General Department of Land administration MONRE egoverment of Vietnam Government Resolution No 36a/2015 on e-government

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Capital market investment Reporting.xls

Capital market investment  Reporting.xls evsjv `k e vsk cöavb Kvh vjq WvKev bs 325 XvKv wwcvu g U Ae AdmvBU mycviwfkb 13 dvêyb, 1420 e½vã wwigm mvky jvi juvi bs07 ZvwiLt 25 deªæqvwi, 2014 Lªxóvã cöavb wbe vnx evsjv ` k Kvh

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wi UBjv ii Rb KiYxq t eiv K Z UwjUK b ^i _ K wej cwi kv ai Rb wi UBjvi wb Ri A vkvd U iwr óªkb Ki eb wi UBjvi I wwjvi iwr óªk bi wbqgvejx t g mr Ack b

wi UBjv ii Rb KiYxq t eiv K Z UwjUK b ^i _ K wej cwi kv ai Rb wi UBjvi wb Ri A vkvd U iwr óªkb Ki eb wi UBjvi I wwjvi iwr óªk bi wbqgvejx t g mr Ack b wi UBjv ii Rb KiYxq t eiv K Z UwjUK b ^i _ K wej cwi kv ai Rb wi UBjvi wb Ri A vkvd U iwr óªkb Ki eb wi UBjvi I wwjvi iwr óªk bi wbqgvejx t g mr Ack b wm q Regr wj L 727 b ^ i cvvv Z n e (SMS charge Free)

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Microsoft Word - TT HV_NguyenThiThom_K18.doc

Microsoft Word - TT HV_NguyenThiThom_K18.doc THÔNG TIN VỀ LUẬN VĂN THẠC SĨ 1. Họ và tên học viên: Nguyễn Thị Thơm 2. Giới tính: Nữ 3. Ngày sinh: 26 6-1986 4. Nơi sinh: Ý Yên Nam Định 5. Quyết định công nhận học viên số:, ngày tháng năm 6. Các thay

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TalentAcquisitionExecutiveBCC SPECIALIST TALENT ACQUISITION EXECUTIVE Trang bị những kiến thực chuyên sâu trong việc thu hút và quản trị nhân tài ở một tầm cao mới! 0917 448 068 Kính thưa Quý Học

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Microsoft Word - Pham Van Tuan - LLKH. FINAL doc


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THE WORLD BANK DỰ ÁN THỦY ĐIỆN TRUNG SƠN Đáp ứng nhu cầu năng lượng ngày càng tăng Ảnh: Ngân hàng Thế giới

THE WORLD BANK DỰ ÁN THỦY ĐIỆN TRUNG SƠN Đáp ứng nhu cầu năng lượng ngày càng tăng Ảnh: Ngân hàng Thế giới DỰ ÁN THỦY ĐIỆN TRUNG SƠN Đáp ứng nhu cầu năng lượng ngày càng tăng Ảnh: Ngân hàng Thế giới 1 Ảnh: Mai Kỳ/ Ngân hàng Thế giới, 2012 KHÁI QUÁT Thủy điện Trung Sơn là một dự án thủy điện quy mô trung bình

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Draft 1

Draft 1 Giới thiệu về IELP IELP là một phần của Portland State University (Đại Học Tiểu Bang Portland), một trường đại học định hướng cộng đồng với tập thể sinh viên và giảng viên đa văn hóa. IELP mang lại cho

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Translation and Cross-Cultural Adaptation of the Vietnamese Version of the Hip Dysfunction and Osteoarthritis Outcome Score (HOOS) Adams CL 1, Leung A

Translation and Cross-Cultural Adaptation of the Vietnamese Version of the Hip Dysfunction and Osteoarthritis Outcome Score (HOOS) Adams CL 1, Leung A Translation and Cross-Cultural Adaptation of the Vietnamese Version of the Hip Dysfunction and Osteoarthritis Outcome Score (HOOS) Adams CL 1, Leung A 1,2,3, Lim KK 2,3,4 1 Department of General Medicine,

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Giải khuyến khích CIF Tên công ty Trung tâm SME QUANG DAI COMPANY LIMITED VN DONG DO MTV CN LICOGI SO 1 VN0 Giải khuyến khích CIF Tên công ty Trung tâm SME 000000020 2655742 QUANG DAI COMPANY LIMITED VN0010219 DONG DO 000000023 2609424 MTV CN LICOGI SO 1 VN0010328 TTGD HOI SO 000000028 2607476 CT TNHH TM VA

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J. Sci. & Devel. 2014, Vol. 12, No. 8: Tạp chí Khoa học và Phát triển 2014, tập 12, số 8: THỰC TRẠNG CÔNG TÁC GIÁO

J. Sci. & Devel. 2014, Vol. 12, No. 8: Tạp chí Khoa học và Phát triển 2014, tập 12, số 8: THỰC TRẠNG CÔNG TÁC GIÁO J. Sci. & Devel. 2014, Vol. 12, No. 8: 1351-1360 Tạp chí Khoa học và Phát triển 2014, tập 12, số 8: 1351-1360 THỰC TRẠNG CÔNG TÁC GIÁO DỤC THỂ CHẤT Ở HỌC VIỆN NÔNG NGHIỆP VIỆT NAM Nguyễn

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Microsoft Word - 03-KTXH-NGUYEN QUOC NGHI( )027

Microsoft Word - 03-KTXH-NGUYEN QUOC NGHI( )027 DOI:10.22144/ctu.jvn.2019.027 GIẢI PHÁP HOÀN THIỆN CHUỖI GIÁ TRỊ LÚA GẠO HUYỆN PHONG ĐIỀN, THÀNH PHỐ CẦN THƠ Nguyễn Quốc Nghi Khoa Kinh tế, Trường Đại học Cần Thơ *Người chịu trách nhiệm về bài viết: Nguyễn

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Financial Statement (July June 2015)

Financial Statement (July June 2015) Financial Statement (July 2014 - June 2015) Financial Statement (July 2014 - June 2015) Báo Cáo Tài Chánh (Tháng Bảy 2014 Tháng Sáu 2015) Thu Nhập (7/2014 6/2015) Thu Nhập Từ Quyên Góp Trong Các Thánh

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TIÕP CËN HÖ THèNG TRONG Tæ CHøC L•NH THæ Tạp chí Khoa học ĐHQGHN, Luật học 26 (2010) 200-205 Ti nh kha ch quan cu a vai tro chińh phu trong quy triǹh lâ p pha p Trâ n Quô c Biǹh ** Đại học Quốc gia Hà Nội, 144 Xuân Thủy, Cầu Giấy, Hà Nội, Việt

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Slide 1

Slide 1 1 Pwi Bw U gu wjwg UW cøu bs 105, XvKv G cvu c«mwms Rvb, MbKevox, Avïwjqv, mvfvi, XvKv evsjv `k (23.952002D, 90.266265c~) 4 g 2014 2 Kjv g Pv ci gvîv 3 Kjv gi Dci Z` ší cv_ ii wgk«bi Dcw wz cviqv M Q d

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THỰC HỌC vì DOANH TRÍ THỰC HỌC vì DOANH TRÍ - Khởi đầu cho thế hệ CPO mới - Đưa những công nghệ quản lý sản xuất tiên tiến nhất và hiệu quả nhất của các tập đoàn hàng đầu thế giới vào doanh nghiệp của mình (bất kể là doanh

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SUMMER COURSE FEES SUMMER 2019 Biểu phí Khóa Hè 2019 AGE GROUP Nhóm tuổi HALF DAY Nửa ngày TRIAL CLASS (2 weeks) Lớp học thử (2Tuần) FULL DAY Cả ngày

SUMMER COURSE FEES SUMMER 2019 Biểu phí Khóa Hè 2019 AGE GROUP Nhóm tuổi HALF DAY Nửa ngày TRIAL CLASS (2 weeks) Lớp học thử (2Tuần) FULL DAY Cả ngày SUMMER COURSE FEES SUMMER 2019 Biểu phí Khóa Hè 2019 AGE Nhóm tuổi HALF DAY Nửa ngày TRIAL CLASS (2 weeks) Lớp học thử (2Tuần) FULL DAY Cả ngày Currency: VND/ Đơn vị tính: ngàn đồng TUITION FEE Học Phí

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(Microsoft Word NIS Quarterly Progress Report of Prime Bank Limited _April \226 June, 2017_)

(Microsoft Word NIS Quarterly Progress Report of Prime Bank Limited _April \226 June, 2017_) 1. cövwzôvwbk e e v 1.1 ˆbwZKZv KwgwU MVb bwzkzv KwgwU MwVZ ZvwiL 24/10/2 3 KZ cÿ KwgwUi mfvcwz, dvkvj c q U Ges m`m e `t 1 Rbve nvweeyi ingvb, wwggww, wmiavbwmwm GÛ wrwe (KwgwUi mfvcwz) 2 Rbve wrqvdi

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ST ST.JOSEPH S COLLEGE (AUTONOMOUS), TIRUCHIRAPPALLI 620002 DEPARTMENT OF TAMIL STAFF PROFILE S.BACKYA SELVA RATHI Assistant Professor in Tamil Department of Tamil St.Joseph s College (Autonomous), Tiruchirappalli

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BIA CHINH PHAN C.cdr ISSN 1859-2333 Tröôøng Ñaïi hoïc Caàn Thô Can Tho University Journal of Science Tập 48c (2017) Volume 48c (2017) Tạp chí khoa học Can Tho University Journal of Science Phần C: Khoa học Xã hội, Nhân văn

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THỰC HỌC vì DOANH TRÍ THỰC HỌC vì DOANH TRÍ - Khởi đầu cho thế hệ CCO mới - Chương trình này được triển khai nhằm Góp phần xây dựng một lực lượng phát triển kinh doanh chuyên nghiệp cho cộng đồng doanh nghiệp đang hoạt động

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Photographing, Filming and Recording students at Abbotsford Primary School Annual Consent Form and Collection Notice During the school year there are

Photographing, Filming and Recording students at Abbotsford Primary School Annual Consent Form and Collection Notice During the school year there are Photographing, Filming and Recording students at Abbotsford Primary School Annual Consent Form and Collection Notice During the school year there are many occasions and events where staff may photograph,

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Trường Trung Học Segerstrom Phiếu Báo Cáo Trách Nhiệm Giải Trình của Trường Học Báo Cáo a Tr n iệu t N m Học 14 Công Bố trong N m Học 4 15 ô School Ac

Trường Trung Học Segerstrom Phiếu Báo Cáo Trách Nhiệm Giải Trình của Trường Học Báo Cáo a Tr n iệu t N m Học 14 Công Bố trong N m Học 4 15 ô School Ac Trường Trung Học Segerstrom Phiếu Báo Cáo Trách Nhiệm Giải Trình của Trường Học Báo Cáo a Tr n iệu t N m Học 14 Công Bố trong N m Học 4 15 ô School Accountability Report Card - SAR ) ộ ấ và ày 1 à ă. SAR

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CANTONMENT PUBLIC SCHOOL & COLLEGE SYLLABUS-2019 CLASS: II (ENGLISH VERSION) Name of Books Publisher Writer Avgvi evsjv eb (2q fvm) NCTB English For T

CANTONMENT PUBLIC SCHOOL & COLLEGE SYLLABUS-2019 CLASS: II (ENGLISH VERSION) Name of Books Publisher Writer Avgvi evsjv eb (2q fvm) NCTB English For T CANTONMENT PUBLIC SCHOOL & COLLEGE SYLLABUS-2019 CLASS: II (ENGLISH VERSION) Name of Books Publisher Writer Avgvi evsjv eb (2q fvm) NCTB English For Today Book-2 NCTB Elementary Mathematics NCTB Esho Chobi

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gvbbxq msm` m`m e ` `i Rb ev RU we køly I cwiexÿy bvu-1 ev RU Bbdi gkb ní W : cökvkkvj: Ryb, 2018 ev RU ch v jvpbv: K wl evsjv `k g~jz GKwU K

gvbbxq msm` m`m e ` `i Rb ev RU we køly I cwiexÿy bvu-1 ev RU Bbdi gkb ní W : cökvkkvj: Ryb, 2018 ev RU ch v jvpbv: K wl evsjv `k g~jz GKwU K gvbbxq msm` m`m e ` `i Rb ev RU we køly I cwiexÿy bvu-1 ev RU Bbdi gkb ní W : 2018-19 cökvkkvj: Ryb, 2018 ev RU ch v jvpbv: K wl evsjv `k g~jz GKwU K wlwbf i `k Ges K wl LvZ GB ` ki Dbœq b AZ ší iæz c~y

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